Learn, lead, and make a difference in your community through the 4-H citizenship project. As you learn more about your community and how to participate, you’ll learn about local government and Texas legislative process. Some 4-H members even decide to serve on community boards for parks or local groups like the Boys & Girls Club. Your leadership, communication, decision making skills will improve as you develop a sense of pride in your community.
This project is really what what you make it! You can choose to do a short or long project, but many 4-H members do citizenship activities throughout their 4-H career by participating in One Day 4-H, National 4-H Week, serving on local community government or with other community organizations. Make it what you want it to be! Talk to your club leader or your county agent about what you can do.
National 4-H Week
National 4-H Week is a week-long celebration of 4-H. You can promote the organization and teach people in your community about 4-H. Clubs can host an open house or some members choose to do presentations about 4-H at their schools or on the local news. Visit your county commissioner to get a resolution recognizing National 4-H Week!
Commissioner Court Interpretation Days
Visit your local government to talk about the importance of 4-H in the community. They can declare special days honoring 4-H in your community!
This event is designed for all 4-H members to learn more about the state legislative process, see legislators in session, and to visit with elected officials.
As you learn more about local government, you may decide you really like it and want to make a difference in the state. At Texas 4-H Congress, members in grades 9th to 12th will visit the Texas State Capitol to write and submit laws. And then act as a member of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the press, or as a lobbyist. From these roles, the 4-H members determine the fate of each bill submitted over the four-day event.