Author Archives: sbrueggerhoff

“Managing Context to Improve Cruise Line Service Relationships” by Judi Brownell

Cornell University School of Hotel Administration offers research based information regarding hospitality management. Dr. Judi Brownell offers a study of interactions between cruise ship customers and service employees, a relationship that can strongly influence customer perception of service quality & overall client satisfaction. Source: “Managing Context to Improve Cruise Line Service Relationships” by Judi Brownell

Why Customer Satisfaction is Important (6 Reasons)

Successful business leaders should review reasons for the importance of customer satisfaction with staff to guide business culture. This article defines the top 6 reasons for the importance of customer satisfaction: leading indicator of consumer repurchase intentions/loyalty; point of differentiation; reduces customer “churn”; increases customer lifetime value; reduces negative word of mouth; its cheaper to retain customers. Source: Why Customer Satisfaction is Important (6 Reasons)

How can I become more empathetic as a leader? | SmartBrief

Read an article emphasizing empathy as an effective leadership quality as told by 11 entrepreneurs. The article is a collection of inquiries supported through the Young Entrepreneur Council, providing free virtual mentoring programs to guide practitioners as they start and grow their own business. To find out more, click on the link below. Source: How can I become more empathetic as a leader? | SmartBrief

7 Ways to Help Fix Poor Communication in the Workplace

Effective communication in any organization can be guided to success through company leadership. The following is an article from The Grossman Group describing 7 ways to improve poor communication skills in the work place. Source: 7 Ways to Help Fix Poor Communication in the Workplace

Customer Service Is Always in Season | Operations | Parks & Recreation Magazine

An article from 2013 highlighting the importance of great customer service in the parks and recreation industry. Tips to get the most from your seasonal staff training Source: Customer Service Is Always in Season | Operations | Parks & Recreation Magazine

Understanding Customer Behavior at Farmers Markets: Increasing Customer Satisfaction / marketingdoc_v4_hires.pdf

Read the following article discussing marketing approaches that can be useful tools increasing customer satisfaction (and sales) at farmers markets. Collecting consumer behavior through observational surveys will go a long way toward building a strategy to increase customer satisfation. Source: marketingdoc_v4_hires.pdf

What Great Listeners Actually Do

Listening skills are much more than remaining quiet, nodding in agreement & repeating dialogue. Read an interesting article from Harvard Business Review suggesting different methods to develop active and participatory listening skills. Source: What Great Listeners Actually Do

Great Leadership: Teach Millennials how to use their Power

Millennials have the hunger and potential to become great leaders, but lack fundamental leadership skills and don’t understand how to tap into them. The article discusses 4 ways to develop millennial workers into leaders of the future. Source: Great Leadership: Teach Millennials how to use their Power

Leaders, How Do Begin Your Conversations? Nine Phrases NOT to Use from DialogueWORKS

Cliche as this sounds, communication and dialogue is truly a two-way street. True communication begins with thoughtful AND respectful statements. The following article recognizes the importance of respectful dialogue and tips for a more collaborative approach to conversation with (and from) business leaders. Source: DialogueWORKS

Listening: The Forgotten Business Tool for Amazing Success |

Author Erica Foss describes that “employers are basically looking for three key things (on a resume): that you can do you the job, that you want to do the job, and that you want to do the job for them. It’s up to you to take your current resume and tell a story that meets these basic needs.” Source: Listening: The Forgotten Business Tool for Amazing Success |