Sheng Additional Publications

Zhuping Sheng , Ph.D., P.E., P.H.
Professor, Resident Director
Agricultural and Water Resources Engineering

Additional Publications and Activities

Peer Reviewed, Refereed Journal Articles (*Graduate Student; #Postdoctoral)

Abudu, S.#, Sheng, Z., Sabzi, H.Z., King, J.P. (2018). Drought Scenario Analysis Using RiverWare: A Case Study in Urumqi River Basin, China, Civil Engineering Journal (accepted for publication).

Abudu, S.#, Sheng, Z., Ganjegunte, G. (2018). Assessing Vegetable Growth and Yield Response to Graywater Irrigation. American Journal of Agricultural Research, 2018, 3:19.

Kong, X.*, Wang, S., Liu, B., Sun, H., Sheng, Z. (2018). Impact of Water Transfer on Interaction between Surface Water and Groundwater in the Lowland Area of North China Plain, 09 May 2018, Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13136. (SCI IF: 3.45)

Bushira, K.M*, Gebregiorgis,  Y. B., Verma, R.K., Sheng, Z. (2018). Cut soil slope stability analysis along National Highway at Wozeka–Gidole Road, Ethiopia, April 2018, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s40808-018-0465-6

Wang, S., Yuan, R., Tang, C., Song, X., Currell, M., Yang, Z., Sheng, Z. (2018). Combination of CFCs and stable isotopes to characterize the mechanism of surface water-groundwater interaction in a headwater basin of the North China Plain. Hydrological Processes, 32 (11): 1571-1587. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11494. (SCI IF: 3.45)

Zhang N., Li, X., Sheng, Z. (2018). The new formula of calculating depth of a tension crack in the upper surface of a sliding slope using inflection principle. Journal of Engineering Geology, 26(1): 157-163. Doi:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2018.01.017.

Zhang N., Sheng, Z. Qi S. (2018). Noncircular curve searching for determining the minimum safety factor in designing homogenous slope. Journal of Engineering Geology, 26(1): 241-248. Doi:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2018.01.024.

He, Y., Chen, X., Sheng, Z., Lin, K., Gui, F. (2018). Water allocation under the constraint of total water use quota: A case from Dongjiang River Basin, South China, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63(1): 154-167. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2017.1417596. (SCI IF: 1.77)

Smith, WB.*, Miller, G.R., Sheng, Z. (2017). Assessing Aquifer Storage and Recovery Feasibility in the Gulf Coastal Plains of Texas, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 14: 92-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2017.10.007

Zhang, N., Li, X., Sheng, Z., He, J. (2017). Stability analysis of landslides using joint forces method on multiple profiles, Journal of Engineering Geology (in Chinese). 25(5): 1190-1204. DOI: 10.13544/j.enki.jeg.2017.05.003.

Liu Q., Bai, Y., Gu, Z., Lu Y., Sheng, Z. (2017). Experiment on dissolution-creep characteristics of limestone and dolomite in rocky desertification area: a case study of Zhenfeng-Guanlinghuajian karst region in Guizhou, Journal of Guilin University of Technology, 37(3): 399-404.

Bai, Y., Liu, Q., Gu, Z., Lou Y., Sheng, Z. (2017). The dissolution mechanism and karst development of carbonate rocks in karst rocky desertification area of Zhenfeng-Guanling-Huajiang County, Guizhou, China. Carbonates and Evaporites, DOI: 10.1007/s13146-017-0386-x. (SCI IF: 0.52)

Wang, H., He, K., Li, R., Sheng, Z., Tian Y., Wen, J., Chang, B. (2017). Impact of time lags on diurnal estimates of canopy transpiration and canopy conductance from sap-flow measurements of Populus cathayana in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Forestry Research, 28(3): 481–490.

Chang, B.*, He K., Li, R., Sheng, Z., Wang H. (2017). Linkage of climatic factors and human activities with water level fluctuations in Qinghai Lake of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China, Water, 9(7): 552. doi:10.3390/w9070552 (SCI IF:2.14)

Bushira, K.M.*, Hernandez, J.R., Sheng, Z. (2017). Surface and groundwater flow modeling for calibrating steady state using MODFLOW in Colorado River Delta, Baja California, Mexico, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 3(2): 815–824, DOI:10.1007/s40808-017-0337-5.

