TAGSCO Scholarship


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

After months of asking for the application and rules I finally have both.  Below are the links for the application and the rules for this years scholarship.

2025 TAGSCO_Application_PDF

TAgSCo Rules 2025  PDF

If you have any questions please email me I can try to get them answered.


Tanner Smith

Arlington High School

Ag Science Teacher/FFA Advisor




TCJLS Entries are Open


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Here is the link to submit entries.  AST / 4-H Leaders will need to submit entries for their exhibitors.  All entries are due 1/18/25.  Remember to send 1 check per Organization along with the summary sheet from Showorks to Tarrant County Junior Livestock Association, Inc., P. O. Box 162793, Fort Worth, Texas 76161 postmarked by January 18, 2025.


To submit recipes please follow this link.  Do not send copies of the recipes with the entries this year, have your exhibitor print out the google form and bring it with them to check in at the show.


Also a reminder that validation for TCJLS is as follows:

Fancy Poultry – December 12, 2024 – $2 per animal

5pm – 7pm at the Crowley Ag Barn

Livestock and Horses – December 7, 2024 – $5 per animal

8am – 10am at the Eagle Mountain Saginaw Ag

11am – 12pm at the Crowley Ag Barn

Market Rabbits – January 28-30 – $2 per animal

6pm – 9pm 1/28/25 at Keller CTE

6pm – 9pm 1/29/25 at Birdville Ag Science Center

6pm – 9pm 1/30/25 at Crowley Ag Barn

****Please bring cash for all validation fees.

Thank you,

Laura Howe

TCJLA Secretary


Texas 4-H Dog Validation is Open


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Texas 4-H Dog Show will be held on July 8-10, 2025 at the Hill Country Youth Event Center in Kerrville, Texas.  To be eligible for this show, dogs must be validated by January 10, 2025 in 4-H Online.  Video instructions are also available at  https://youtu.be/3NzoIjK9Pco if that is more convenient

Clink on this link for all the written instructions – StateDogValidationInstructions

We strongly encourage members to validate their dogs even if they are not sure they will be participating in the Texas 4-H Dog Show.  Completing the FREE validation process before January 10th will give them until entries are due in May to make a final decision.

There will be a couple of opportunities to practice with your dog whether you validated or not.  The following Counties normally host 4-H Dog Shows and we will forward details once we receive them.

Montgomery County 4-H Dog Show normally the first Saturday in February.

Brazos County 4-H Dog Show is normally a couple of weeks later

Tarrant County 4-H Dog Show has been in April

Wise County is has historically been done in June.

We will send details of each of these as soon as we have them.  If your county is planning to host a dog show, please let us know so we can help you publicize it.

As 4-H members complete their validation, here are some things to keep in mind:

The box that says Breeder is where they list the breed of the dog rather than the breeder.  4-H Online has set options, so we do the best we can to work with those options.

For purebred dogs (they do not have to be registered, just look purebred) you will select the correct Group, then type in the breed of the dog.

For mixed breed dogs you will select the Weight Group of the dog and list the dominant breed along with the word “Mix” or list the two breeds if known.  (Example: Border Collie Mix or Mastiff/Great Dane.)

Photos of the left and right side of the dog should be a side view of the whole dog. Get on the dog’s level so they do not turn into top views.  They should also be clear and light enough we can see all markings and color of the dog.   The dog should only be wearing a collar.  No sweaters, costumes, rain gear or anything that covers the dog’s color and markings.

Dogs MUST be validated each year.  If you validated a dog last year, the information and photos will be in the system, but you must still review and SUBMIT to validate for the 2024-2025 4-H year.  Please update the photos if the dog has changed significantly since last year.

We do encourage you to validate any dogs that you are eligible to show.  Situations may change through the year.

When we send reminders directly to 4-H members enrolled in the 4-H Dog Project, we will tell them “DO NOT to wait until the last day to complete your validation.  It will be difficult for your County Extension Office to help you at 4:45 p.m. on the last day.  If you are having trouble with 4-H Online, contact your local County Extension office.  “

I will be sending this directly to 4-H members enrolled in the 4-H Dog Project at some point in the next couple of weeks, but would rather they get this information directly from you as their County Extension Agent.

Michelle Mihalek
County Extension Agent – 4-H Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Montgomery County
9020 Airport Rd.
Conroe, Texas 77303
(936) 539 – 7823


CYC – Holiday Party – 12.16.24


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Plan to attend the CYC Holiday Party on December 16, 2024 at 6:30.  See flyer below.


TCJLS – County Only Validation Dates



TCJLS Validation dates have been set.  This is for animals that were not State Validated.  If you State Validated, then you are good for TCJLS and do not have to participate in this validation.

If you are showing Dairy Goats, wethers or does, you will need to make sure your animal makes this validation.  Other species to be validated for TCJLS at this time will include: Cattle, swine, sheep, goats and horses.  Cattle, swine, sheep & goats need to be present at validation so a tag can be placed in the ear.  Registered breeding goats will NOT be tagged, please be sure that tag is in the neck chain for the show, and it matches the animal it is assigned to.

