What are ways you use science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) in your daily or professional life? Do you have a favorite hobby that involves STEM? Studies show that the more people youth know who do science, the more interested they are in doing science themselves. Sharing what you know and are interested in can have a huge impact in how kids value science. We invite you to be a science role model for one or more of our classes. If you are not in the Austin area, we can arrange a video chat experience! Some of our guest speakers have included but are certainly not limited to:
- graduate students
- beekeepers
- home cooks and chefs
- gardeners and farmers
- veterinarians
- wildlife rescuers
- musicians
- scientists (entomologists, herpetologists, neuro specialists, etc.)
- carpenters
- park rangers
- photographers and filmmakers
- video game hobbyists
- engineers
- 3-D printing specialists
- birdwatchers
Inspire kids to love science and learning. Contact us to get the conversation started about visiting our science clubs!