Dear Local Leaders and Club Members,
We are part of the State 4-H Foundation Board of Directors. We sponsor 4-Hers in our areas of Tarrant and Dallas Counties with various projects, raising 4-H projects and providing grants for our 4-H youth in these areas! We are the source on the State level for Tarrant and Dallas County 4-H Clubs to access grant money and need your help to raise funds for our Community’s Youth!
We are attaching the information for the 4-H Foundation shoot that will be March 13 at Defender Outdoors in Benbrook starting at 8 am. AgTrust Credit, Stewart State Farm Ins. Agencies and The Meat Board are also sponsors and we’re looking for both shooters and sponsors.
FW shoot 2025 flyer 4-H Foundation
FW shoot 2025 sponsor levels flyer 4-H Foundation
Would your Club support us for this important cause? Participation with a donation of any kind would be greatly appreciated. We are looking specifically for teams of shooters for our event! We will have a gun board, prizes of buckles and gun bags with shells! (See attached flyers above)
It’s coming up fast so hoping to get some solid commitments soon. This is for the 4-H youth of our community which is such a great cause!
Please let us know if you want more information or have some folks that we should contact directly.
Again thanks for any help!
Cheryl Stewart and Diane Johnson
817-614-5548 and 817-247-1200
FDD State 4-H Foundation Board of Directors
Dallas and Tarrant Counties