What is a Bacteria Implementation Plan (I-Plan)?
A document, created by stakeholders, that outlines actions necessary to improve water quality based on an approved Bacteria TMDL document. I-Plans have a regulatory component enforceable by state, federal and local agencies responsible for managing natural resources.
How is an Implementation Plan (I-Plan) different from a Watershed Protection Plan (WPP)?
A WPP focuses on the bigger picture of the watershed and can outline preventative or remedial actions necessary to improve the overall water quality. WPPs can use TDMLs or any other measurable goal to improve overall water quality.
A Bacteria I-Plan focuses on the most probable sources of impairment related only to bacteria levels. Bacteria I-Plans are created in reponse to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and outline remedial actions for impaired waters.
Why does Dickinson Bayou need a Bacteria Implementation Plan?
Dickinson Bayou needs a Bacteria I-Plan because bacteria levels are not meeting the state’s standards for contact recreation and remedial actions are needed to improve water quality.
Future of the WPP
The WPP is a living document that will be changed and updated to meet the needs of the community and addresses both short and long term goals aimed towards improving water quality in Dickinson Bayou. As the Bacteria I-Plan is developed the Dickinson Bayou Watershed Protection Plan will be revised and updated with the most current information.
Bacteria Workgroup Organization
Click here to see the organization structure of the Bacteria Workgroup and Bacteria Interest Areas.
Bacteria Implementation Fact Sheet
Key Management Strategies of the Dickinson Bayou I Plan