Funded Grant Proposals

Selected Research Awards – Total = ~$15 million received (since 2000)

2021-2024 Principal Investigator, Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency “Conservation Strategies for the Protection and Propagation of the Federally Endangered Orchid, Navasota Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes parksii) continuation.” $105,000.
2019-2024 Co-Investigator (w/ B.P. Wilcox PI) United States Department of Agriculture – NIFA-Sustainable Agricultural Systems Panel “Enhancing Livestock Production from Rangelands in the Great Plains.” $9,994,340.
2019-2020 Principal Investigator (w/ co-PI Fred Smeins), Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency “Conservation Strategies for the Protection and Propagation of the Federally Endangered Orchid, Navasota Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes parksii).” $70,000.
2017-2021 Principal Investigator (w/ co-PIs Matthew Dickenson, Kathleen Kavanagh, Sascha Lodge, Morgan Russell, Dirac Twidwell & Carissa Wonkka). USDA-Joint Fire Science Program. “Pyrogenic controls on grass-shrub persistence in the Great Plains.” $366,511 requested funding (and $189,124 contributed funding).
2017-2022 Principal Investigator Texas A&M University/Sid-Kyle Endowment “Interactive effects of fire,  fertility, and precipitation variability in a formerly woody-encroached, arid savanna ecosystem: mechanistic insights utilizing small-scale experiments” $179,904
2013-2014 Co-Investigator (w/ Jason B. West and Bob Lyons). Wintergarden Groundwater Conservation District, “Effects of Brush Removal on Distributed Recharge of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer: Continuing Treatment Response Investigation.” $101,485.
2012-2015 Principal Investigator (w/ Fred Smeins) LBJWFC Endangered Species Grant Program “Assessing Potential Conservation Corridors for the Endangered Orchid, Spiranthes parksii (Navasota Ladies’–Tresses): Using Predictive Habitat Models and Genetic Analyses to Develop a Strategic Management Plan.” $287,427.
2012 Co-PI (w/ Richard Teague and Urs Kreuter) Howard G. Buffett Foundation-Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture /Texas AgriLife Research “Restoring Ecosystem Services and Enhancing Livelihoods on Degraded Rangelands in Southern Africa Through the Development of Appropriate Livestock Grazing Systems” $74,122.
2011-2014 Co-Investigator (w/ Fred Smeins), Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency “Continuation of Interlocal Agreement Regarding Conservation Strategies for the Protection and Propagation of the Federally Endangered Orchid, Navasota Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes parksii).” $104,139.
2010-2012 Co-Investigator (w/ Jason B. West and Bob Lyons). Wintergarden Groundwater Conservation District, “Effects of Mechanical Brush Removal and Fire on Plant Community Dynamics and Distributed Recharge of the Carizzo-Wilcox aquifer.” $209,407.
2010‑2013 Co‑PI (w/ PI-Kostya Krutovsky and 10 other TAMU faculty) United States Department of Agriculture‑National Needs Initiative. “A Graduate Program in Forest Resources: Developing Integrated Expertise in Forest Resource, Management, Conservation, and Restoration.” $234,000 (plus $78,000 in internal matching funds to support additional student fellowships).
2007-2010 Principal Investigator (w/ Urs Kreuter) United States Department of Agriculture-National Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Innovation Grant, “Using Hot Summer Fire to Control Opuntia Cacti: An Innovative Approach to Resolving a Pressing Environmental Issue.” $73,697.
2006-2011 Principal Investigator (w/ Fred Smeins), BVSWMA & USFWS “Conservation Strategies for the Protection and Propagation of the Federally Endangered Orchid, Navasota Ladies Tresses (Spiranthes parksii).” $384,262
2005-2009 Co-PI (w/ Urs Kreuter, Richard Teague, Richard Conner, Lynn Drawe, Allen Rasmussen & Butch Taylor), United States Department of Agriculture-National  Resources Conservation Service, EQIP “Ecological, Economic and Social Dimensions of Using Summer Fire to Restore Ecosystems in the Southern Plains of the USA.” $376,534.
2004-2005 Principal Investigator (w/ Evan Siemann & Dale Sawyer), Shell Center for Sustainability “Invasive Species Control in Floodplain Forests: Seeking a Economically Viable Means of Conserving Native Biodiversity.” $35,000.
2003-2005 Co-PI (w/ Evan Siemann), National Science Foundation DEB-0315796, “Do Genetic Differences in Growth and Defense Contribute to the Success of an Invasive Plant Species?”  $390,000.
2003-2005 Co-PI (w/ Evan Siemann), United States Department of Agriculture – NRI / Biology of Weedy and Invasive Plants “Does Herbivory on an Invasive Tree Species along a Biogeographic Gradient Depend on Time Since Introduction?” $195,001.
2002 Co-PI (w/ Evan Siemann), National Park Service award “Floodplain Forest Regeneration Dynamics following Removal of an Invasive Tree Species.  $10,000.
2001-2005 Co-PI (w/Evan Siemann & Jim Grace), Environmental Protection Agency, NCER-STAR “Chinese Tallow Invasions into the Endangered Coastal Prairie.”  $381,687.
2000-2004 Co-PI (w/ Paul Harcombe & Evan Siemann), National Park Service “Vascular Plant Inventory of the Big Thicket National Preserve.”  $117,000.
2000-2001 Co-PI (w/ Evan Siemann), National Park Service “Assessing the Impacts of Feral Hogs on Forest Regeneration Dynamics.” $2,500.
2000-2001 Co-PI (w/ Evan Siemann), National Park Service “Removing Chinese Tallow Trees: Methods of Control in Floodplain Forests.” $40,000.
2000-2004 Co-PI (w/ Evan Siemann), National Science Foundation DEB-9981654, “Does Lack of Herbivory and Disease Explain the Success of an Alien Plant Species?” $290,788.


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