Recent Press Releases

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, June 2024 – West Texas Rangelands – “Extreme Drought Impacts have been Underestimated in Grasslands and Shrublands Globally.” (link)

Morning AgClips News Release, June 2024 – “Research Says High Energy Fire Influences Prescribed Burn Effectiveness.” (link)

AgriLife Today, June 2024 – “Unlocking-the-potential-of-prescribed-burns-for-land-management.” (link)

The Cattleman Magazine- a publication of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, May 2024 – “Rebounding from Extreme Drought: A first-of-its-kind global drought study evaluates effects of intense dry periods” (by Diane Meyer). (pdf)

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, February 2024 – West Texas Rangelands – “Exotic herbivores and fire energy drive standing herbaceous biomass but do not alter compositional patterns in a semiarid savanna ecosystem.” (link)

Morning AgClips News Release, February 2024 – “Texas A&M AgriLife Research Included in Global Drought Study.” (link)

AgriLife Today, January 2024 – “Grasslands expected to be affected more than previously thought during short, intense dry periods.” (link)

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) EurekaAlert! (and dozens of other news outlets), January 2024  – “A global study shows that the effects of extreme drought has been greatly underestimated for grasslands and shrublands.” (link)

Morning AgClips News Release, March 2023 – ECCB graduate student David Rowley wins Best Graduate Student Presentation Awards at the annual Society for Range Management meeting in Boise, Idaho. (link)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, December 2022 – ECCB graduate student David Rowley wins “1st Place Best Graduate Student Poster Award” at The Texas Society for Ecological Restoration 25th Annual Conference.

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2021 –  ESSM-legacy department graduate student awards for 2020-2021. Virginia Preiss named Outstanding ESSM MS student of the year.

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2020 –  ESSM graduate student awards for 2019-2020. Lela Culpepper named Outstanding ESSM MS student of the year.

Morning AgClips News Release, April 2020 – “Fire, grazing enhance livestock production: Research project funded through a five-year, $10 million USDA grant.” (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2019 – ESSM graduate student awards for 2018-2019. Heather Hannusch named Outstanding ESSM MS student of the year. (pdf)

AgriLife Today, September 2019 – “$10 million USDA grant led by Department of Ecosystem Science and Management Texas A&M AgriLife Research Team.” (pdf)

Great Plains Fire Science Exchange (A JFSP Consortium), September 2019 – “Mesquite and grass response to prescribed burning depends on fire intensity” (GFE publication 2019-2). (pdf)

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, December 2018 – West Texas Rangelands – “Outside the Fire” weblog interview. (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2017 – Dr. William E. Rogers awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management for the 2017-2018 academic year.

TAMU-EEB/ESSM Announcement, September 2016 – Bill Rogers appointed as Texas Agricultural Experiment Station representative for the Texas Department of Agriculture Prescribed Burning Board. (pdf)

Great Plains Fire Science Exchange (A JFSP Consortium), June 2016 – Prescribed fire liability fact sheet: standards of care by state (GFE publication 2016-7). (pdf)

Progressive Cattleman Magazine, June 2016 – “Is your brush-control dollar better spent on some soils than others?” ( PC0616_North pp. 20-21). (pdf)

AgriLife Today, April 2016 – “Forest understory fuels the flames.” (pdf)

Great Plains Fire Science Exchange (A JFSP Consortium), March 2016 – “Do liability and regulatory standards influence the amount of prescribed burning in the South?” (GFE publication 2016-1). (pdf)

AgriLife Today, February 2016- “Soil mapping may indicate success of brush control method.” (pdf)

AgriLife Today, January 2016- “Increased legal liabilities limit prescribed fire use for brush control.” (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, September 2014 – Faculty publication achieves “Citation Classic” milestone. (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, July 2014 – William E. Rogers appointed Editor-in-Chief for a major ecological journal. (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2014 – ESSM graduate student awards for 2013-14. Carissa Wonkka named Outstanding ESSM PhD student of the year; Michelle Clark named Outstanding ESSM MS student of the year. (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2014 – Dr. William E. Rogers awarded Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Wild Wonderings – Weblog of the Texas A&M Extension Service, May 2014 – “Prescribed burning protects Texans and benefits wildlife.” (pdf)

Great Plains Fire Science Exchange (A JFSP Consortium), November 2013 – “Rising Great Plains fire campaign: citizen cooperatives” (GFE publication 2013-25).  (pdf)

Great Plains Fire Science Exchange (A JFSP Consortium), November 2013 – “Manage woody plants in grasslands using thresholds” (GFE publication 2013-23).  (pdf)

Houston Chronicle, July 2013 – “Texas losing war on feral hogs.” (pdf)

AgriLife Today, May 2013- “Study compares recent drought to 1950s on woody plant mortality.” (pdf)

AgriLife Today, March 2013 – “Researchers examine best range management practices for aquifer recharge.” (pdf)

AgriLife Today, December 2012 – “New study on native orchid protection and conservation.” (pdf)

Science Daily, July 2011 – “Genetic evidence clears Ben Franklin.” (pdf)

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2010 – ESSM graduate student awards for 2009-2010. Carissa Wonkka named Outstanding ESSM MS student of the year

TAMU-ESSM Web Announcement, April 2009 – ESSM graduate student awards for 2008-2009. Sarah Haller named Outstanding ESSM MS student of the year; Dirac Twidwell named Outstanding ESSM PhD student of the year.

Science, August 2004 – “Are invasive species born bad?” (pdf)

Trends in Ecology & Evolution, December 2002 – “An evolutionary perspective of biological invasions.” (pdf)

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