Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo


Good Afternoon 4H Exhibitors:

I am sure by now that you have heard the news concerning the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo.  But if you have not, it was announced this morning that the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is canceling the 2021 show.  I have spoken with the show office and have confirmed it.  They will not be hosting any type of Livestock Show for 2021 whether it be market or breeding.

However; AT THIS TIME, the TCJLS show is still being planned to happen in March.  Houston has also announced they are going to be having a show, but we do not know at what capacity at this time.  Keep in mind that this is also subject to change as well.  As for San Antonio, San Angelo, and Rodeo Austin we have not heard anything concerning their shows as this time.  Therefore, at this time no news is good but that is always subject to change.

With all of this being said we are going to go ahead and move forward with having our Stock Show Entry nights on November 17 and November 19 at 5-7 pm here at the extension office.  You will be receiving more information about this event around the first of November, once we have more information concerning the other major shows.  So stay tuned.

Tarrant County Show Teams we will get through this and will be stronger and better for the 2022 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo!!!!  With playing off of FWSSR’s slogan…… “You guys are legendary”!!!

Jacklyn Jones – Doyle
Ag & Natural Resources Extension Agent

Tarrant County

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor St.  Suite 500

Fort Worth, Tx 76196

Tel:   817.884.1946

Fax:  817.884.1941


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