Industry Poster – One of the most common problems facing Texas corn farmers is the injury brought on by corn feeding lepidopteran pests. The fall armyworm and corn earworm are continuous residents of Texas that are known to reduce health and value of corn. Insect injury can reduce yield although the relationship is variable across hybrids. Advancing technologies in the farming industry have offered a solution to this problem that doesn’t involve increasing pesticide use. Corn growers have the option to combat insect injury on their corn with the use of genetically modified seed, however there is added cost to the seed. This poster compares the effects of hybrid background and their commercial Bt transgenes in their ability to reduce pre-harvest losses due to insect feeding.
ESA 2017 Corn Posterv5 (2) (1) ESA 2017 Corn Poster – Since the release of transgenic Bt maize in 1996, many different types of Bt traits have been developed for sale. Bt corn has become increasingly popular over the last 15 years and has grew from about 8 percent of U.S. corn acreage in 1997, to 79 percent in 2016. There is a wide range of Lepidoptera control in corn with commercially available Bt transgenes. This poster reviews the effectiveness of several Bt transgenes and hybrid families in their ability to reduce insect feeding, and preserve yield.