*indicates graduate student author
Wang, T., U.P. Kreuter. Revisiting the rotational grazing dilemma: The role of terminology on system comparison outcomes. Rangeland Ecology and Management, In Press
Wang, T., U.P Kreuter, C. Davis, S. Cheye. 2024. Meta-analysis of climate impacts of beef production in North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, In Press
Kim, J., S. Ale, U.P. Kreuter, W R. Teague. 2023. Grazing management impacts on ecosystem services under contrasting climatic conditions in Texas and North Dakota. J. Environmental Management 347, 119213, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119213
Kim, J.J., S. Ale, U.P. Kreuter, W.R. Teague, S. DelGrosso, S.L. Dowhower. 2023. Evaluating the impacts of alternative grazing management practices on soil carbon sequestration impacts and soil health indicators, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 342: 108234, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108234
Clark, A.S., D.A. McGranahan, B.A. Geaumont, C.L. Wonkka, J.P. Ott, U.P. Kreuter. 2022. Barriers to prescribed fire in the US Great Plains, Part I: Systematic review of socio-ecological research. Land. 11(9), 1521; https://doi.org/10.3390/land11091521
Clark, A.S., D.A. McGranahan, B.A. Geaumont, C.L. Wonkka, J.P. Ott, U.P. Kreuter. 2022. Barriers to prescribed fire in the US Great Plains, Part II: Critical review of presently used and potentially expandable solutions. Land. 11(9), 1524; https://doi.org/10.3390/land11091524
Scholtz, R., V.M. Donovan, T. Strydom, C.L. Wonkka, U.P. Kreuter, W.E. Rogers, C. Taylor, I.P.J. Smit, N. Govender, W. Trollope, D.T. Fogarty, D. Twidwell. 2022. High intensity fire experiments to manage shrub encroachment: lessons learned in South Africa and USA. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. Special Issue. Friend or Foe? Lessons from a century of evidence-based fire management in grassy ecosystem. https://doi.org/10.2989/10220119.2021.2008004
Wang, T., H. Jin, U.P. Kreuter, W.R. Teague. 2022. Understanding producers’ perspectives on rotational grazing benefits across U.S. Great Plains, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1: 12. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170521000260
Hoffman, J.K.*, G.T. Kyle, M.L. Treadwell, R.P. Bixler, U.P. Kreuter. 2021. A process-oriented model of decision-making toward landscape-scale prescribed fire implementation in the Southern Great Plains, USA, Environmental Management. 68(6):802-813 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-021-01538-y
McDaniel, T.W.* C.L. Wonkka, M.L Treadwell, U.P. Kreuter. 2021. Influencing County Commissioners’ Decisions about Burn Bans in the Southern Plains, USA. Land, 10, 686. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10070686
Wang, T., H. Jin, U.P. Kreuter, W.R. Teague. 2021. Expanding grass-based agriculture on marginal land in the U.S. Great Plains: The role of management intensive grazing. Land Use Policy. 104, 105155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105155
Hurst, Z.M.*, U.P. Kreuter. 2021. Categorization of landowner role identities and their conservation implications in the Gulf Coast Prairie, Texas. Society and Natural Resources. 34(5):659-680
