4-H Prairie View State Invitational Photography Contest


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Attention 4-Hers! Prairie View A&M University is having an invitational state photography contest for Junior and intermediate members. If you would like to enter a photo or photos their will be gift card prizes for the winners.

Due date July 15th. See flyer for details or register and upload photos here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSc4r1Z1WGw1Q…/viewform

If you have any questions please contact Jordan Peldyak Jordan.Peldyak@ag.tamu.edu.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



Fall Show Entries


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Here are the deadlines for the Fall Show run.  I have also attached the entry worksheets that have been posted to their websites.

Here is the link where you can find all the entry form for all the fall shows: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17dW-2R2BcvYsD88iK0cUiJy2cPZtQHs8

Here are deadline for these shows.

West Texas Fair & Rodeo (Abilene)

Entries open July 1 – August 9 (for your information)

Our deadline to have them to the office is July 19 by 5pm.

State Fair of Texas

Entries open August 1 – August 25

Our deadline will be August 16 by 5pm to office.

Parents will be able to go to the online portal to enter exhibitors and then we can approve from our side.  However; will need to require they bring in the completed and signed worksheets, because those are required to be sent in with the final entry submission.

Heart of Texas

Opens July 31 – Aug 25

Our deadline will be August 16, same as State Fair, by 5pm.

These worksheets have not been posted yet.  I will send those to you as soon I see them posted to their website.

Jacklyn Jones – Doyle
Ag & Natural Resources Extension Agent

Tarrant County

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor St.  Suite 500

Fort Worth, Tx 76196

Tel:   817.884.1296

Fax:  817.884.1941






Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter – July 2024


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Here is your July 2024 Tarrant County Newsletter!!!  Click on the link to see important due dates coming up!!!

July 2024 Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter

Kate Marshall

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553 | f: (817) 884-1941

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


4-H Prairie View State Invitational Photography Contest


Dear 4-H families,

Happy Friday Tarrant County 4-H! Prairie View A&M University is having an invitational state photography contest for Junior and intermediate members. If you would like to enter a photo or photos their will be gift card prizes for the winners. Due date July 15th.

See flyer below for details or register and upload photos here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSc4r1Z1WGw1Q…/viewform

If you have any questions please contact Jordan Peldyak Jordan.Peldyak@ag.tamu.edu.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



Club Awards


Dear 4-H Club Managers and Volunteers,

Please complete the 4-H Club Award Application 2024  if you would like to nominate your club for the Honor, Blue Ribbon, or Rising Star club awards.  Please remember that only one person, preferably the club manager, should complete the entry.

Application deadline is Friday, July 19, 2024, by 5 pm.

The following are descriptions of the awards:

  • Honor Club Award-Clubs that meet 12 of the 16 standards of excellence. By meeting these standards, clubs ensure proper management and leadership and can better fulfill the mission of making the best better.
  • Blue Ribbon Club Award-This award is given in recognition to clubs that place the youth as their focus. Clubs that provide positive experiences and opportunities to grow for all of their members will be considered for this award.
  • Rising Star Club Award-This award is given to clubs whose members are extensively engaged in club, county, district, and state level events. While members engaging in club activities is great, we strongly encourage our youth to experience 4-H more completely by partaking in activities at all levels.

Club awards will be announced at the Annual County Awards Reception.  Check your emails for further information on this event.

Thank you for all that you do for 4-H and the youth of our community.

Kate Marshall

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553 | f: (817) 884-1941

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


Adult Awards


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

In Tarrant County, we are fortunate to have amazing volunteers who work diligently in support of our 4-H youth. In an effort to provide public recognition, the following awards have been established.  A volunteer may receive each award only once.

The nomination deadline is Friday, July 19, 2024, by 5 pm.

Youth and adults are encouraged to submit nominations for the following awards. More than one person can nominate an individual or organization.

