About Us

Welcome. We are a team of AgriLife Entomologists and staff that work together to bring you news, fact sheets, and research to improve insect pest management on South Texas field crops. Please also confer with local expertise, including your AgriLife Extension county offices and AgriLife R&E Centers in our South Texas region.
There are links to newsletters, blogs, and other media that provide most current information occurring, written by members of our team (see newsletters drop-down menu). Please visit the newsletters, which as we grow will include links to more permanent information on this site.
Here we provide an archive of pubs/fact sheets, applied research and reports, presentations, and training aids including videos. A past focus was on sorghum with special attention to sugarcane aphid, so you will see plenty on the Sorghum drop-down menu. There is also good information on the Cotton menu, and we are growing for corn and pasture/hay.
Support for this web site and content is provided by the AgriLife team located in South Texas (listed below) and multiple collaborators in AgriLife Extension and Research who provided additional content. Special thanks to the Department of Entomology IPM Program and Dr. Robert Bowling and Jason Thomas (previously with AgriLife Extension and graduate student) who provided many of the training videos. We greatly appreciate financial and technical assistance for the site and content which was provided by United Sorghum Checkoff Program (https://www.sorghumcheckoff.com/ ) and Texas Grain Sorghum Producers Board (http://texasgsa.com/), Cotton Inc. (https://www.cottoninc.com/), USDA ARS Areawide IPM Program, and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension (https://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu/).
This website is maintained by Mr. David Olsovsky (AgriLife Research, Corpus Christi) on behalf of the AgriLife Entomology team in South Texas:
Holly Davis, Extension Entomology/Assistant Professor, AgriLife Extension and Department of Entomology. Dr. Davis is located in Weslaco at the AgriLife Research and Extension Center (holly.davis@ag.tamu.edu).
Michael Brewer, Research Entomology/ Professor, AgriLife Research and Department of Entomology. Dr. Brewer is located in Corpus Christi at the AgriLife Research and Extension Center (mjbrewer@ag.tamu.edu).
Stephen Biles, Extension, IPM Agent, AgriLife Extension and Department of Entomology. Mr. Biles is located in Port Lavaca at the AgriLife county office (Stephen.Biles@ag.tamu.edu).
Danielle Sekula, Extension, IPM Agent, AgriLife Extension and Department of Entomology. Ms. Sekula is located in Weslaco at the AgriLife Research and Extension Center (Danielle.Sekula@ag.tamu.edu).
Kate Crumley, Extension, IPM Agent, AgriLife Extension and Department of Entomology. Ms. Crumley is located in Wharton at the AgriLife Research and Extension Center (kate.crumley@ag.tamu.edu).
We are also happy to announce a new arrival who will join us July 1, 2020.
Dalton Ludwick, Extension Entomology/Assistant Professor, AgriLife Extension and Department of Entomology. Dr. Ludwick will be located in Corpus Christi at the AgriLife Research and Extension Center (email to be assigned upon arrival).