Hoffman, J.K.*, R.P. Bixler, M. Treadwell, L. Coleman, T.W. McDaniel, U.P. Kreuter. 2021. The impact of affective heuristics in decision-making regarding the implementation of prescribed fire on private rangelands in the Southern Great Plains, USA. Society & Natural Resources. 34(5):621-638
Hinojosa, A.*, C.L. Wonkka, U.P. Kreuter. 2020. Liability and the use of prescribed fire in the Southern Plains, USA: A survey of District Court Judges. Land. 9-318 http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/land9090318
Stroman D.A., U.P. Kreuter. 2020. Landowner perceptions and preferences of woody plant expansion in the Southern Great Plains: Implications for management. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238688. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238688
Teague, W.R., U.P. Kreuter. 2020. Managing grazing to restore soil health, ecosystem function and ecosystem services. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Syst. 4, 534187 https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.534187
Clark, M.D.*, C.L. Wonkka, U.P. Kreuter, W.E. Rogers. 2020. Interactive effects of prescribed fire and grazing on Seriphium plumosum in South African sour bushveld. African J Range & Forage Sci. 37:278-285
Tolleson, D., J.P. Angerer, U.P. Kreuter, J.E. Sawyer. 2020. Growing degree day: A non-invasive remotely-sensed method to monitor diet crude protein in free-ranging cattle. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 73: 234-242
Wang, T., H. Jin, U.P. Kreuter, H. Feng, D. A. Hennessy, R. Teague, Y. Che. 2020. Challenges for Rotational Grazing Practice: Views from Non- adopters across the Great Plains, USA. Journal of Environmental Management. 256:109941 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109941
Kreuter, U.P., D.A. Stroman, C. Wonkka, J. Weir, A.A. Abney, J.K. Hoffman. 2019. Landowner perceptions of legal liability for using prescribed fire in the Southern Plains, USA. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 72: 959-967
Parajuli, R., O. Joshi, N. Poudyal, U.P. Kreuter. 2019. To insure or not to insure? Factors affecting insurance coverage for prescribed burning in the United States. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 72: 967-975
Sannigrahi, S., S. Chakraborti; P.K. Joshi; S. Keesstra; S. Sen; S.K. Paul; U.P. Kreuter; P.C. Sutton; S. Jha; K.B. Dang. Ecosystem service value assessment of a natural reserve region for strengthening protection and conservation. Journal of Environmental Management, 244: 208-227
Twidwell, D. C.L. Wonkka, H. Wang, W.E. Grant, C.R. Allen, S.D. Fuhlendorf, A. Garmestani, D. Angeler, C.A. Taylor, Jr., U.P. Kreuter, W.E. Rogers. Coerced resilience in grassland fire management. J. Environmental Management. 240: 368-373
Weir, J., U.P. Kreuter, C.L. Wonkka, D.A. Stroman, M. Russell, D. Twidwell, C.A. Taylor. 2019. Liability and Prescribed fire: Perception and reality. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 72: 533-538
Yi, H., U.P. Kreuter, B. Güneralp, D. Han. 2019. Social segregation of ecosystem services delivery in the San Antonio region, Texas, through 2050. Science of the Total Environment, 664: 234-247
Bradford P.Wilcox, Andrew Birt, Steve R. Archer, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Urs P. Kreuter, Michael G. Sorice, Willem J.D. van Leeuwen, and Chris B. Zou. 2018. Viewing Woody Plant Encroachment Through a Social–Ecological Lens. BioScience, 68(9): 691-705.
