Visualizations: Harnessing Our Mind’s Power

By: Carol Blanchard
Master Wellness Volunteer

Visualizations are a form of meditation that focuses the mind on strong images that positively educate our brain and emotional power towards positive outcomes.


Most of us already use visualizations without even realizing it. Our thoughts are actually pictures in our minds. These are what I call “default mode” visualizations because these mind pictures are what we call “normal’. We all have unique mind pictures and shared, cultural or community, pictures that establish our everyday reality, such as reminding us what to fear or what personal success and achievement looks like. The internet and media also daily reinforce our accepted notions of happiness or unhappiness.


Natural images of trees, flowing or still water, flowering bushes, sun, moon, mountains, birds and animals all can provide a powerful message that communicate deeply into our minds that subtly change behaviors toward desired outcomes.


I recommend trying a visualization created just for you as a meditation tool, especially if you think that meditation just isn’t for you. Natural images link us to their positive qualities that grow stronger with practice.


For example, picture a calm body of water, maybe one that you already know. Bring yourself to it when feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Let yourself step into it, and bring the still water to your heart, belly and head in scoops or just stand in its soothing presence.


A visualization like this one is like being your own best friend and is a step toward deeper personal wellness. I hope you’ll join me in future blogs about harnessing your mind with visualizations.


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