Abudu, S.*, Z. Sheng, C. Cui, M. Saydi, H. Zamani-Sabzic, J.P. King. (2016). Integration of aspect and slope in snowmelt runoff modeling in a mountain watershed, Water Science and Technology, 9(4): 265-273 doi:// (SCI IF: 1.34)

Li, Y.*, X. Shao, Z. Sheng, Wenlu Guan,,Menghua Xiao. (2016).  Water conservation and nitrogen loading reduction effects with controlled and mid-gathering irrigation in a paddy field, Pol. J. Environ. Stud, 25(3): 1-7. (SCI IF: 0.71)

Li, Y.*, X. Shao, Z. Sheng. (2016).  Field experiments on reducing pollutants in agricultural-drained water using soil-vegetation buffer strips, Pol. J. Environ. Stud, 25(1): 195-204. (SCI IF:0.71)

McDonald, A. K.*, Wilcox, B.P., Moore, G.W., Hart, C.R. Sheng, Z., Owens, M.K. (2015). Tamarix transpiration along a semiarid river has negligible impact on water resources, Water Resour. Res., 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016866. (SCI IF: 4.397)

Sun, G., Michelsen, A.M., Sheng, Z., Fang, A.F., Shang, Y., Zhang, H. (2015). Featured Collection Introduction: Water for Megacities – Challenges and Solutions, Journal of AWRA, 51(3): 585-588. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12317.  (SCI IF: 1.88)

Zhang, N., Sheng, Z. (2015). New analytical solutions for one dimensional steady-state flow in an unconfined aquifer with a sloping base, Journal of Engineering Geology (in Chinese), 23 (SUPPL.): 223-228.

Sheng, Z., A.M. Michelsen, Y. Liu. 2015. Comparing long-term water resources planning for two large cities: Houston and Shanghai. IMPACT. American Water Resources Association. Middleburg, VA. 17(1): 5-8. (Invited, editor reviewed).

Sheng, Z., Zhao, X. (2015). Special Issue on Managed Aquifer Recharge: Powerful management tool for meeting water resources challenges, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20 (3): DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001139. (SCI IF: 1.34)

Zhang, N., Sheng, Z., Qi, S., He, J., Li, S. (2014). Mechanisms and conditions of compression extrusion of a horizontal-dip thin soft rock strata. Journal of Engineering Geology (in Chinese). 22(4): 610-624.

Ganjegunte, G.K., Sheng, Z., Clark, J.A. (2014). Soil salinity and sodicity appraisal by electromagnetic induction in soils irrigated to grow cotton, Land Degradation and Development. 25: 228-235, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1162. (SCI IF: 7.19)

Gutchick, V.P., Z. Sheng. (2013). Control of atmospheric fluxes from a pecan orchard by physiology, meteorology, and canopy structure: modeling and measurement. Agricultural Water Management. 129: 200-211, DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2013.08.004 (SCI IF: 3.27)

Liu, Y., Z. Sheng. (2013). Soil moisture statuses in an irrigated pecan field. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 139(1): 26-40. (SCI IF: 1.02)

McDonald, A.K.*, Z. Sheng, C.R. Hart, B.P. Wilcox. (2013). Studies of a regulated dryland river: surface-groundwater interactions. Hydrological Processes. 27(12): 1819–1828, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9340. (SCI IF: 3.45)

Sheng, Z. (2013). Impacts of groundwater pumping and climate variability on groundwater availability in the Rio Grande Basin. Ecosphere. 4(1):Art5. (SCI IF: 2.287)

Sheng, Z., Fox, G., Abudu, S. (2013). Special Section on Interconnection of Atmospheric Water, Surface Water, and Groundwater. J. Hydrol. Eng., 18(10): 1191-1192.10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000880 (SCI IF: 1.34)

Abudu S.*, King, J.P., Sheng, Z. (2012). Comparison of the performance of statistical models in forecasting monthly total dissolved solids in the Rio Grande, Journal of American Water Resources Association. 48(1): 10-23. (SCI IF: 1.88)

Ganjegunte, G.K, Sheng, Z., Clark, J.A. (2012). Evaluating the accuracy of soil water sensors for irrigation scheduling to conserve freshwater, Appl. Water Sci. 2:119-125.