Hoonchong Yi*, Burka Güneralp, Urs P. Kreuter, İnci Güneralp, and Anthony M. Filippi. 2018. Spatial and temporal changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment, 619:1259-1271
Michael G. Sorice, Kiandra Rajala, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2018. Understanding management decisions of absentee landowners: More than just presence-absence. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 71(2):159-162
Po-Hsin Lai, Kevin D. Lyons, Gerard T. Kyle, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2017. Coping with change in rural landscapes: Psychological stress of rural residents experiencing unconventional gas developments. Land Use Policy, 67:487–497
Wayne Becker*, Urs Kreuter, Sam Atkinson, and Richard Teague. 2017. Rancher perceptions on the value of multi-paddock grazing management on whole-ranch sustainability in North Central Texas. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 70: 448-455
Urs P. Kreuter, David W. Wolfe, Kenneth B. Hays, and James R. Conner. 2017. Conservation credits: Evolution of a market-oriented approach to recovery of species of concern on private land. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 70: 264-272
Dianne A. Stroman*, Urs P. Kreuter, and Jianbang Gan. 2017. Balancing property rights and social responsibility: Perspectives of conservation easement landowners. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 70: 255-263
Hoonchong Yi*, Burak Güneralp, Anthony M. Filippi, Urs P. Kreuter, and İnci Güneralp. 2017. Impacts of land change on ecosystem services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010. Ecological Economics, 135:125-135
Daniel W. McCollum, John A. Tanaka, Jack A. Morgan, John E. Mitchell, William E. Fox, Kristie A. Maczko, Lori Hidinger, Cliff S. Duke, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2017. Climate change effects on rangelands and rangeland management: Affirming the need for monitoring. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 3(3):e01264. 10.1002/ehs2.1264
Dirac Twidwell*, William E. Rogers, Carissa Wonkka, Charles A. Taylor, Jr., and Urs P. Kreuter. 2016. Extreme prescribed fire during drought reduces survival and density of woody resprouters. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53:1585-1596 doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12674
Urs P. Kreuter, Alan D. Iwasaa, Gene L. Theodori, Robert J. Ansley, Robert B. Jackson, Lauchlan H. Fraser, Susan McGillivray, Anne M. Neath, and Edmundo Garcia Moya. 2016. State of knowledge about energy development impacts on North American rangelands: An integrative approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 180:1-9
Mark W. Brunson, Lynn Huntsinger, Urs P. Kreuter, and John P. Ritten. 2016. Usable socio-economic science for rangelands. Rangelands, 38(2): 85-89
W.R. Teague, S. Apfelbaum, R. Lal, U.P. Kreuter, J. Rowntree, C.A. 4 Davies, R. Conser, M. DeLonge, M. Rasmussen, J. Hatfield, T. Wang, F. Wang, and P. Byck. 2016. The role of ruminants in reducing agriculture’s carbon footprint in North America. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71(2): 156-164. DOI:10.2489/jswc.71.2.156
Dianne A. Stroman* and Urs P. Kreuter. 2016. Landowner satisfaction with the Wetland Reserve Program in Texas: A mixed methods analysis. Environmental Management, 57:97-108. DOI 10.1007/s00267-015-0596-8
Carissa L. Wonkka*, William E. Rogers, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2015. Legal barriers to effective ecosystem management: Exploring linkages between liability, regulations, and prescribed fire. Ecological Applications, 25(8):2382-2393. DOI: 10.1890/14-1791.1
Dianne A. Stroman* and Urs P. Kreuter. 2015. Factors influencing land management practices on conservation easement protected landscapes. Society & Natural Resources, 28:8, 891-907, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2015.1024365
Dianne A. Stroman* and Urs P. Kreuter. 2014. Perpetual conservation easements and landowners: Evaluating easement knowledge, satisfaction and partner organization relationships. Journal of Environmental Management, 146:284-291
Michael G. Sorice, Urs P. Kreuter, B. P. Wilcox, and W. E. Fox III. 2014. Changing landowners, changing ecosystem? Land-ownership motivations as drivers of land management practices. Journal of Environmental Management, 133:144-152
