Fannin 4-H Club Bylaws
Adopted April 22, 2016
ARTICLE I: Name and Objectives
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Fannin 4-H Club.
Section 2. This shall be a nonprofit organization for the purpose of promoting education through 4-H club work.
Section 3. The objectives of this organization shall be
i. to provide learning situations for the development of leadership, responsibility and effective citizenship.
ii. to provide educational and challenging experiences that will enable young people to become knowledge able and skilled in their selected project areas.
iii. to provide information and training in other 4-H activities as members’ interests dictate.
iv. to help each member experience personal growth and achievement, as well as be of service to others.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all youth who have reached 8 years of age and have entered the third grade and have not reached their 19th birthday before September 1 of the current 4-H year and who reside in County regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, national origin or disability.
Section 2. New members must be enrolled annually through 4-H CONNECT and be approved as an active member. All members must re-enroll annually.
Section 3. All members are required to pay the minimum state-level participation fees of $20.00 on or before October 31st, or pay $25.00 on or after November 1st.
Section 4. All members should conduct at least one project, and then complete and turn in a project record form or
appropriate paperwork.
ARTICLE III: Officers and Elections
Section 1. The officers of the club shall be a president, first vice-president, second vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and public relations officer.
Section 2. Officers shall be elected annually. Officers shall serve for a term of one year beginning whenever installation is held (June, July, August or September), and shall not be eligible for the same office the following year. Any person appointed to fill an unexpired term may be eligible for the same office the following year.
Section 3. The officers of the club shall constitute an executive committee.
Section 4. Any officer position that becomes vacant shall be filled by someone appointed by the executive committee.
Section 5. The president, with the approval of the executive committee, may appoint up to four members to official leadership roles as the need arises. Those appointed become members of the executive committee.
ARTICLE IV: Duties of Officers
Section 1. Duties of the president shall be
(a) to preside at all meetings of the club, enforce the bylaws and exercise supervision over the affairs of the club.
(b) to appoint standing and special committees.
(c) to serve as an ex-officio member of each committee, except the nominating committee.
(d) to serve as delegate of the club to the County 4-H Council.
Section 2. Duties of the first vice-president shall be
(a) to assist the president.
(b) to perform the duties of the president in the absence of that officer.
(c) to serve as chairman of the program committee.
(d) to help plan all club educational programs one year in advance.
(e) to provide advice to the presiding officer on parliamentary procedure.
(f) to instruct members in correct parliamentary procedure.
Section 3. Duties of the second vice-president shall be
(a) to assist the president.
(b) to perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president and first vice-president.
(c) to serve as chairman of the recreation/social committee.
(d) to help plan recreation and refreshments for each club meeting and plan special social events of the club.
Section 4. Duties of council delegate(s) shall be
(a) to serve as delegate to the County 4-H Council.
(b) to keep the club informed of county 4-H activities and assist in the coordination of local and county
(c) to encourage all 4-H members to become involved in county 4-H activities.
Section 5. Duties of the secretary shall be
(a) to keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of the club.
(b) to have charge of club correspondence.
(c) to keep the roll and read the minutes at each meeting.
Section 6. Duties of the treasurer shall be
(a) to help prepare a budget for approval by the club.
(b) to receive, hold and pay out all monies of the club as designated by the adopted budget. Any
expenditures not included in the budget must be approved by the executive committee.
(c) to keep an accurate record of the receipt and expenditures of all funds.
(d) to present a financial statement when requested to do so.
(e) to serve as chairman of the finance committee.
Section 7. Duties of the public relations officer shall be
(a) to report activities of the club to local news media.
(b) to report activities to the county Extension agent and/or in the county 4-H newsletter.
(c) to serve as chairman of the membership committee.
(d) to help enroll members into the club and be in charge of promotion and recruitment of new members.
ARTICLE V: Leaders and Duties
Section 1. Adult leaders of the club shall be
(a) the club manager and the assistant club manager(s) recruited by a special committee, or nominated by the nominating committee during April or May of each year. Subject to the approval of the county Extension agent and the 4-H & Youth Development Committee.
