Publications by B. W. Auvermann

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Refereed Journal Articles


  1. Marek, G. W., P. H. Gowda, T. H. Marek, B. W. Auvermann, S. R. Evett, P. Colaizzi, and D. K. Brauer.  2016.  Estimating preseason irrigation losses by characterizing evaporation of effective precipitation under bare soil conditions using large weighing lysimeters.  Agricultural Water Management 169(1):115-128.  Marek et al. (2016)
  2. Todd, R. W., N. A. Cole, G. R. Hagevoort, K. D. Casey, and B. W. Auvermann.  2015.  Ammonia losses and nitrogen partitioning at a southern High Plains open lot dairy.  Atmospheric Environment 110(1):75-83.  Todd et al. (2015)
  3. O’Connor, A. M., B. W. Auvermann, J. P. T. Higgins, S. P. Kirychuk, J. M. Sergeant, S. G. Von Essen, J. M. Glanville, and H. Wood.  2014.  The association between proximity to animal-feeding operations and community health:  a protocol for updating a systematic review.  Systematic Reviews 3:99 (7 pp.).  O’Connor et al. (2014)
  4. Bush, K. J., K. R. Heflin, G. W. Marek, T. C. Bryant, and B. W. Auvermann.  2014.  Increasing stocking density reduces emissions of fugitive dust from cattle feedyards.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30(5):815-824.  Bush et al. (2014)
  5. Cottle, L. M., L. A. Baker, R. E. DeOtte, Jr., B. W. Auvermann, J. L. Pipkin, D. R. Topliff, and B. Blaser.  2013.  Composting carcass tissue in controlled composting columns.  Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 33(5):366.  (abstract)  Cottle et al. (2013)
  6. Sweeten, J. M., K. Heflin, B. W. Auvermann, K. Annamalai, and F. T. McCollum.  2013.  Combustion-fuel properties of manure or compost from paved or unpaved cattle feedlots as modified by annual precipitation.  Transactions of the ASABE 56(1):279-294.  Sweeten et al. (2013)
  7. Preece, S. L. M., B. W. Auvermann, J. C. MacDonald, and C. L. S. Morgan.  2012.  Predicting the heating value of manure with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy.  Fuel 106(1):712-717.  Preece et al. (2012)
  8. DeLaune, P. B., J. C. MacDonald, and B. W. Auvermann.  2012.  Manure and runoff water quality from feedlots as affected by diet and pen surface.  Transactions of the ASABE 55(6):2319-2324.  DeLaune et al. (2012)
  9. Buttrey, E. K., N. A. Cole, K. H. Jenkins, B. E. Clark, F. T. McCollum, S. L. Preece, B. W. Auvermann, K. R. Heflin, and J. C. MacDonald.  2012.  Effects of 20% corn wet distillers grains plus solubles in steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn-based finishing diets on heifer performance, carcass characteristics, and manure characteristics.  Journal of Animal Science 90(13):5086-5098.  Buttrey et al. (2012)
  10. Bonifacio, H., R. G. Maghirang, E. Razote, J. P. Murphy, J. P. Harner III, and B. W. Auvermann.  2012.  Particulate matter emission rates from beef cattle feedlots in Kansas ­ reverse dispersion modeling.  Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 62(3):350-361.  Bonifacio et al. (2012)
  11. Eigenberg, R. A., B. L. Woodbury, B. W. Auvermann, D. B. Parker, and M. J. Spiehs.  2012.  Energy and nutrient recovery from cattle feedlots.  ISRN Renewable Energy (doi: 10.5402/2012/723829).  Eigenberg et al. (2012)
  12. Hiranuma, N., S. D. Brooks, J. Gramann, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011.  High concentrations of coarse particles emitted from a cattle-feeding operation.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11(16):8809-8823.  Hiranuma et al. (2011)
  13. Sakirkin, S. L. P., C. L. S. Morgan, J. C. MacDonald, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011.  Effect of organic carbon source on the predictive ability of visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in characterizing solid cattle manure.  Applied Spectroscopy 65(9):1056-1061.  Sakirkin et al. (2011)