David Toledo*, Urs P. Kreuter, Michael G. Sorice, and Charles A. Taylor, Jr. 2014. The role of Prescribed Burn Associations in the application of prescribed fires in rangeland ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, 132:323-328
David Toledo*, Michael G. Sorice, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2013. Social and ecological factors influencing attitudes towards the application of high intensity prescribed burns to restore fire adapted grassland ecosystems. Ecology and Society, 18(4):9 http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol18/iss4/art9/
Dirac Twidwell, William E. Rogers, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Carissa L. Wonkka, David M. Engle, John R. Weir, Urs P. Kreuter, and Charles A. Taylor, Jr. 2013. The rising Great Plains fire campaign: Citizenry response to woody plant encroachment. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11 (Online Issue 1): e64–e71, doi:10.1890/130015
W. Richard Teague, Fred D. Provenza, Urs P. Kreuter, Timothy Steffens, and Matt K. Barnes. 2013. Multi-paddock grazing on rangelands: Why the perceptual dichotomy between research results and rancher experience? Journal of Environmental Management, 128:699-717
Urs P. Kreuter, William E. Fox, John A. Tanaka, Kristie A. Maczko, Daniel W. McCollum, John E. Mitchell, Clifford S. Duke, and Lori Hidinger. 2012. Framework for comparing ecosystem impacts of developing unconventional energy resources on western US rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 65:433-443
Dirac Twidwell, William E. Rogers, Elizabeth A. McMahon, Bryce R. Thomas, Urs P. Kreuter, and Terry L. Blankenship. 2012. Effects of prescribed extreme fire on species richness and invasion in coastal tallgrass prairie in Texas. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 5:330-340
David Toledo*, Urs P. Kreuter, Michael G. Sorice, and Charles A. Taylor, Jr. 2012. To burn or not to burn: Ecological restoration, liability concerns and the role of prescribed burning associations. Rangelands, 34: 18-23
Michael G. Sorice, J. Richard Conner, Urs P. Kreuter, and R. Neal Wilkins. 2012. Centrality of the Ranching Lifestyle and Attitudes toward a Voluntary Incentive Program to Protect Endangered Species. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 65:144-152
Michael G. Sorice, Urs P. Kreuter, Bradford P. Wilcox, and William E. Fox III. 2012. Classifying land-ownership motivations in central, Texas, USA: A first step in understanding drivers of large-scale land cover change. Journal of Arid Environments, 80:56-64
Dustin Van Liew*, J. Richard Conner, Urs P. Kreuter, and Richard Teague. 2012. An economic assessment of prescribed extreme fire and alternative methods for managing invasive brush species in Texas: A modeling approach. The Open Agriculture Journal, 6:17-26
Po-Hsin Lai* and Urs P. Kreuter. 2012. Examining the effects of environmental change and place attachment on land management choices in the Hill Country of Texas, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning 104: 320-328
Maczko, K., J.A. Tanaka, R. Breckenridge, L. Hidinger, H.T. Heintz, W.E. Fox, U.P. Kreuter, C.S. Duke, J.E. Mitchell, and D.W. McCollum. 2011. Rangeland ecosystem goods and services: Values and evaluation of opportunities for ranchers and land managers. Rangelands, 33:30-36
Laura E. Martin*, Michael G. Sorice, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2011. Understanding and influencing urban residents’ knowledge about wildland management in Austin, Texas. Urban Ecosystems. DOI 10.1007/s11252-011-0177-4
Kellie Wilcox-Moore*, Christian Brannstrom, Michael G. Sorice, and Urs P. Kreuter. 2011. The influence of socioeconomic status and fuelwood access on domestic fuelwood use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Studies, 10:195-216
Joseph Mbaiwa*, Amanda Stronza, and Urs Kreuter. 2011. From collaboration to conservation: Insights from the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Society & Natural Resources, 24:400–411
W.R. Teague, S.L. Dowhower, S.A. Baker, R.J. Ansley, U.P. Kreuter, D.M. Conover, and J.A. Waggoner. 2010. Soil and herbaceous plant responses to summer patch burns under continuous and rotational grazing. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 137:113-123
Urs Kreuter, Michael Peel, and Edward Warner. 2010. Wildlife conservation and community based natural resource management in southern Africa’s private nature reserves. Society & Natural Resources, 23:507-524