Jana, R.B.*, Mohanty, B.P., Sheng, Z. (2012). Upscaling soil hydraulic parameters in the Picacho Mountain region using Bayesian neural networks, Transactions of the ASABE. 55(2): 463-473. (SCI IF: 0.96)

Zhang, N., Li, X., Z. Sheng, Li, S. and J. He, J. (2012). Mechanisms of tensile failure under uniaxial compression test – analytical interpretation of non-Griffith theory of a closed crack model, Journal of Engineering Geology, 20 (Supp. In Chinese): 886-899.

Ganjegunte, G.K., Sheng, Z., Braun, R.J. (2011). Salinity management using anionic organic polymer in a pecan field with calcareous-sodic Soil in El Paso, Texas, J. Environ. Qual. 40:1314–1321. (SCI IF: 2.405).

Liu, Y.#, Sheng, Z. (2011). Trend-outflow method for understanding interactions of surface water with groundwater and atmospheric water for eight reaches of the upper Rio Grande, J. of Hydrology. 409(3-4): 710-723. (SCI IF: 3.727)

Zhang N., Sheng, Z., Li, X., Li, S., and He, J. (2011). Study on relationship between Poisson’s ratio and angle of internal friction for rocks, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering (in Chinese). 30 (Supp. 1, in Chinese): 2599-2609.

Hart, C. R., White, L.D., McDonald, A.K., Sheng, Z. (2005). Saltcedar control and water salvage on the Pecos River, Texas, 1999-2003, Journal of Environmental Management. 75(4): 399-409. (SCI IF: 4.005)

Sheng, Z. (2005). An aquifer storage and recovery system with reclaimed wastewater to preserve native groundwater resources in El Paso, Texas, Journal of Environmental Management. 75(4): 367-377. (SCI IF: 4.005)

Sheng, Z., Devere. J. (2005). Understanding and managing the stressed Mexico-USA transboundary Hueco bolson aquifer in the El Paso del Norte region as a complex system, Journal of Hydrogeology. 13(5-6): 813-825. (SCI IF: 1.718)

Sheng, Z., Liu, Y., Michelsen, A., Xu, D. (2005). Comparative study in water resources development of western regions in the United States and China, Transaction of American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 48(3): 1015-1024. (SCI IF: 0.96).

Sheng, Z., Sturdivant, A., Michelsen, A., Lacewell, R. (2005). Rapid economic assessment of flood-control failure along the Rio Grande: A case study, International Journal of Water Resources Development. 21(4): 629-649. (SCI IF: 1.54)

Assadian, N., Gogel, C., Sheng, Z., Figueroa, U.V., Palomo, M. (2003). Heavy metal distribution in open canals and drains in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Soil and Sediment Contamination. 12(3): 305-323. (SCI IF: 1.45)

Sheng, Z., Helm, D.C., Li, J. (2003). Mechanisms of earth fissuring caused by groundwater withdrawal: Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. IX(4): 313-324. (SCI IF: 0.41)

Fahy, M.P., Sheng, Z., Reinert, S. (2001).  Wellhead protection program safeguards groundwater, AWWA

Liu, Z., Sheng. Z, Lu, J., Yao, B. (1996). Numerical Simulation of the Mining Area Stability of Sanshandao Gold Mine, Journal of Engineering Geology (in Chinese). 4(2): 24-30.

Zhang, C., Sheng, Z.,  Yao, B. (1990). Experimental investigation on the Kaiser effect of acoustic emission using the core of the stress-measuring hole at an underground plant of Ertan Project, Chinese Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering (in Chinese). 29(2): 72-81.

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Books or Chapters Written or Edited

Ahmed, N., S.W. Taylor and Z. Sheng (eds.). (2014). Hydraulics of Wells: Design, Construction, Testing, and Maintenance of Water Well Systems, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 127.  ASCE, Reston, 498p.

Zhang, N., Z. Sheng, G. Sun, and X. Wang. (1993).  Investigation on Stability of High Dip Bankslopes for Yangtze Three Gorges’ Key Water Control Project (in Chinese), Seismology Press, Beijing, 226p. (Research findings were used by designers and engineers as guidelines for reservoir management and relocation of new communities.)

Abudu, S., Sheng, Z., King, J.P. (2018). A Karez System’s Dilemma: A Cultural Heritage on a Shelf or Still a Viable Technique for Water Resiliency in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions? (accepted for publication).

