Invited Presentations


Re-envisioning global rangeland stewardship: an ecosystem services framework. International Grassland and Rangeland Congress, Nairobi, Kenya, October, 2021 (virtual).

Rangeland management in the 21st century. X Congreso Internacional de Manejo de Pastizales. Durango, Mexico, Febraury 2021 (virtual).

Reflections of 40 years of Holistic Management assessment. 55th Congress of Grassland Society of South Africa. November, 2020 (virtual).

Rangeland Management: Anticipating and responding to 21st century challenges. VIII Argentinian Rangeland Congress, Chamical-Olta, Argentina, May 2018.

Rangeland goods and services: Identifying challenges and developing strategies for continued provisioning. Plenary presentation, X International Rangeland Congress, Saskatoon, Canada, July, 2016.

Rangeland Management: assessing the past to create the future. Annual meeting of the Mexican Society for Range Management, Mexico City. September, 2013.

Range Management: Evaluating intensive versus extensive strategies. Patagonian Rangeland Sustainability Workshop, Chilean Agricultural Research Service (INTA), Punta Arenas, Chile. June, 2012.

Management and policy options for Inner Mongolian grasslands: a social-ecological perspective. Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot China. August 2009.

Management and policy options for Inner Mongolian grasslands: a social-ecological perspective. International Symposium on Regional and Global Network of Grassland Ecosystem Research, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, August 2009.

Information and technologic needs for global rangeland monitering: what do they need to address?. (Keynote address) International Grassland Rangeland Congress, Hohot China, July 2008.

Texas warming and rainfall manipulation (T-WaRM) project: growth form contrasts in oak savanna. Joint U.S.-European Union Global Change Workshop sponsored by TERACC and NSF, Elsinore, Denmark. May, 2006.

Vegetation responses to grazing: have unifying principles emerged?  Symposium presentation at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. February, 2006.

Increasing precision in describing ecological thresholds, drivers and indicators.   Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Montreal, Canada. August 2005.


Global rangeland stewardship needs transformational change. International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists symposium, Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Boise, ID, February, 2023 (virtual).

Replacing the rangeland marginalization narrative with one of planetary value.  International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists symposium, Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Albuquerque, NM, February, 2022 (virtual). (Video presentation).

Vulnerability of Great Plains grasslands, beef cattle production, and rural economies. The Nature Conservancy, Grassland Conservation Network, July, 2021 (virtual).

Unpacking the equilibrium-nonequilibrium debate: Lessons learned and future perspectives. Symposium presentation, Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Minneapolis, MN, February 2019. (Related video presentation)

Ecological models underpinning rangeland systems: Equilibrium, nonequilibrium and beyond. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, LA, August 2018.

A rangeland odyssey: from equilibrium to non-equilibrium and beyond. Leu Lecture Series, Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Omaha NE, November 2017.

Efficacy of USDA Conservation Practices: Is it time for an evidence-based platform? Symposium presentation, Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM, September 2017.

Resilience and resilience-based management derived from long-term vegetation records. Symposium presentation, Annual Meeting US-International Association for Landscape Ecology, Asheville NC, April 2016.

Background, limitations and recommendations for NRCS Prescribed Grazing Standard. Invited presentation, NRCS Grazing Land Science and Technology Strategic Planning Week. Federal Center, Fort Worth, TX, March 2016.

Conceptual advances that have transformed the rangeland profession during the past 25 years. Symposium presentation, Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi TX, February 2016.

Managing knowledge, people, and natural resources to provide ecosystem services. Symposium presentation, Americas Grassland Conference, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, September 2015.

Knowledge sources, flows and challenges. Symposium presentation, Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Sacramento CA, February 2015.

Integrating adaptive management into rangeland research: looking forward. Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Spokane, WA, February 2013.

Adaptation strategies to sustain ecosystem goods and services with climate change. Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Spokane WA, February, 2012.

State-and-transition models: current status and future direction. Plant and Wildlife Science Department, Brigham Young University, Provo UT. October, 2011.

Grasslands in a Global Context, symposium celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Konza Prairie LTER Program and 40th Anniversary of Konza Prairie Biological Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS. September, 2011.

Can the current rangeland research agenda resolve future challenges? USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Fort Collins CO. June, 2011.

Rangeland CEAP: The next generation of rangeland conservation practices . Annual Meeting of the Society for Soil and Water Conservation, Washington DC. July, 2011.

Rangeland CEAP briefings with members of the USDA National Program Staff . Washington DC. July, 2011.

Rangeland CEAP: Status Report . Briefing to representatives of the NRCS, BLM, USFS and EPA, Washington DC, June 2009.

Rangeland CEAP Findings.  Briefing to the USDA Resource Conservation Act (RCA) Program to inform the 2013 Farm Bill, Washington DC, May 2010.

Rangeland CEAP Literature Synthesis: Conclusions and Recommendations. Annual Grazing Land Conservation InitiativeMeeting, Reno NV, December 2009.

Development of comprehensive grazing policy guidelines: context and objectives . Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Albuquerque NM, February 2009.

Conservation effects assessment program rangeland literature synthesis: prescribed grazing . Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Albuquerque NM, February 2009.

Grass and juniper responses to modified precipitation seasonality and warming. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Louisville KY, February 2008.

State-and-transition models: recommendations for resilience-based application.   Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Louisville KY, February 2008.

The detection of catastrophic thresholds: perspectives, definitions and methods-Synthesis and conclusions.Ecological Society of America Meeting, Memphis TN, August 2006.

State-and-transition models and ecological thresholds; bridging theory and application. State-and-transition model theory workshop, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, August, 2006.

Impact of altered precipitation distribution and warming on tree and grass life forms in oak savanna. Principal Investigator Workshop, National Institute for Global Environmental Change-Department of Energy, Tulane University, New Orleans LA, June 2005.

State-and-transition models and ecological thresholds: bridging theory and application. Leu Distinguished Seminar Series, Center for Grassland Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. October, 2005.

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