Requirements to be certified:
- Attend a Prescribed Burning Board approved training course taught by a Lead Instructor.
- Must carry or be covered by $1 million of liability insurance coverage for each occurrence of bodily injury to or destruction of property and with a policy period minimum aggregate limit of at least $2 million.
- Have at least three years of prescribed burning in a particular region and have 30 days of prescribed burning with 5 days as the individual responsible for all aspects of a prescribed burn.
- Submit an application with applicable fees.
Requirements to conduct a prescribed burn:
- A written burn plan must be completed prior to the burn.
- Follow TCEQ regulations.
- Have adequate personnel on site during the burn.
- Contact County Sheriff’s Office prior to and following the burn.
- Written permission must be obtained from occupants or operators of sensitive receptors prior to the burn.
Requirements for a Certified Prescribed Burn Manager (Commercial or Private) to conduct a burn during a county burn ban.
- All TCEQ state and local requirements for open burning shall apply at all times.
- No burning if a Governor’s and/or Presidential Declaration of Emergency or Disaster for fire expressly prohibits ALL burning.
- The county commissioners’ courts, county judge or designee must be notified in writing of the location where the prescribed burn is to take place prior to the burn. You must include name, address, and emergency contact telephone numbers for CPBM.
- The county sheriff’s office, TCEQ and Texas Forest Service (TFS) regional fire coordinator must be notified prior to and when the burn is complete.
- All necessary fire suppression entities serving the area must be notified prior to the burn and when the burn is complete.
- The Prescribed Burning Board “Burn/Do Not Burn” checklist must be adhered to during a county burn ban.
Be sure you have read and observed all rules by TCEQ, Natural Resources Code, and Local Government Code.
Severe fines exist for failure to follow the requirements for conducting a prescribed burn and can be levied by either TCEQ or the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).