Abudu, S., Z. Sheng, C. Cui, and D. Guan. 2014. The karez system in China’s Xinjiang Region, in John Calabrese (ed.), Harvesting Water and Harnessing Cooperation: Qanat Systems in the Middle East and Asia,  Middle East-Asia Project (MAP), January 18, 2014, available at:

Sheng, Z., C. Wang, J. Gastelum, S. Zhao, and J. Bordovsky. 2012. Desired future conditions for groundwater availability in the High Plains aquifer system, in Lal R. and Stewart, B.A. (eds.), Advance in Soil Science: Soil Water and Food Security, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 85-116.

Sheng, Z., J. Li, J.P. King, and W. Miller. 2011. Development of groundwater resources, Chapter 8 in M.M. Aral and S.W. Taylor (eds.) Groundwater Quantity and Quality Management, ASCE, Reston, p. 203-294.

Li, J. and Z. Sheng. 2011. Geological hazards due to groundwater discharge/recharge, Chapter 17 in A.N. Findikakis and K. Sato (eds.) Groundwater Management Practices (IAHR Monograph), CRC Press, p. 238-281.

Sheng, Z. (Contributing author), National Research Council. 2008. Prospects for Managed Underground Storage of Recoverable Water, Committee Chair: Dr. Edward Bouwer, The National Academies Press.

Sheng, Z., A. Sturdivant, A. Michelsen, and R. Lacewell. 2008. Rapid economic assessment of flood-control failure along the Rio Grande: A case study, in C. Gopalakrishnan and N. Okada (eds.) Water and Disasters: ISBN 10-0-415-45426-3, Routledge, London and New York: p. 86-106.

Sheng, Z., R.E. Mace, and M.P. Fahy. 2001. The Hueco Bolson: An aquifer at the crossroads, Chapter 6 in Aquifers of West Texas, Texas Water Development Board Report 356: TWBD, Austin, TX: p. 66-75.

Sheng, Z., Z. Liu, and B. Yao. 1994. Numerical models, Chapter 7 in B. Yao, Z. Liu and C. Li (eds.) Investigation on Stability of Underground Mining (in Chinese), Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: p. 141-168.

Guo, Z., Z. Sheng, and B. Yao. 1994. Rock mechanical tests, Chapter 5 in B. Yao, Z. Liu and C. Li (eds.) Investigation on Stability of Underground Mining (in Chinese), Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: p. 79-112.

Sheng, Z. and B. Yao. 1994. Major hydrologic and geological hazards in the mining areas in China, in S. Wang and B. Xu (eds.) Advances in Engineering Geomechanics (Monograph in Chinese), Seismology Press, Beijing: p. 112-117.

Sheng, Z. and Z. Liu. 1994. Major causes of a large landslide at the Baguanhe open pit mine, in S. Wang and B. Xu (eds.) Advances in Engineering Geomechanics (Monograph in Chinese), Seismology Press, Beijing: p. 144-149.

Yao, B., Z. Sheng, and Z. Liu.  1993. Overview of coal and gas outbursts and their investigation, Chapter 1 in B. Yao, G. Sun and X. Luo (eds.) Treatment and Control of Coal and Gas Outbursts (in Chinese), Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: p. 1-45.

Yao, B., Z. Liu, D. Yin, Z. Li, and Z. Sheng. 1993. Engineering geological conditions and mining operations in Nantong coal mine, Chapter 2 in B. Yao, G. Sun and X. Luo (eds.) Treatment and Control of Coal and Gas Outbursts (in Chinese), Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: p. 46-92.

Zhou, R., G. Sun, J. Xu, and Z. Sheng. 1993. Control of coal and gas outburst by fluid injection and gas extraction, Chapter 8 in B. Yao, G. Sun and X. Luo (eds.) Treatment and Control of Coal and Gas Outbursts (in Chinese), Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: p. 286-317.

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Standards, Manuals and Guidelines

ASCE. 2017. Calculation of the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Fine-Grained Soils, ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 65-17. Reston, VA.

ASCE 2010 Standard guideline for the geostatistical estimation and block-averaging of homogeneous and isotopic saturated hydraulic conductivity. ASCE/EWRI 54-10, Reston, VA.

ASCE 2008a. Standard Guideline for fitting saturated hydraulic conductivity using probability density function. ASCE/EWRI 50-08, Reston, VA.

ASCE 2008b. Standard Guideline for calculating the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity. ASCE/EWRI 51-08, Reston, VA.