Cody Zilverberg*, Urs Kreuter, and Richard Conner. 2010. Population growth and fertilizer use: Ecological and economic consequences in Santa Cruz del Quiché, Guatemala. Society & Natural Resources, 23(1):1-13
William E. Fox, Daniel W. McCollum, John E. Mitchell, Louis E. Swanson, Gary R. Evans, H. Theodore Heintz, Jr., John A. Tanaka, Urs P. Kreuter, Robert P. Breckenridge, and Paul H. Geissler. 2009. An Integrated Social, Economic, and Ecologic Conceptual (ISEEC) framework for considering rangeland sustainability. Society & Natural Resources, 22:593-606
W.R. Teague, U.P. Kreuter, W.E. Grant, H.Diaz-Solis, and M.M. Kothmann. 2009. Managing the commons Texas style: Wildlife management and groundwater associations on private lands. Ecol. Economics, 68:1417-1429
David W. Archer, Julie Dawson, Urs P. Kreuter, Mary Hendrickson, and John M. Halloran. 2008. Social and political influences on agricultural systems. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 23(4):272-284
Urs P. Kreuter, J. Brad Woodard,* Charles A. Taylor, and W. Richard Teague. 2008. Perceptions of Texas landowners regarding fire and its use. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 61:456-464
W.R. Teague, W.E. Grant, U.P. Kreuter, H. Diaz-Solis, S. Dube, M.M. Kothmann, W.E. Pinchak, and R.J. Ansley. 2008. An ecological economic simulation model for assessing fire and grazing management effects on mesquite rangelands in Texas. Ecological Economics, 64:612-625
Tazim Jamal, Urs Kreuter, and Alberto Yanosky. 2007. Bridging organizations for sustainable development and conservation: A Paraguayan case. International Journal of Tourism Policy and Research, 1(2): 93-110
Matthew Wagner, Ronald Kaiser, Urs Kreuter, and Neal Wilkins. 2007. Managing the commons Texas style wildlife management and groundwater associations on private lands. Journal of American Water Resources Association, 43(3): 698-711
Matthew W. Wagner, Urs P. Kreuter, Ronald A. Kaiser, and R. Neal Wilkins. 2007. Collective action and social capital of wildlife management associations in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71(5): 1729-1738
Michael E. Kjelland, Urs P. Kreuter, George A. Clendenin*, R. Neal Wilkins, X. Ben Wu, Edith Gonzalez Afanador, and William E. Grant. 2007. Factors related to spatial patterns of rural land fragmentation in Texas. Environmental Management, 40: 231-244
Urs Kreuter, Malini Nair*, and Douglas Jackson-Smith. 2006. Property rights orientations and rangeland management practices: Texas, Utah and Colorado. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 59:632-639
Audrey Tinker*, Urs Kreuter, Richard Burt, and Sherry Bame. 2006. Green construction contractor motivation and trends in Austin, Texas. Journal of Green Building, 1(2):118-134
Douglas Jackson-Smith, Urs Kreuter, and Rick Krannich. 2005. Understanding the multidimensionality of property rights orientations evidence from Utah and Texas ranchers. Society and Natural Resources, 18(7):587-610
Urs P. Kreuter, Heidi E. Amestoy*, Mort M. Kothmann, Darrell N. Ueckert, W. Allan McGinty, and Scott R. Cummings. 2005. The use of brush management methods: A Texas landowner survey. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 58:284-291
Keith L. Olenick*, Urs P. Kreuter, and J. Richard Conner. 2005. Texas landowner perceptions regarding ecosystem services and cost-share land management programs. Ecological Economics, 57:337-345
Bin Zhao, Urs Kreuter, Bo Li, Zhijun Ma, Jiakuan Chen, and Nobukazu Nakagoshi. 2004. An ecosystem service value assessment of land use change on Chongming Island, China. Land Use Policy, 21(2): 139-148
Keith L. Olenick*, J. Richard Conner, R. Neal Wilkins, Urs P. Kreuter, and Wayne T. Hamilton. 2004. Economic implications of brush treatments to improve water yield. Journal of Range Management, 57:337-345
Matthew W. Wagner* and Urs P. Kreuter. 2004. Groundwater supply in Texas private land considerations in a rule of capture state. Society and Natural Resources, 17:349-357
Urs P. Kreuter, Mark R. Tays*, and J. Richard Conner. 2004. Landowner willingness to participate in a Texas brush reduction program. Journal of Range Management, 57: 230-237
Joel R.Brown, Tony Svejcar, Mark Brunson, James Dobrowolski, Ed Fredrickson, Urs Kreuter, Karen Launchbaugh, Jack Southworth, and Tom Thurow. 2002. Are range sites the appropriate spatial unit for measuring and managing rangelands? Rangelands, 24(6):7-12
María E. Fernández-Giménez and Urs P. Kreuter. 2002. Rangeland professionals and policy: Prospects for effective influence. Rangelands, 24(4):34-40.