For horse validation please be sure to bring a copy of registration (if applicable), a copy of current Coggin papers, and pictures of the horse (right side, left side, and front).  If your coggins papers are the digital form with the pictures on them, this would suffice.  Horses DO NOT need to be present at validation.

Validation will be December 7, 2024 – Location and times

Boswell – Saginaw FFA Barn: 8 – 10am

Crowley FFA Barn: 11 – 12pm

Please be sure to plan accordingly as these will be only date and locations for this validation.

Rabbit and Poultry validation dates will be coming at a later time.

Jacklyn Jones – Doyle
Ag & Natural Resources Extension Agent

Tarrant County

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor St.  Suite 500

Fort Worth, Tx 76196

Tel:   817.884.1296

Fax:  817.884.1941






2025 Fort Worth Stock Show Parade


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

A great opportunity is coming up in January to promote 4-H and your clubs!

We will once again be marching in a group in the Fort Worth Stock Show Parade. This year’s parade takes place Saturday, January 18, 2025, parade begins at 11am.

This is a great event that counts as community service for the 4-H members that march, and parents are encouraged to participate as well.

Register Here  to march in the 2025 Fort Worth Stock Show Parade.  The deadline to register is Friday, December 6, 2024, by 5pm.

This is a fun event where 4-Hers can get to know families from other clubs.

  • Every participant must complete the attached form release 2025 FWSSR Parade Release Form.   One form per person marching in the parade.
  • Forms may be mailed to 200 Taylor St, Suite 500, Fort Worth, TX 76196, email to andrea.amador@ag.tamu.edu  or fax to 817-884-1941 by Friday, December 6, 2024, by 5pm.
  • The route is a little over a mile long.  It starts at the Tarrant County Courthouse, goes to the Fort Worth Convention Center, and then back to the Courthouse.
  • We will meet at 10am at the Extension Office at 200 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, TX 76196, and head over to the starting location at 10:30am.
  • We are usually done by 12pm.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to having a great turnout for the parade.

Kate Marshall, M.S.

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


“Texas Grows” 4-H Garden Contest


Attention 4-H Club/Groups with Garden Projects

Texas 4-H has a garden contest program called “Grow Texas.” This is an individual or team contest for those clubs or groups that have garden projects. Categories included Organic gardens, Container gardens, raised bed gardens and row gardens.

Deadline to register is November 30th. Please contact the Tarrant County Extension office for more details.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter – November 2024


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Here is your November 2024 Tarrant County Newsletter!!!  Click on the link to see all important due dates coming up!!!

November 2024 Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter

Kate Marshall

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


Tarrant County 4-H Talent Showcase


Attention Tarrant County 4-H members!

The 4-H Talent showcase is earlier this year than normal. We will be having the 4-H Talent showcase on Thursday December 12th at the Meadowbrook United Methodist Church in Fort Worth. Below is the updated categories to participate in this year, along with the registration for the Talent showcase. This is a fun evening for everyone and don’t worry if this is your first time we always want 4-Hers to come share a fun talent with us with no pressure. We will follow up with those who register with more details. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jordan Peldyak at the Extension office at Jordan.Peldyak@ag.tamu.edu.

Talent showcase categories descriptions: https://d44-h.tamu.edu/files/2024/10/2024-2025-4-H-Talent-Showcase-Contest-Memo.pdf

Talent showcase contest registration: Talent Showcase 2024

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H Youth Development

Prairie View A&M University Extension

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196

(817) 884-1945



Tarrant County 4-H Holiday Boot Drive!


Good Morning Tarrant County 4-H!

I am excited to share award winning chef Tim Love of the Fort Worth Stock yards and his foundation the Holland collective have offered to provide the Boot drive for all 4-H members interested in receiving gently used boots FREE of charge to Tarrant County 4-H members or groups. The boots are limited to the first 50 members that sign up or by the deadline to register of December 2nd. There is a possibility that more than 50 boots will be available so anyone who signs up after we have reached 50 members will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if more become available. If you sign up please be available to pick up the boots at Tannahill’s Tavern and Music Hall Tuesday December 17th at 6:30 PM.

I will contact those who have registered two weeks prior to the event. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jordan Peldyak at the Tarrant County Extension office at Jordan.Peldyak@ag.tamu.edu

Register here or at the QR code on the flyer: https://forms.gle/psLpwtk9JpxKz5kp9

Here are the requirements for signing up to receive the donated boots below.

  1. Must be a Tarrant County 4-H active member or group enrolled.
  2. Must be available to attend and pick up boots on Tuesday December 17th at 6:30 PM at Tannahill’s Tavern and Music Hall 122 E. Exchange Ave. Suite 200, Fort Worth, TX 76164 (Fort Worth Stock yards)

Thank you,

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196
