The Dickinson Bayou Watershed Partnership is a local stakeholder group working to improve the water quality in Dickinson Bayou.
Mission: To protect, preserve, and restore the quality of the Dickinson Bayou Watershed and its communities.
What’s New?
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality released the approved July 2016 Water Quality Management Plan update. This Plan added three Assessment Units in the Dickinson Bayou Watershed (Dickinson Bayou Tidal, Gum Bayou, and Cedar Creek) to the already existing Dickinson Bayou Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load.
The entire proposed plan can be found here. Appendix III explains the specifics for Dickinson Bayou.
Dickinson Bayou Wetland Restoration Project
Check out the Texas Parks and Wildlife Marsh Restoration Project on Dickinson Bayou.
Download the Dickinson Bayou Bacteria Implementation Plan here.
Check out the Dickinson Bayou Bacteria Implementation Plan summary fact-sheet here.
For more information about the Bacteria TMDL project or to receive a copy of the TMDL document go here.