It seems like we rely more and more on the internet and mobile devices to find answers to questions. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension has put together several good resources to aid homeowners and producers in finding information quick and easily. Below are a few links I visit regularly…
1. AgriLife Bookstore ( – an online library of resources that covers everything from rainwater harvesting to wildlife to land management and livestock production.
2. Soil, Water and Forage Testing Lab ( – Find submittal forms and instructions on collecting and submitting samples to the laboratory for analysis.
3. Aquaplant ( – everything under the sun dealing with aquaculture. A great resource!
4. Web Soil Survey ( – Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world.
5. Aggie Horticulture ( – Addresses vegetable, fruit/nut and ornamental production in addition to earth-kind landscaping principles.
6. Texas Forages ( – Information on forage specie selection, establishment, management and utilization. There is also information on soil fertility, grazing management, incorporating legumes and minimizing winter feed costs.
7. Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science (
8. Texas A&M University Ecosystem Science and Management (
9. Texas Plant Disease Handbook (
10. Texas Parks and Wildlife (
Lastly, be sure to check out our Bexar County Website at for news and upcoming events.