Tarrant County 4-H Awards


4-H Members and Families,

Now is the time to think about applying for County 4-H Awards! Below you will find information for the Criteria and Merit Based member awards.

Criteria-Based Awards

Link to application form: https://forms.gle/oXZ7PfBL8x1Guntr9

  • The Requirements for Honor Roll or Letterman Awards may be met in one year or over the course of several years. If met over multiple years, it must be while the member is in their current age division.
  • If a member has previously received the Honor Roll or Letterman award, they must meet the criteria with all new activities to again be eligible.
  • Youth submitting Community Service Awards are NOT required to submit a record book but must complete the application completely and submit logs/records of service.
  • RookieHonor Roll & Letterman Awards require submission of a 4-H Record book (Due @ Extension Office by June 3, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.)

Merit-Based Awards

Link to application form: https://forms.gle/MdaP2tfPim7P8o4p9

  • Outstanding New Member – Junior (3-5 grades), Intermediate (6-8 grades), Senior (9-12 grades)
  • 4-H Achievement – Junior (3-5 grades), Intermediate (6-8 grades), Senior (9-12 grades). Eligible to receive once per age division.
  • Danforth – Senior age division (9-12 grades) only. Eligible to receive once in your 4-H career.
  • Gold Star – Senior age division (9-12 grades) only. Eligible to receive once in your 4-H career. Applicants must be 15 years old, with 3 years minimum of 4-H membership, completed a minimum of 3 projects, demonstrated leadership, and completed at least 2 4-H record books.

All Merit-Based Awards require Submission of 4-H Record book (Due @ Extension Office by June 3, 2024, by 5:00 p.m.).

All Merit-Based Awards require applicants to attend an in-person interview with a panel of judges (June 24, 2024).

Gold Star applicants will be required to prepare a short, two-minute speech highlighting their 4-H career. Youth selected to receive the Gold Star will deliver their prepared speech at the County Awards Reception on Thursday, July 25, 2024. Location TBD.

**All County Award Submissions are DUE June 3rd, 2024, by 5:00 p.m.!

Kate Marshall, M.S.

Tarrant County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

200 Taylor Street, Suite 500 | Fort Worth, TX 76196

p: (817) 884-1553 | f: (817) 884-1941

kate.marshall@ag.tamu.edu | https://tarrant-tx.tamu.edu


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