  14. Guo, L., R. G. Maghirang, E. B. Razote, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011.  Laboratory evaluation of the dust control effectiveness of pen surface treatments for cattle feedlots.  Journal of Environmental Quality 40(5):1503-1509.  Guo et al. (2011)
  15. Todd, R. W., N. A. Cole, K. D. Casey, R. Hagevoort, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011.  Methane emissions from southern High Plains dairy wastewater lagoons in the summer.  Animal Feed Science and Technology 167(1):575-580.  Todd et al. (2011)
  16. Vanderlick, F., R. McGee, C. B. Parnell, Jr., B. W. Auvermann, B. Lambeth, S. Skloss, and D. Roark.  2011.  Comparison of TEOM and gravimetric methods of measuring PM concentrations.  Journal of Natural and Environmental Sciences 2(1):19-24.  NOT AVAILABLE
  17. Bonifacio, H., R. G. Maghirang, E. B. Razote, B. W. Auvermann, J. P. Harner III, J. P Murphy, L. Guo, J. M. Sweeten, and W. L. Hargrove.  2011.  Particulate control efficiency of a water sprinkler system at a beef cattle feedlot in Kansas.  Transactions of the ASABE 54(1):295-304.  Bonifacio et al. (2011)
  18. Rhoades, M., D. B. Parker, R. Todd, N. A. Cole, E. Caraway, B. W. Auvermann, D. R. Topliff, and G. L. Schuster.  2010.  Continuous ammonia emission measurements from a commercial beef feedyard in Texas.  Transactions of the ASABE 53(6):1823-1831.  Rhoades et al. (2010)
  19. Sakirkin, S. L. P., B. W. Auvermann, and C. L. S. Morgan.  2010.  Effect of sample pre-processing and data post-processing methods on the determination of ash content in solid cattle manure with visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.  Transactions of the ASABE 53(2):421-428.  Sakirkin et al. (2010)
  20. O’Connor, A. M., B. W. Auvermann, D. Bickett-Weddle, S. Kirkhorn, J. M. Sargeant, A. Ramirez, and S. G. Von Essen.  2009.  The association between proximity to animal feeding operations and health outcomes in community members:  a systematic review approach to evaluating the evidence.  PLoS ONE 5(3): e9530. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009530.  O’Connor et al. (2009)
  21. Hiranuma, N., S. D. Brooks, D. C. O. Thornton, and B. W. Auvermann.  2009.  Atmospheric ammonia mixing ratios at an open-air cattle feeding facility.  Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 60(2):210-218.  Hiranuma et al. (2010)
  22. Preece, S. L., C. L. S. Morgan, B. W. Auvermann, K. Wilke, and K. Heflin.  2009.  Determination of ash content in solid cattle manure with visible near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy.  Transactions of the ASABE 52(2):609-614.  Preece et al. (2009)
  23. Upadhyay, J. K., B. W. Auvermann, A. N. Paila (graduate student), and N. Hiranuma (graduate student).  2008.  Open-path transmissometry to determine the atmospheric extinction efficiency of feedyard dust.  Transactions of the ASABE 51(4):1433-1441.  Upadhyay et al. (2008)
  24. Hiranuma, N. (graduate student), S. D. Brooks, B. W. Auvermann, and R. Littleton.  2008.  Using environmental scanning electron microscopy to determine the hygroscopic properties of agricultural aerosols.  Atmospheric Environment 42(9):1983-1994.  Hiranuma et al. (2008)
  25. Cole, N. A., R. Todd, B. W. Auvermann, and D. B. Parker.  2008.  Auditing and assessing nutrient management for air quality.  The Professional Animal Scientist 24(1):1–22.  Cole et al. (2008)
  26. Kalbasi, A., M. Schutz, and B. W. Auvermann.  2008.  Carcass rendering system for farm mortalities:  a review.  Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science 7(3):199-210.  Kalbasi et al. (2008)
