Forage Systems Program

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The Team

Dariusz P. Malinowski– Project Leader

Bryan Hope, Research Technician

The Goal

Hatch Project TEX08846 (2012 – 2017): Pasture Management Strategies to Optimize Year-Round Forage Production in the Semi-Arid Environments of the Texas Rolling Plains

The long-term objective of the Forage Program is to optimize year-round forage production based on dual-purpose wheat and other small grains, cool-season perennial grasses, warm-season perennial and annual grasses, annual legumes and alfalfa in semi-arid environments of the Texas Rolling Plains.This objective is being pursued by investigating forage plant responses to defoliation stress, prolonged drought, and competition from other species.Understanding mechanisms of plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses will help select productive and persistent species and varieties, minimize costs of forage production, and maximize return to the farmers.

Current Research Projects



Dual-Use Wheat


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