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Proceedings papers

Sheng, Z., Jia, S. Michelsen, A. and Abudu. S. (2017). Lessons learned from long term water resources plans: top town vs. bottom up, XVI World Water Congress, Cancun Mexico, May 29-June 2 [8p; Presentation].

Abudu S., Sheng Z., Michelsen A., Rodriguez, O, King J.P. (2016). Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficient for Pecan Trees in El Paso, Texas, Proc. Irrigation Show and Education Conference, December 4-7, Las Vegas, NV, [8p. Presentation].

Abudu S., Sheng Z., He J., Cui C., Bayinmengke. (2016). Prospects on drip irrigation development in Xinjiang, China, Proc. Irrigation Show and Education Conference, December 4-7, Las Vegas, NV, [8p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and Y. Liu. (2015). Evapotranspiration of flood-irrigated pecans under drought conditions in El Paso, TX, 2015 ASABE Irrigation Symposium, November 12-14, Long Beach, CA, [Peer-Reviewed paper, Poster].

Abudu, S., Z. Sheng, J.P. King and C. Cui. (2013). Modeling surface and groundwater interaction in Rincon Valley, New Mexico using RiverWare groundwater objects, Proc. of 35th International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research World Congress, September 8-13, Chengdu, China. CD-ROM, [12p].

Gastelum, J.#, Z. Sheng, and A. Michelsen. (2012). Understanding of surface water and groundwater interactions in the Mesilla Aquifer, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Albuquerque, NM, May 20-24, 2012: 171-180 CD-ROM [Presentation].

Cui, C., S. Abudu, J.P. King, and Z. Sheng. 2012. Sustainability of ancient Karez systems in arid lands: A case study in Turpan Region of China, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Albuquerque, NM, May 20-24, 2012: 161-170 CD-ROM [Presentation].

Zhao, S.*, C. Wang, J. Bordovsky, Z. Sheng, and J.R. Gastelum. 2011. Estimating the spatial distribution of groundwater demand in the Texas High Plains.  Presented at the 2011 American Agricultural and Applied Economics & Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July (Paper published online at AgEcon Search).

Gastelum, J.R.#, Z. Sheng, C. Wang, and S. Zhao. 2011. Evaluation of well heads by using different approaches: well package, multi-node well package, and analytical solution, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Palm Springs, CA, May 21-26, 2011: 898-903 CD-ROM [Presentation].

Brown,W.A., A. Cegon, and Z. Sheng. 2011. Utilizing continuous resistivity profiling for characterization of canal seepage in El Paso, Texas, Proceedings, 24th Annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP). Charleston, South Carolina, April 10-14, 2011: 235-244.

Gastelum J.#, G. Small, and Z. Sheng. 2010. Application of the Drop Pipe Hydraulic and Aquifer Hydraulic Equations in Design and Operation of Artificial Recharge Wells, Proceedings, 7th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 9-13, 8p. [Peer-Reviewed paper, Presentation].

Sheng Z., A. Michelsen, Y. Liu, B. Creel, T. McGuckin, and R. Lacewell. 2010. Statistical analysis of flow exchange and salt loading between the Rio Grande and underlying aquifers, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Providence, RI, May 16-20, 1002-1011 CD-ROM [Presentation].

Li, R., Y. Wen, K. Guo, Z. Sheng, and S. Jia. 2010. Water resources management for development of a water-saving society in City of Golmu, Qinghai Province, China, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Providence, RI, May 16-20, 2744-2753 CD-ROM.

Liu, Y.# and Z. Sheng. 2009. Analytical-numerical solution for seepage along an earth canal disconnected from the shallow aquifer, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Kansas City, MO, May 17-21, CD-ROM [11p, Presentation].

Jia, S., S. Lin, Z. Sheng, R. Li, D. Liu, H. Yan, and N. Feng. 2009. Runoffs of the Xiangride and Qaidum Rivers in the arid Qaidum Basin, Northwest China, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Kansas City, MO, May 17-21, CD-RM [10p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., E. Herrera, G., Ganjegunte, and R. Bader. 2008. Potential use of graywater and brackish groundwater for cotton production, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual International Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 – July 2, CD-ROM [9p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., J. Arthur, J. Restrepo, and R. Allen-King. 2007. On Recovery Efficiency of Managed Underground Storage of Recoverable Water Systems, Proceedings of the 6th Biennial International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October 29 – November 2: 84-95. [Peer-Reviewed paper, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., N. Assadian, and J. Villalobos. 2007. Characterization of graywater and brackish water flow patterns through a column experiment, Proceedings Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Tampa, FL, May 14-19, 2007, CD-ROM [7p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., A.K. McDonald*, G. Xiang, and C. Hart. 2006. Characterize interaction of surface and ground water along the Pecos River by using time-series analysis of observed water levels, Proceedings, International Conference on Hydrological Sciences for Managing Water Resources in Asian Developing World, June 8 -10, Guangzhou, China, CD-ROM, [Presentation].