  27. Wyatt, T. A., R. E. Slager, J. DeVasure, S. Von Essen, B. W. Auvermann, T. Mathisen, and D. J. Romberger.  2007.  Feedlot dust stimulation of interleukin-6 and -8 requires protein kinase C-epsilon human bronchial epithelial cells.  American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 293(5):L1163-L1170.  Wyatt et al. (2007)
  28. Kalbasi, A., S. Mukhtar, S. E. Hawkins, and B. W. Auvermann.  2006.  Design, utilization, biosecurity, environmental and economic considerations of carcass composting.  Compost Science and Utilization 14(2):90-102.  Kalbasi et al. (2006)
  29. Von Essen, S. and B. W. Auvermann.  2005.  Health effects from breathing the air near CAFOs for feeder cattle or hogs.  Journal of Agromedicine 10(4): 55-64.  Von Essen and Auvermann (2005)
  30. Razote, E. B., R. G. Maghirang, B. Z. Predicala, J. P. Murphy, B. W. Auvermann, J. P. Harner III, and W. L. Hargrove.  2006.  Laboratory evaluation of the dust-emission potential of cattle feedlot surfaces.  Transactions of the ASABE 49 (4):1117-1124.  Razote et al. (2006)
  31. Kalbasi, A., S. Mukhtar, S. E. Hawkins, and B. W. Auvermann.  2005.  Carcass composting for management of farm mortalities: a review.  Compost Science and Utilization 13(3):180-193.  Kalbasi et al. (2005)
  32. Chirase, N. K., L. W. Greene, C. W. Purdy, R. W. Loan, B. W. Auvermann, D. B. Parker, E. F. Walborg, Jr., D. E. Stevenson, Y. Xu, and J. E. Klaunig.  2004.  Effect of transport stress on respiratory disease, serum antioxidant status, and serum concentrations of lipid peroxidation biomarkers in beef cattle.  American Journal of Veterinary Research 65(6):860-864.  Chirase et al. (2004)
  33. Mukhtar, S., J. U. Ullman, B. W. Auvermann, S. E. Feagley, and T. A. Carpenter.  2004.  Impact of anaerobic lagoon management on sludge accumulation and nutrient content for dairies.  Transactions of the ASABE 47(1):251-257.  Mukhtar et al. (2004)
  34. Corey, A. T. and B. W. Auvermann.  2003.  Transport by advection and diffusion revisited. Vadose Zone Journal 2(4):655-663.  Corey and Auvermann (2003)
  35. McCullough, M. C., D. B. Parker, C. Robinson, and B. W. Auvermann.  2001.  Changes in hydraulic conductivity, bulk density and electrical conductivity in the soil profile of a newly constructed feedlot.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(4):539-544.  McCullough et al. (2001)
  36. Shi, Y. (graduate student), D. B. Parker, N. A. Cole, B. W. Auvermann, and J. E. Mehlhorn.  2001.  Surface amendments to minimize ammonia emissions from beef cattle feedlots.  Transactions of the ASAE 44(3):677-682.  Shi et al. (2001)
  37. Parker, D. B., L. J. Perino, B. W. Auvermann, and J. M. Sweeten.  2000.  Water use and conservation at Texas High Plains beef cattle feedyards.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture 16(1):77-82.  Parker et al. (2000)
  38. Auvermann, B. W.  1999.  Book review:  Risk-Based Contaminated Land Investigation and Land Assessment.  Agricultural Water Management 41(1):71-72.  Auvermann (1999)
  39. Parker, D. B., B. W. Auvermann, and D. L. Williams.  1999.  Comparison of evaporation rates from feedyard pond effluent and clear water as applied to seepage predictions.  Transactions of the ASAE 42(4):981-986.  Parker et al. (1999)
  40. Sweeten, J. M., C. B. Parnell, Jr., B. W. Shaw, and B. W. Auvermann.  1998.  Particle size distribution of cattle feedlot dust emission.  Transactions of the ASAE 41(5):1477-1481.  Sweeten et al. (1998)
  41. Auvermann, B. W., M. J. McFarland, and D. W. Hill.  1992.  In-situ determination of soil thermal characteristics.  Transactions of the ASAE 35(3):833-839.  Auvermann et al. (1992)

Extension Bulletins

