
Volunteering with 4-H can be a rewarding experience, and there are several ways you can get involved:

  1. Become a Club Manager: Help lead a local 4-H club by organizing meetings, activities, and projects.
  2. Project Mentor: Share your skills in specific areas, such as agriculture, STEM, arts, or leadership, by guiding youth in their project work.
  3. Event Support: Assist in planning and running events like county fairs, exhibitions, or workshops. This could include logistics, judging, or providing resources.
  4. Teach Workshops: Offer your expertise through workshops or classes on topics like gardening, cooking, robotics, or public speaking.
  5. Chaperone Field Trips: Help supervise youth during outings or educational trips, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.
  6. Fundraising: Get involved in fundraising efforts to support local 4-H programs, whether through organizing events or seeking sponsorships.
  7. Promotion and Outreach: Help spread the word about 4-H in your community, encouraging new members and families to join.
  8. Serve on Advisory Boards: Participate in local or state advisory committees to help shape the direction of 4-H programs.
  9. Support Administrative Tasks: Assist with office work, including organizing files, managing communications, or maintaining databases.
  10. Partner with Schools: Collaborate with local schools to integrate 4-H programs into their curriculum or extracurricular activities.

Volunteer Signup


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Ways you can volunteer

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