Lasiurus cinereus
Wingspan: 13–17 in.
Length: 5–6 in.
Weight: 0.7–0.88 oz
Color: Large, distinctively marked bat with long, narrow wings. Fur is long, soft, and dark brown to black at the base, followed by a broad band of cream color, then a slightly narrower band of mahogany brown, tipped with white. The outer three colors are visible from the surface, giving the fur a hoary appearance.
Other: Contrasting white markings on wrists and shoulders easily distinguish this species.
Roosting behavior: During summer, prefers tree roosts that are in edge habitats close to feeding grounds.
Reaches peak activity at about 5 hours after sunset. May occasionally be seen flying on warm winter afternoons.
Human encounters: Usually occur when the mother drops the young during transport or during storms.