Richard Teague, Jim Ansley, Urs Kreuter, Jim McGrann, and Bill Pinchak. 2001. Fire vs. herbicides? The economics of herbicides and prescribed fire are compared in managing mesquite. Rangelands, 23(6):9-14
Urs P. Kreuter, Heather G. Harris*, Marty D. Matlock, and Ronald E. Lacey. 2001. Change in ecosystem service values in San Antonio area Texas. Ecological Economics, 39(3):333-346
W. Richard Teague, R. James Ansley, Urs P. Kreuter, James M. McGrann, and William E. Pinchak. 2001. Economics of managing mesquite with prescribed fire and rootkilling herbicides: A sensitivity analysis. Journal of Range Management, 54(6):553-560
Urs P. Kreuter, Heidi E. Amestoy*, Darrell N. Ueckert, and W. Allan McGinty. 2001. Adoption of brush busters results of Texas county extension survey. Journal of Range Management, 54(6):630-639
Urs P. Kreuter and Michael P. Schellenburg. 2001. Charting our changing course. Rangelands, 23(5):22-23
Urs Kreuter. 2001. Preparing for the future of range science. Rangelands, 23(5):24-26
J.R. Conner, W.T. Hamilton, D.P. Sheehy, J.W. Stuth, and U.P. Kreuter. 1998. Grassland-based livestock production in temperate zones. World Animal Review, 90:6-13
Urs P. Kreuter and John P. Workman. 1997. Comparitive profitability of cattle and wildlife ranches in semiarid Zimbabwe. Journal of Arid Environments, 35:171-187
Urs. P. Kreuter, R.C. Rowan, J. Richard Conner, Jerry W. Stuth, and Wayne T. Hamilton. 1996. Decision support software for estimating the economic efficiency of grazingland production. Journal of Range Management, 49(5):464-469
Urs P. Kreuter and John P. Workman. 1996. Cattle and wildlife ranching in Zimbabwe. Rangelands, 18(2):44-47
Urs P. Kreuter and John P. Workman. 1994. Cost of overstocking on cattle and wildlife ranches in Zimbabwe. Ecological Economics, 11:237-248
Urs P. Kreuter and John P. Workman. 1994. Government policy effects on cattle and wildlife ranching in Zimbabwe. Journal of Range Management, 47:264-269
Urs P. Kreuter. 1993. Politics and African elephant conservation. NWI Resource, Vol. IV:22-25
Randy T. Simmons and Urs P. Kreuter. 1989. Herd mentality: Banning ivory sales is no way to save the elephant. Policy Review (Fall issue), 50:46-49
Urs. P. Kreuter and Neil M. Tainton. 1989. The effects of continuous and rotational grazing of sourveld on the quality of herbage selected by Simmental heifers. Journal of the Grassland Society Southern Africa, 6(4):236-240
Urs P. Kreuter and Neil M. Tainton. 1988. The effects of continuous and rotational grazing of sourveld on the selection of plant fractions by Simmental heifers. Journal of the Grassland Society Southern Africa, 5(2):68-71
Urs P.Kreuter, Gavin M. Brockett, A. Don Lyle, Neil M. Tainton, and David I. Bransby. 1984. Evaluation of veld potential in East Griqualand using yearling steers under two grazing management systems. Journal of Grassland Society of Southern Africa, 1(4):5-9