SAN ANTONIO – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Bexar County and the Bexar Ag and Natural Resources Committee will present the 2019 Ag Symposium, “Staying Current in the Changing Times,” from 8 a.m.-noon April 16.
The program will be conducted by distance learning from the AgriLife Extension office in Suite 208 of the Conroy Square office park, 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive in San Antonio.
Two Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units – one general and one integrated pest management – will be offered.
Registration will be from 7:30-8 a.m.
The cost is $15 per person and includes program literature and refreshments. Make checks payable to Bexar Ag and Natural Resources Committee.
To RSVP, contact Jackie Campa at 210-631-0400.
Program topics will be:
- Baitfish in demand: Are you prepared to provide it?
- Pasture weed management: The latest and greatest.
- Hemp: A new worthy enterprise or will it “mellow” out?
- What’s new with herbicide brush control?
- Feral pigs: A problem with solutions!
- Drought insurance: How to make dry weather work in your favor.
- The Bermudagrass stem maggot: What is it, and what can you do?
- Identification of and control methods for external parasites of livestock.
“We have selected these topics as they represent a number of the challenges and opportunities for area producers and landowners,” said Sam Womble, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Bexar County. “Agriculture is changing, and we are offering this program to help people identify, understand and address some of those changes.”