4-H Record Book Training


Good morning Tarrant County 4-H!

Please save the date and plan on attending the Tarrant County 4-H Record Book training Monday April 28th at the Tarrant County Extension office 200 Taylor Street Suite 500 Fort Worth, TX. No registration required!

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



District IV 4-H Community Service Project


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

The district 4 4-H community service project is taking club donations to the District 4-H round up contest April 11th. If your club would like to participate please bring items to the Tarrant County Extension office by Thursday April 10th for us to take to Farmersville. Let me know if you have any questions.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



4-H Water Ambassador program opens March 15th!


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Applications open March 15 for the 2025-2026 cohort of Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors.

The Texas 4-H Water Ambassadors Program provides high school youth an opportunity to gain advanced knowledge and develop leadership skills related to the science, technology, engineering, and management of water in Texas. By connecting with water professionals, water ambassadors gain exposure and recognition as youth leaders, learn about scholarship and internship opportunities, and explore the diverse career paths in the water industry.

Selection Criteria: 

  • Senior level 4-H youth (grades 9-12 in fall 2026)
  • Students with a genuine interest in water and natural resources

Application Process: 

  1. Student will review terms, conditions, and expectations of a 4-H Water Ambassador – www.texas4hwaterambassadors.com/application
  2. Student will complete the online application and submit two letters of recommendation
  3. CEA will be notified of any youth applying within their county
  4. Applications are reviewed and up to 30 youth are selected
  5. CEA will be notified of any youth selected within their county
  6. Applications accepted March 15 – May 1, 2025


  1. Participate in the Tier I 4-H2O Leadership Academy (tour) – June 8-14
  2. Commit to completing a minimum of 40 hours of education/service by June 30, 2026
  3. Complete monthly assignments
  4. Make a good faith effort to attend Spring/Fall retreats and participate in monthly Zoom seminars
  5. Pay the $300 participation fee
  6. Regularly attend and participate in local 4-H club meetings and events.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



District Council Meeting & Candidate Meet & Greet


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Plan to meet and listen to the District 4 4-H council candidates via teams online March 27th at 6:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Texas 4-H opportunities and how the District delegates are helping shape the upcoming year in District 4! Registration is now open on 4-H online and free to join.

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



TRWD Fly fest – This Saturday March 8th!


Good afternoon,

Tarrant Regional Water district is providing a FREE family friendly event called “Fly fest.” If you are new or interesting in learning how to fish and learn about the importance of our water systems in Tarrant County this is a great opportunity. Fishing equipment for use included! See flyer for details!

Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter – March 2025


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Here is your March 2025 Tarrant County Newsletter!!!  Click on the link to see all important due dates coming up!!!

March 2025 Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter

Kate Marshall

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


*****Fundraiser ******Clay Shoot for 4-H Foundation –Thursday, March 13th – Help us help you!


Dear Local Leaders and Club Members,

We are part of the State 4-H Foundation Board of Directors. We sponsor 4-Hers in our areas of Tarrant and Dallas Counties with various projects, raising 4-H projects and providing grants for our 4-H youth in these areas! We are the source on the State level for Tarrant and Dallas County 4-H Clubs to access grant money and need your help to raise funds for our Community’s Youth!

We are attaching the information for the 4-H Foundation shoot that will be March 13 at Defender Outdoors in Benbrook starting at 8 am. AgTrust Credit, Stewart State Farm Ins. Agencies and The Meat Board are also sponsors and we’re looking for both shooters and sponsors.

FW shoot 2025 flyer 4-H Foundation

FW shoot 2025 sponsor levels flyer 4-H Foundation

Would your Club support us for this important cause? Participation with a donation of any kind would be greatly appreciated. We are looking specifically for teams of shooters for our event! We will have a gun board, prizes of buckles and gun bags with shells! (See attached flyers above)

It’s coming up fast so hoping to get some solid commitments soon. This is for the 4-H youth of our community which is such a great cause!

Please let us know if you want more information or have some folks that we should contact directly.

Again thanks for any help!


Cheryl Stewart and Diane Johnson

817-614-5548 and 817-247-1200

FDD State 4-H Foundation Board of Directors

Dallas and Tarrant Counties


District 4 4-H Service Project Opportunity


Good morning,

The District 4 4-H program is collecting food and items for the Farmersville church that supports our District 4 round contest. If your club would be interested in collecting any of these items contact the Tarrant County Extension office and we can get the items delivered. We can deliver items on April 11th at the District roundup. See flyer below for a list of items.








Jordan Peldyak

Tarrant County 4-H

Prairie View A&M University

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

200 Taylor Street Suite 500

Fort Worth, TX 76196



TCJLS 2025


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

The 2025 Tarrant County Junior Livestock Show and Youth Fair is quickly approaching.

We will accept buyers catalog ads until Thursday 2/13/25 at 5pm.  Please get those into Brandi at tcjlasponsors@gmail.com

We are also looking for any pictures you may have from previous years.  We would like to showcase the history of TCJLS for the 75th Anniversary and pictures from the past are a great way to do that.  I know some of you exhibited at this show when you were a kid and those pictures are gold if you have access to them.  Please send them our way!!!

We will need student volunteers for the Helping Hands Show on Saturday morning 3/1/25.  We will also need entrants with Special Needs.  The forms are attached but they are also on the website www.tcjls.org   We would like to get as many volunteers and entrants as possible prior to the show so t-shirts can be ordered.

Helping Hands FFA 4H Volunteer Student Form

Helping Hands Entry Form 2025

Pictures for TCJLS Social Media

Here is a link to a google drive I have created to compile photos for TCJLS to utilize for social media. Once you open the folder find your club or chapter, if you don’t see your club or chapter then create a new folder and name it your club/chapter. Upload pictures of anything related to your program livestock, youth fair etc. If you have questions on formatting or anything related send them directly to Morgan, her email is morgangracehowe@gmail.com

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12T_a-JB5LelVBYjlzJlwqWX_AcPbjnOb?usp=drive_link

There are also several jackpots offered this year, and they are posted on the website as well.

  • Vet Science Skillathon
  • Welding Contest
  • Rocket Grill Build Off
  • Cattle Sonogram Contest (not on the website)

As always you can email me with any questions, I may not know the answer but I probably know someone who does.

See you at the show!!!

Thank you,

Laura Howe

TCJLA Secretary



Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter – February 2025


Dear 4-H Members and Families,

Here is your February 2025 Tarrant County Newsletter!!!  Click on the link to see all important due dates coming up!!!

February 2025 Tarrant County 4-H Newsletter

Kate Marshall

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553 | f: (817) 884-1941

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu