Beekeeping Basics – May 20th
3355 Cherry Ridge, Suite 208 (Bexar Co. AgriLife Extension Office)
Field Day May 21st in Adkins or May 22nd in Leon Springs (you choose!)
Cost – $60
If you have ever wanted to learn how to keep bees, this is the BEST program to answer those questions. Learn the very basics of beekeeping: what equipment to purchase and where, where to get bees, what to do when you get the bees, when to start, how much room you need, tax exemption, and what to expect as a beekeeper. This program is held by entomologists, horticulturists and beekeepers of all expertise.
One thing that makes this class so unique is the field day we offer. You will get the chance to see a bee yard, open up the hives yourself, pull out the frames and learn from the bees. This hands on experience is invaluable to getting started as a beekeeper. Field day is May 21st in Adkins or May 22nd in Leon Springs – you choose the location/date best for you.
For more information, please contact Molly at 210-631-0400 or
Check out the flyer below for registration information.