Robots are all around us. From the food we eat to the cars we drive, robots help make our lives easier, more efficient, and simply more fun! The field of robotics is expanding at a rapid pace, and Texas 4-H is poised to help lead young people into this exciting field. You will learn how to design, build, and program robots in an exciting and hands-on project.
The primary platform for the project is Lego® Mindstorms® but individuals or groups can independently pursue other platforms.
Ages: 9-18
Join the world’s largest youth-led science experiment!
Texas 4-H Robotics Advisory Committee
Ages: 13-Up
The Texas 4-H Robotics Advisory Committee provides direction for the future of the 4-H robotics projects. Members will work to build and strengthen the 4-H robotics program through suggestions for program direction and delivery. They will plan activities for the 4-H robotics program that interest a variety of youth and volunteers, and encourage participants to become more involved in planning and developing project materials and activities. Applications are accepted once a year at the beginning of the 4-H year. See opportunities.
Texas 4-H Tech Team
Ages: 15-Up
The Texas 4-H Technology Team is a group of young people and adults who promote computer and technology use within 4-H. The Technology Team recruits new members yearly for one to two year membership terms. This program requires a significant amount of time and requires that you secure transportation for the Fall Orientation, the Spring Meeting, Texas 4-H Roundup, and Texas 4-H Congress. Applications are accepted once a year before the beginning of the 4-H year.
This program helps students learn basic science concepts and application of the scientific inquiry method and engineering design. Three tracks are open to students: Junk Drawer Robotics Curriculum, Platform Robotics, and Virtual Robotics.
Ages: Juniors (8-13) and Senior (14-19)
Students are given the opportunity to design, build, and test a robot with limited time and resources. After completing the robot, the students can enter the robot into the GEAR (Get Excited About Robotics) competition. Part of the learning process is learning new game designs and developing winning game strategies.
Gearing Up 4-H Robotics Series
Robotshop: “How to Make a Robot” Lesson
This 10 lesson online tutorial program is designed for students interested in building a robot on their own and provides explanations of robotics terms.
STEMcentric is a resource for students and teachers using the LEGO® Robotics kits. The NXT Tutorial is divided into two parts. “Essentials” is the first part and includes information all NXT programmers should know with exercises for practice. The second part “Advanced” is for reference.
Robotics Challenge at Texas 4-H Roundup
The Robotics Challenge is a contest designed to allow members to demonstrate their robotics, engineering, and problem-solving skills. More information can be found in the Robotics Challenge Invitational document.
Texas 4-H GEAR Contests
Ages: Juniors (8-13) and Senior (14-19)
These competitions are open to active 4-H members who compete as 2-6 member teams. The competition is comprised of a robotics demonstration, an informational presentation, and technical interview. More information can be found in the robotics_GEAR-General-Rules-2015
Texas Tech University GEAR Contest
South Plains elementary and middle schools have the opportunity to partner with engineering students from Texas Tech University for a period of 6-8 weeks. This program is free of charge and requires schools to register. School teams will have the opportunity to compete in the South Plain GEAR tournaments.