Below are the dates for upcoming events in the county, district, and state. Please take a few minutes to make note of the events that pertain to you and your family.
*PLEASE NOTE* We are trying to limit visitors in our main office and ask that we continue to place items to be picked up/dropped off in lobby and you call when arriving as we have been doing the past couple months. However, if coming into the office is necessary, our office is screening all visitors and they must sign in and have temperature checked upon entry of our office. We ask that if you have traveled outside the U.S. in the last 14 days; had close contact with a sick person; or if you have fever, cough, difficulty breathing and/or shortness of breath that you DO NOT ENTER our office.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We hope you & your families are doing well. Stay safe, everyone. And please reach out to us if you need anything. ***
We will be updating you all as we receive more information on postponed or canceled events.
**We are aware that there are issues with 4-H Online! Thank you for the few individuals letting us know of their difficulties with signing up and registering in 4-H Online. We do want to encourage you to continue letting us know just in case it is something that is not normal. State Office is working out all of the glitches and problems and trying to get it all completely fixed by September 1st when the new 4-H year begins. We also want to remind everyone, if you have a child turning 8 or going into 3rd grade to wait until September 1st to enroll them in 4-H Online so they can be enrolled correctly as a 4-H member instead of a Clover Kid.
August 15th – 4-H Enrollment Opened in 4-H Online
August 1st – August 31st – Sheep/Goat Tag Orders (See Attachment)
August 31st – Club Manager / Volunteer Leader Training at 6:00 PM
August 3rd – 2020 4-H STEM CHALLENGE KITS ARE NOW AVAILABLE For a limited time only, receive $5 off each kit (limit 20 discounted kits per order). Order your kit now and the discount will automatically be applied at checkout.
August 27th – #FarmOn Virtual Benefit Concert at 7 PM
September 1st – Club Coordinator Training – Meeting ID: 894 1126 5822 Password: 895892
September 3rd – Club Officer Training – Meeting ID: 873 2534 5011 Password: 207076
September 16th – Must be ACTIVE in 4-H Online for Fort Bend County Fair
September 18th – Early Tag Orders SWINE DUE to Mrs. Ford (See Attachment)
September 1st – September 20th – Heifer Tag Orders (See Attachment)
September 22nd – Eligibility Forms Due for Fort Bend County Fair
September 12th – Fall Council Meeting and Leader Training – More info to come.
September 8th – Shooting Sports Project Meeting via Teams (Link will be sent closer to date)