Texas 4-H Roundup is held annually in College Station on the campus of Texas A&M University. Texas 4-H Roundup is a qualifying and invitational event for youth between the ages of 11 and 18 that have successfully placed in a qualifying event at the district level or signed up to compete in an invitational event at the state level. Texas 4-H Roundup includes approximately 50 different contests and workshops that test 4-H members on life skills in such attributes are decision making, public speaking, organization, and working with others. These contests include such things as Fashion Show, Food Show, an assortment of judging contests, and educational presentations.
County Roundup is a practice for the district competition. and district Roundup’s are open to all of 4-H members can participate in county and district Roundup. Only senior 4-H members, in grades 6-12, may advance to state Roundup, with the exception of Roundup invitational contests. Invitational contests are open to intermediates and seniors.
There are 4 levels to Roundup: County, District, State and, in some contests, National. Each level has additional contests added to it. There are 4 different types of contests: Share-the-Fun, Educational Presentations, Public Speaking and Quiz Bowl, plus several new invitational (non-qualifying) contests.
Share-the-Fun is a performance, similar to a talent show. The categories include Poetry/Prose, Vocal, Musical, Band, Choreographed Routine and Celebrate 4-H for individuals or teams up to nine members. Your imagination is the limit.
Educational Presentations are planned, up to 12 minute, presentations by individuals or teams of up to five 4-H members that teach information related to a project or activity through illustrated talk, method demonstration or speech, using props and visuals.
Public Speaking is a 5 to 7 minute talk suitable as a platform speech or radio broadcast. Props and visual aids are not permitted. Topics are open to anything, such as the meaning of the 4-H Pledge, gun control, prayer in schools, etc.
Beef Bowl, Horse Bowl and Food & Nutrition are quiz bowl contests at the district and state levels, covering information within the subject area. Teams of 4 compete against each other in a round contest with buzzers. First round is individual questions for each member. Second round is toss up questions and any of the 8 contestants can buzz in.
County 4-H Roundup
Location: County Extension Office
District 4-H Roundup
Location: Lone Star College- The Woodlands
State 4-H Roundup
Location: Texas A&M University
Invitational Contests
Invitational contests are open to all Intermediate and Senior aged 4-H’ers. Members do need to register for the contest via 4-H Connect by the appropriate deadline, but they do not need to qualify in a prior contest to participate. Read on for descriptions of the invitational contests.
4-K for 4-H Walk and Run
Youth, volunteers, parents and County Extension Agents will have the opportunity to participate in the 4-K for 4-H Walk and Run. Held on Texas Tech University’s campus, this event will give participants the opportunity to promote living a healthy lifestyle and participate in a physical activity while away from home.
Discovering the Scientific Method: Science, Engineering and Technology Poster Contest
The Discover Scientific Method Research Poster Contest is designed to help youth identify a question or problem, then focus learning and solving the problem using the scientific method.
The research poster contest affords youth the opportunity to showcase their accomplishments. Judging will be based on the interest and understanding of the research layout which should include a good combination of text, graphics, and photos. Along with the poster display, the contestant(s) will give a two-minute overview, have an interview with questions, and develop a project notebook, which will relate the work conducted on the research topic. Youth may work individually or in groups of two.
Also, each Senior Division Category winner will receive a $1,500 Scholarship!
Healthy Lifestyles Invitational
The 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Invitational provides youth in the intermediate and senior age divisions the opportunity to participate in a competitive event and utilize the knowledge and skills gained through participation in 4-H healthy lifestyles programs. With a set-up similar to the Consumer Decision Making Contest, the healthy lifestyles invitational consists of two parts: (1) Judging – participants will be presented with a scenario and must individually rank the four products/choices based upon the situation at-hand; (2) Presentation – teams are presented with a scenario and must work together within a given amount of time to analyze the situation, develop a solution and make a team presentation to a panel of judges.
Healthy Lifestyle Sweepstakes
The 4-H Healthy Lifestyles Sweepstakes provides an opportunity for youth, volunteers and County Extension Agents interested an opportunity to work together for additional recognition at Texas 4-H Roundup. Points for participation, and additional points for contest placing, will be given for each healthy lifestyles related contest. The county with the most points will be awarded the Healthy Lifestyles Sweepstakes!
Meat Judging and Identification Contest and Workshop
This contest will give youth the opportunity to further their knowledge and skills when evaluating meat through a workshop/practicum setting. Meat judging and identification is the evaluation and selection of meat cuts from the beef, swine and sheep species
Poultry Judging Contest and Workshop
Teams of 3 or 4 4-H members will be judging nine classes:
- Eight 6 to 12 week old broiler breeders meat-type cockerels or pullets for broiler breeder selection
- Four post production egg-type hens for placing
- Ten ready-to-cook broiler carcasses graded according to USDA grading standards
- Four turkey carcasses for placing
- Ten chicken eggs for interior quality grading
- Ten shell eggs for exterior quality grading
- Evaluative criteria on aforementioned class
- Ten further processed meat products for evaluative criteria
- Ten carcass parts for identification
Quilt Challenge
The 4-H Quilt Challenge is a Clothing and Textiles community service project in which individuals, teams groups or clubs complete a quilt using the challenge fabric and donate it to a charity of their choice. Each team will be given a challenge fabric that must be incorporated into the quilt design. All quilts must have some sort of 4-H identification incorporated into their quilt top.
Recipe Rally
In the 4-H Recipe Rally, intermediate and senior 4-H members are challenged with selecting, creating, and/or altering a recipe and submitting a video, via YouTube. The video should highlight the 4-H member demonstrating the preparation of the recipe while also highlighting nutrients, food safety practices, serving size and cost analysis, as well as their inspiration for selection or creation of the recipe. The theme for the 2012 contest is “Summer Snacks.”
Swine Quiz Bowl
The Swine Quiz Bowl will be an opportunity for both intermediate and senior age 4-H’ers to compete in a game like atmosphere to show their knowledge in a team competition about the Swine industry.
Vet Science Skillathon
The Veterinary Science Skillathon is a competitive event designed to test the knowledge and skills that a 4-H member can gain through his or her involvement in a Veterinary Science project. There are several components to the contest. The Written Exam is to test the participant’s subject matter knowledge.
The Skills Exam tests the hands-on or experiential learning and is the largest component of the contest. The Quiz Round requires participants to think on their feet, as well as analyze risks as far as losing points for incorrect answers, and this part is generally the most fun for the participants. Finally, the Communication portion of the contest helps to develop public speaking skills.
Wildlife Challenge
The Wildlife Challenge covers material found within five 4-H Natural Resources projects; Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP), Hunting & Wildlife Discipline in Shooting Sports, Entomology, Forestry, and Sportfishing. Contestants will have the opportunity to explore all five of these projects while preparing for the contest.