

Steer Tag Order Form

Return completed form with payment by April 5, 2024 to avoid a late fee.

Lamb Goat Tag Form Fall 24

Return completed form with payment by April 5, 2024 to avoid a late fee.

Hog Tag Order Form Fall 24

Return completed form with payment by April 5, 2024 to avoid a late fee.

Heifer Tag Order Form Fall 24

Return completed form with payment by April 5, 2024 to avoid a late fee.



This is a short document that asks you to briefly describe your project learning experience, club leadership, and community service. Completion of a Project Summary Form earns you a Project Completion Certificate that will be presented to you at your last 4-H club meeting of the year.


4-H Event Reimbursement Form summer

Reimbursements are based on the Victoria County 4-H Budget. Member must have sold 5 raffle tickets or donate $100 AND completed one (1) community service project, signed by club manager. Event and description can be listed on back of the form.

4-H Adult Leaders Association Finance Policy

UPDATED Finance Policy.June.2024


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