Category Archives: Uncategorized

Resume Building: Telling a Cohesive Career Story

Author Erica Foss describes that “employers are basically looking for three key things (on a resume): that you can do you the job, that you want to do the job, and that you want to do the job for them. It’s up to you to take your current resume and tell a story that meets these basic needs.” To read this article online, click here. Source: How to Tell a Cohesive Career Story When You’ve Done a Little Bit of Everything

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Airlines Improve Customer Satisfaction Ratings

Recent reports released by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) indicate an airline industry-wide upswing in customer satisfaction ratings provided for the past quarter. “Airlines have long been one of the lowest-scoring industries in the ACSI reports, but the last four years have been among its best. Customer satisfaction with airlines is up 4.3% to 72, matching its peak from 1994.” To read more and download ACSI reports, click here.

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Customer Services Skills Needed to Handle a Large Client Base

Businesses with a large client base must strategize to provide quality customer service and enhance customer satisfaction. “You have to put in more effort to keep track of customers, understand their mindset, and implement a business target that fulfills the demands and needs of customers.” offers simple skills and techniques to help you manage a large client base efficiently.   Source: What Customer Services Skills Do You Need to Handle a Large Client Base?

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