Friend of 4-H Award: This award is presented to a group, business, organization, or individual that has contributed to the development of the overall 4-H program in Tarrant County.  Adult Awards

Alumni Award: This award recognizes a former 4-Her who continues to support the 4-H program and has made significant contributions in the community in an effort to “Make the Best Better.” Adult Awards

Distinguished Leader Award: Each year, the Distinguished Leader Award recognizes an adult for his/her efforts to improve the 4-H program and make an impact on the 4-H members, not just within the local club, but at the county, district, and state level as well.  Adult Awards

I urge you to take a minute and nominate any adult volunteer or organization that makes your 4-H experience complete.  The deadline for nominations is Friday, July 19, 2024, by 5 pm.

Awards will be announced at the Annual County Awards Reception.  Check your emails for further information on this event.

Thank you for all that you do for 4-H and the youth of our community.

Kate Marshall

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553 | f: (817) 884-1941

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


Timberview Farmstead Summer Camps & Classes


Hello 4-H families and families interested in learning more about animal care and farming. There is a great opportunity to join a camp or class located at Timberview Farmstead in Tarrant County. Camps are already underway or in the next few weeks. The camp on June 18th-21st will be geared towards animal care and livestock showing. See flyer for details of camps, classes, registration and dates. If you have any questions please contact Jordan Peldyak or directly at Timberview Farmstead.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



Timberview Farmstead Summer Camp


Good morning and Happy Summer!

Timberview Farmstead is a teaching farm in Fort Worth, Texas that values farm-based education, culinary experiences, and community-centric programming! We have a few spots available for our summer camps that start next week! Take a look at the flyer below for more information about the camps that are offered and reserve your child’s spot today!

Special Offer Alert!  Get 10% off Week One Summer Camps!  Hurry, this limited-time offer expires on Sunday, June 2. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer of fun and adventure!!

Register now using the code SUMMER10 at checkout!

*Offer only applies to Little Farmers, ages 3-5, June 6th and Arts and Animals, ages 6-8, June 9th

Lizzy Howe

Director of Farm Operations

& Vocational Learning

Timberview Farmstead

Phone: 325-232-1366

4274 Timberview Drive

Fort Worth, TX 76140



4-H Youth lab FREE camp deadline to register extended – June 10th


Dear 4-H families,

They have moved the deadline to sign up for the FREE youth lab virtual college and career camp to June 10th. All that is required is one letter of recommendation! See below to sign up if you are available the week of July 16th! Grades 7th-11th.


We are excited to announce that registration for the 2024 CEP 4-H Virtual Youth Leadership Lab is open. 2024 Virtual Youth Lab will be July 16-19, 2024. The link to registration is on the attached flyer, as well as below.

The Youth Lab summer program reaches underserved teens in 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grades from throughout the State of Texas. The 4-H and Youth Development Unit of the College of Agriculture and Human Sciences at Prairie View A&M University hosts the virtual camp to introduce young people to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers in agriculture. There are two overarching goals of this program:

1.) to increase the likelihood of youth from historically under-served/ underrepresented populations to pursue enrollment in post-secondary education

2.) to provide an awareness of and encourage interest to pursue careers in food, agriculture, natural resources, and human (FANH) careers. These goals are parallel to the mission of S.A.L.E., Inc. by focusing on educating and developing the youth of Texas for careers in agriculture.

This year’s theme is “Bee the Change” and will focus on pollinators. The agenda for this program is set up with fun, exciting, and educational activities filled with guest speakers, virtual field trips, hands on activities and more.

If you have youth that would be interested in applying, please follow the link https://pvamu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_88Sw0AxUyz7qxo2 or scan the QR code on the flyer to apply by end of day May 19, 2024. There is one recommendation letter required.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



Volunteers Needed! 4-H Record Book Judging


Volunteers Needed!

Please let us know if you would be willing to assist in reviewing record books that our 4-H youth have submitted.  Register Here:

We will be meeting at the Tarrant County Extension Office on Thursday, June 6th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (lunch provided).

I will provide an orientation that morning, so if you haven’t judged before, that’s o.k.!

*If you are the parent of a current 4-H’er who is turning in a book, we will put you in a different age division/category that what your youth is submitting.

Our youth work hard on their projects throughout the year and we want to provide encouraging feedback for those that choose to take the next step by filling out a

record book to document their experiences.

Please let me know if you have any questions!



Kate Marshall, M.S.

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553 | f: (817) 884-194

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu