Entries are due to the Extension Office: Thursday, November 17 at 4:00 P.M.
Changes & Reminders
- Stalling and Tie-Outs
- Steers, barrows and heifers will again be stalled upon arrival. To stall or pen together, groups must arrive and be in line together at the staging area. Animals will be counted on the trailer.
- Steer and heifer packets will be distributed at the Airport Blvd stalling office, the driver of each trailer must know the exhibitor of each animal on their trailer to receive stalling assignments. The first three rows of cattle stalls on the north side of the barn (rows nearest to the dock as wash racks) will be assigned to those exhibitors arriving first. Once these three rows are assigned, assignments will be given starting on the far end of the stalls (closest to commercial exhibits) and will work back towards the dock. Pre-purchased heifer and steer tie-outs will be assigned and distributed at the Airport Blvd stalling office. Heifer and steer exhibitors will not be allowed to purchase additional tie-outs when entering online. Exhibitors are limited to one tie-out per heifer or steer. Tie-outs will not be made available until move in-is complete.
- Junior market lambs and goats will be pre-penned at the discretion of Show management, depending on number of entries.
- Trailer Parking
- With the exception of Junior Show move-ins, trailer parking will remain open from 6 A.M. to 9 P.M.
- Releases
- Once releases are written for a particular show, exhibitors not requiring a trailer release will be allowed to enter North Stadium Drive from the livestock parking lot, as directed by the Breeders Greeters Committee and will NOT be required to stage at Airport Blvd prior to entering North Stadium. For any release requiring a trailer, exhibitors must report to Airport Blvd and stage prior to entering North Stadium Drive
- Residue Testing
- All animals must remain free and clear of all drug and chemical residues while on Show grounds. The Show practices a “Zero Tolerance” policy on all residue violations. Exhibitors must take their animal through the testing area unless substitute is allowed by the superintendents. Exhibitors who violate this rule will be disqualified.
- Entries
- As a requirement exhibitors MUST pass the Quality Counts Verification test. Verification codes for each exhibitor MUST be entered upon entry
- Ground Passes
- Be sure to order grounds passes prior to arrival to avoid lines the day of the show. All gates into NRG Park will be manned beginning at 7 A.M. each morning. Only exhibitors entered in the Show will receive complimentary grounds passes.
- Vehicle Permits
- Vehicle permits will be issued based on the number of exhibitors entered by club or chapter per week.
Contests that are available to members at the Houston Livestock Show are:
- Calf Scramble
- Ag Mechanics Contest
- Ag Robotics
- Ag Science Fair
- Beef Quiz Bowl
- Food Challenge
- Ag Product ID
- Dairy Judging
- Floriculture
- Horse Judging
- Livestock Judging
- Meats Judging
- Nursery/Landscape
- Poultry Judging
- Range & Pasture I.D.
- Wildlife Habitat Eval.
- Wool Judging
- Ag Public Speaking Contest
- Veterinary Science Skillathon
- Young Guns