I love a good rut. It’s not that I’m complacent. I just like things to be consistent. So that line in the Billy Joel song Just the Way You Are “don’t go changing…” really resonates with me.
But change is good sometimes and this year we’ve seen a lot of it here at Master Wellness Volunteer World Headquarters. And there’s more to come. In brief, here are some things we have in the works as we prepare for the 2020 program year:
- A single registration process. In previous years, MWV trainees needed to register twice: once with conference services, once with the online course system. Beginning Fall 2019, trainees will only register once via the new http://agrilifelearn.tamu.edu
- A new way to train online. Speaking of the new http://agrilifelearn.tamu.edu – now there is only ONE Master Wellness Volunteer online course that has all 16 or so modules embedded in it. So rather than a bunch of difference courses to complete in random fashion, the one new course has modules that open on completion of the previous, helpfully guiding you through the training process.
- The 3rd Annual Master Wellness Volunteer Statewide Training. Building on the success of previous years, we will begin a new training cohort 21 January, 2020, and run through 03 March, 2020. Registration should open on/about 14 November, 2019. The cohort will consist of two in-person days (21 Jan and 03 Mar) at your county Extension office and completion of the above referenced online course.
- Existing MWVs will be welcome to attend. In an effort to ease satisfying the annual continuing education requirement, we’ll open the first/final training days to current MWVs to brush up on their skills, learn new things, meet new people and get those sweet sweet required continuing education hours.
- But wait. There’s more! Including incentives for current MWVs to attend the in-person days. To be announced at a later date. Stay tuned.
Don’t go changing… Maybe it’s not so bad after all.