Full-time 4-H CAPITAL AmeriCorps members serve as Science Club instructors for underserved youth by providing hands-on, project-based science lessons in Urban Farm topics
Click on the different job descriptions for a position overview:
Instructors will be expected to:
- Teach: Lead afterschool Science Clubs 4 days a week; in June, lead summer-camp classes. Members teach from about 2:30-6, Monday through Thursday.
- Plan: Develop lessons and unit plans for each class. Members use a combination of predetermined lessons and lessons they create for their classes. Members have mornings and Fridays to plan for their classes.
- Tend to animals and gardens: Support 4-H CAPITAL programming by tending to a multitude of animals and gardens housed both at the office and our schools.
Perform office duties: Enter attendance, create mileage reports, document their time, meet and plan with other instructors, attend trainings and meetings, etc.
- Commit to a term of service from mid-August until the end of June
- Serve a total of 1700 hours (40-42.5 hours a week)
- Typical hours are Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm.
- Have reliable transportation and driver’s license for travel to school sites
- Must consent to multiple criminal history background checks
- Have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn new things
- Experience working with youth preferred, but not required
- Earn a living stipend, paid twice monthly
- Earn an education award after successful completion of your term
- Student loans may qualify for forbearance during your term of service
- Health insurance and childcare assistance is provided
- Professional development in teaching, service, and leadership
- All training in science curriculum and youth development is provided