(b) leaders in specific project or activity areas such as judging, clothing, swine, poultry, demonstrations,
records, etc., who shall be appointed by the club managers and the executive committee.
(c) committee advisors or leaders who shall be appointed by the executive committee and club managers.
Section 2. Duties of the club managers shall be
(a) to be responsible for the overall year’s program of the club.
(b) to work as close advisors and leaders along with the executive committee, other committees and adult
and junior leaders to see that the club’s program and activities are well-planned and executed.
(c) to work closely with county Extension agents and other adult volunteers to coordinate local and county
(d) to keep the best interests of each member foremost in the plans of the club.
Section 3. Duties of the project and activity leaders shall be
(a) to be responsible for planning and directing activities and programs in their specific area.
(b) to work closely with club managers to coordinate their projects with other club activities.
(c) to use junior leaders to assist them in their areas.
Section 4. Duties of the committee advisors or leaders shall be
(a) to provide leadership and guidance to individual committees.
(b) to help committee members assume as much responsibility as they are capable of and to have successful experiences in carrying out responsibilities.
Section 5. Junior Leaders of the club shall be members who are in the 3rd grade who have been members for at least one year. Their duties shall include
(a) assisting adult leaders in all phases of the 4-H program.
(b) providing leadership, knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to club and county 4-H activities as the opportunities and needs arise.
(c) helping individual club members.
Section 6. Teen Leaders of the club shall be members who are at least 6th grade with 1 year of project experience. Their duties shall include.
(a) lead a club or a project group with an adult present.
(b) providing leadership, knowledge, skills and enthusiasm to club and county 4-H activities as the
opportunities and needs arise.
(c) helping individual club members.
ARTICLE VI: Committees and Duties
Section 1. The standing committees of the organization shall be finance, membership, program social and community service. These committees shall be appointed by the executive committee, club manager and assistant club manager at the beginning of the year for a one-year term.
Section 2. Duties of the standing committees shall be
(a) Finance – the finance committee shall have the responsibility of presenting a proposed budget to the club and arranging for an audit of the books when necessary. The committee shall also review the financial status of the club and make recommendations for fund-raising projects during the year.
(b) Membership – The membership committee shall encourage every eligible boy or girl in the neighborhood or community to become a 4-H member. The committee will also be responsible for securing and enrolling new members for the club, welcoming visitors and prospective members at club meetings, and providing new members with 4-H club information.
(c) Program – The program committee shall be responsible for all of the programs at the regular meetings.
This includes planning the year’s programs at the beginning of the club year and being responsible for
each program during the year.
(d) Social – The social committee shall be responsible for providing recreation at each club meeting, for all
special social activities during the year, and for appointing families to provide refreshments and be hosts
and hostesses for each regular meeting.
(e) Community Service – The community service committee shall be responsible for planning community
service activities to involve all members of the club. Those activities should help the members develop
personally as well as benefitting the community and county.
Section 3. The nominating committee shall be appointed by the president at least 30 days before the election of officers. It shall consist of three to seven members and one to two advisors. This committee shall secure the consent of each nominee before placing his or her name on the proposed slate of officers.
Section 4. Other committees may be named as the need arises.
Section 1. Regular meetings of this organization shall be held on a day and at a time designated in annual planning.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the president or club manager.
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised shall be the accepted authority in all matters pertaining to parliamentary procedure that are not specifically covered in the club’s bylaws.
Section 2. The order of business for regular meetings is:
• Call to order
• Inspirational
• Roll call
• Reception of new members and recognition of guests
• Reading and approval of minutes
• Reports – officers, committees, project groups, special activities, leaders
• Unfinished business
• New business
• Program
• Adjournment
• Recreation
This order of business may be altered for the convenience of a speaker giving the program.
ARTICLE IX: Club Disbandment
Upon the disbandment of the club, all real property, including money, equipment and land, shall become the property of the County 4-H Program for care and disposition. The last official duty of the club’s manager shall be to effect the transfer of club property and to turn over club records to the county Extension agent.
ARTICLE X: Amendments
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the club by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that the proposed amendments have been presented to the club in writing and filed with the secretary. Amendments must not conflict with the basic 4-H philosophy.