Major Show Validation Tag Orders

Validation Tag Orders

Make sure to mark these dates on your calendars.

Swine and heifers have separate order forms, but lamb and goats are done on the same order form.

Place your orders for all tags through the species form. A confirmation email showing your exact order will be sent to the email you entered.

If you have already placed an order and need to add tags, submit another order on the google form. The google form will not let you remove tags, but if you ordered too many, give us a call and let us know.

**You will be responsible for what is ordered through your online form, no exceptions** 

*Please take care of any outstanding balances before placing a new order.

Heifer Validation 

Order Forms:  Heifer

initial orders due by: 03/20/2024
$30.00 per tag Late Orders: any order placed 3/21/2024 – 6/07/2024


Date: 6/25/2024         Time:      4:00-7:00pm         Location: Montgomery County Fairgrounds

Sign up here for a time: Montgomery Co. Tx Validation Committee: 2024 Summer State Heifer Validation (

If you have not validated your heifer before, or if the heifer has been validated but has changed ownership, registration papers must be in the exhibitor’s name.

If a heifer has been validated previously, unless something on her registration papers has changed, she does not need to be re-validated.

Sheep & Goat Validation   

Order Forms:

initial orders due by: 3/20/2024
$27.00 per tag
Late Orders: any order placed 3/21/2024-6/07/2024

Validation:  Montgomery Co. Tx Validation Committee: 2024 State Fair Lamb and Goat Validation (

Date:  6/20/2024           Time:             4:00-7:00pm         Location: Montgomery County Fairgrounds

Sign up here for a time:

Any member who would like to show a lamb or goat at the Major shows must complete the validation process, including ordering tags and coming to validation. TLBA tags must be in lambs Ears before it can be marked on the validation form.


Lambs and goats validated during the 2024 State Fair Validation Period will be eligible for 2025 Spring Major Shows. Market animals validated for State Fair will carryover for 2025 Spring Major Shows. This is true UNLESS ownership changes.

Swine Validation 

Order Form:   SWINE

$17 initial orders due by: 4/12/2024
$20 Late Orders: any order placed 4/13/2024- 5/24/2024


Date:  6/24/2024         Time:      4:00-7:00pm                 Location: Montgomery County Fairgrounds

Sign up here for a time: Montgomery Co. Tx Validation Committee: 2024 State Fair Swine Validation (

Any member who would like to show a pig at the State Fair of Texas must first complete the validation process, including ordering tags, coming to validation, and attending Fall show entry day.

Swine Classification Guidelines

Steer Validation

Order form:  Steer

$27 initial orders due by 3/20/2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           $30 Late Orders: 3/21/2024-6/07/2024

*6/24/2024 is the only steer validation for all major shows.

Sign up here for a time: Montgomery Co. Tx Validation Committee: 2024 State Steer Validation (

Steer Validation Change:

Texas Youth Livestock and Agriculture will be eliminating steer nose prints for the 2021-2022 steer validation season. This change is a positive step in the directions of enhanced accuracy and efficiency for steer validation. This change has been vetted and approved by the TCAAA Animal Industries Committee, the ATAT Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee, and our major livestock show partners.

The exclusion of nose prints from the validation process will allow for more in-depth and exact information related to confirming steer identity by relying largely on DNA tests. In previous years, we have run DNA comparisons on about 150-160 steers per year. Our current plan is to increase this testing volume to about 430 DNA comparisons each year. This more-than-double increase will allow for a more precise comparison for steer validation. Efficiency will also be increased at the time of validation as you all will not have to do the sometimes tedious and time-consuming process of taking nose prints. Due to increased DNA comparisons and associated costs, the price of steer validation will increase.






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