  1. Preece, S. L., K. D. Casey, and B. W. Auvermann.  2012.  Hydrogen sulfide emissions from open/drylot cattle-feeding operations.  Bulletin E-620, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  2. Preece, S. L., R. Maghirang, S. Amosson, and B. W. Auvermann.  2012.  Dust emissions from cattle-feeding operations.  Bulletin E-631, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  3. Preece, S. L., N. A. Cole, R. W. Todd, and B. W. Auvermann.  2012.  Ammonia emissions from cattle-feeding operations.  Bulletin E-632, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  4. Sakirkin, S. L. P., N. A. Cole, R. Todd, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011a.  Ammonia emissions from cattle-feeding operations, part 1:  issues and emissions.  Published to the internet at the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (
  5. Sakirkin, S. L. P., N. A. Cole, R. Todd, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011b. Ammonia emissions from cattle-feeding operations, part 2:  abatement.  Published to the internet at the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (
  6. Sakirkin, S. L. P., R. Maghirang, S. Amosson, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011a.  Particulate matter emissions from cattle feeding operations, part 1:  issues and emissions.  Published to the internet at the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (
  7. Sakirkin, S. L. P., R. Maghirang, S. Amosson, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011b.  Particulate matter emissions from cattle feeding operations, part 2:  abatement.  Published to the internet at the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (
  8. Sakirkin, S. L. P., K. D. Casey, and B. W. Auvermann.  2011.  Hydrogen sulfide emissions from open/drylot cattle-feeding operations.  Published to the internet at the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (
  9. Auvermann, B. W., and K. D. Casey.  2011.  Feedyard dust control in an epic Panhandle drought, 2010-2011.  Bulletin SP-417, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  10. Mukhtar, S., and B. W. Auvermann.  2009.  Improving the air quality of animal feeding operations with proper facility and manure management.  Bulletin E-585, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  11. Preece, S. L., and B. W. Auvermann.  2009.  Dairy footbaths and the environmental toxicity of copper.  Bulletin E-562, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  12. Sweeten, J. M., and B. W. Auvermann.  2008.  Composting manure and sludge.  (Major revision.)  Bulletin E-479 (formerly L-2289), Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  13. Upadhyay, J. K., B. W. Auvermann, K. J. Bush, and S. Mukhtar.  2008.  Nitrogen deposition in the southern High Plains.  Bulletin E-464, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  14. Auvermann, B. W., S. Mukhtar, and K. Heflin.  2006.  Composting large animal carcasses.  Bulletin E-422, Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, TX.
  15. Mukhtar, S., and B. W. Auvermann. 2006. Air quality standards and nuisance issues for animal agriculture.  Bulletin E-401, Texas Cooperative Extension, College Station, TX.
  16. Auvermann, B. W., D. B. Parker and J. M. Sweeten.  2000.  Manure harvesting frequency:  the feedyard manager’s #1 tool for dust control in a summer drought.  Bulletin E-52, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  17. Auvermann, B. W., L. A. McDonald, R. Devin and J. M. Sweeten.  1999.  Composting horse manure.  Bulletin B-6084, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, College Station, TX.
  18. Mukhtar, S., J. M. Sweeten and B. W. Auvermann.  1999.  Solid-liquid separation of animal manure and wastewater.  Bulletin E-13, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, College Station, TX.

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