2023 Texas 4-H Junior Master Photography Workshops and Photography Ambassador Program


Good afternoon,

Please share the information in this email with your 4-H photography project members/leaders and social media outlets.  Attached are two versions of a promotional flyer that outlines details for the two upcoming Junior Master Photographer (JMP) workshops.

I have also attached 2 different brochures describing the JMP and Ambassador programs.  To be clear about this process, youth must first become a certified Junior Master Photographer to be eligible to become an ambassador.  There is no upfront application process for JMP.  Eligible youth simply register for and receive training at the JMP workshops.  Applications for certification and ambassadorship come later for those who have completed the trainings and a few additional requirements.

Texas 4-H Junior Master Photographer Tri-Fold

Texas 4-H Photography Ambassador Tri-Fold

JMP Workshops (for print)

JMP Workshops

Junior Master Photographer Workshops

Below are the details for both trainings.  Please note that these will not be offered at any other times during the 4-H year.

JMP Workshop I
Date:  Saturday, September 23
Times:  8 AM to 4:30 PM
Fee: $50
Location:  Dallas Research and Extension Center; 17360 Coit Road, Dallas, TX
Age divisions: Intermediate and Senior
Registration: Opens on 4-H Online August 30 and closes September 20

DSLR Camera Required (some will be available for loan on the day of the workshop)
Limited to the first 50 youth to register.

JMP Workshop II*
Date: Saturday, December 9
Times: 8 AM to 4:30 PM
Fee: $50

Location: Dallas Research and Extension Center; 17360 Coit Road, Dallas, TX
Age divisions: Intermediate and Senior
Registration: Opens on 4-H Online November 10 and closes November 30

*Must have attended Workshop I

DSLR Camera Required (some will be available for loan on the day of the workshop)

Only open to those who have previously attended JMP Workshop I

Thank you for sharing this information with your membership.  CEA’s are welcome and encouraged to attend at no charge (but will need to register on 4HOnline).

Thank you,

Derrick Bruton, M.S.

Extension Program Specialist III

4-H Youth Development – STEM
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

17360 Coit Road
Dallas, TX 75252


(P) 972.952.9264


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