Qi, S., F. Wu, C. Yan, and Z. Sheng. 2006. Impacts of inundation of Houziyan reservoir on Zang nationality blockhouse group relics along the Dadu River, Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Omaha, NE, May 21-25, 2006, CD-ROM.

Sheng, Z., J. Villalobos, and A.M. Michelsen. 2005. Integrated GIS method for estimation of riparian coverage along the lower Rio Grande, Proceedings, River and Lake Restoration, Universities Council on Water Resources, Portland, Maine. July 12-14. CD-ROM [7p. Presentation].

Sheng, Z., L.S. Aristizabal, and Y. Wanyan. 2004. Well spacing and its impacts on surface water flow in El Paso lower valley, Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Salt Lake, Utah, June 27-July 1, 2004, CD-ROM [6p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and W. Hutchison. 2003. Dual-track development of groundwater availability models for Far West Texas, in Proceedings, International Conference of GIS and Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (ICGRHWE), Three Gorges Dam construction site, China, Sept. 16-19, 2003, CD-ROM [9p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., A. Michelsen, M.P. Fahy, and J. Ashworth. 2003. Conflicts and cooperation: water resources planning in Far West Texas, Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Philadelphia, PA, June 23-26, 2003, CD-ROM [10p, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., J.P. King, L.S. Aristizabal, and J. Davis. 2003. Assessment of water conservation by lining canals in the Paso Del Norte region: The Franklin Canal case study, Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Philadelphia, PA, June 23-26, 2003, CD-ROM [7p, Presentation].

Li, J. and Z. Sheng. 2002. Sensitivity analysis of nonlinear elastic solutions for land subsidence caused by ASR applications, in P.J. Dilon (ed.) Management of Aquifer Recharge for Sustainability, the Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater at South Australia, Australia, (ISBN 90-5809-527-4), A. A. Balkema; Rotterdam, Netherlands: 367-373. [Peer-Reviewed Paper]

Sheng, Z. 2002. Options for preservation of a transboundary aquifer, Hueco Bolson in the Paso del Norte region. In Proceedings, Integrated Transboundary Water management, Joint UCOWR, EWRI, NGWA, COE-IWR Conference, Traverse City, Michigan, July 23-26, 2002: 86-94 [Presentation].

Burkstaller J., Z. Sheng, E. Fierro, and S. Morgan, 2001. Elements of a brackish water resource master plan for El Paso, Texas, in Proceedings, New Horizons In Drinking Water, AWWA 2001 Annual Conference, Washington D.C., June 17-21, 2001, AWWA, Denver, CO, CD-ROM [11p].

Fahy, M.P., F. Rico, Z. Sheng, and R. Sperka. 2001. Application of groundwater models in optimization of wellfield operations, in Proceedings, New Horizons In Drinking Water, AWWA 2001 Annual Conference, Washington D.C., June 17-21, 2001, AWWA, Denver, CO, CD-ROM [9p].

Sheng, Z., M.P. Fahy, and J. Devere. 2001. Management strategies for the Hueco Bolson in the El Paso, Texas, USA and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico region, in Proceedings, Bridging the Gap, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Orlando, Florida, May 20-24, 2001, ASCE, Reston, VA, CD-ROM [10p, Presentation].

Reinert, S., Z. Sheng, and M.P. Fahy. 2001. Synopsis of the El Paso-Las Cruces Regional Sustainable Water Project, in Proceedings, Bridging the Gap, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Orlando, Florida, May 20-24, 2001, ASCE, Reston, VA, CD-ROM [9p].

Fahy, M.P., Z. Sheng, and S. Reinert. 2000. Wellhead protection program for the City of El Paso, in Proceedings, Step up to the Future: Innovation for the New Millennium, The AWWA 2000 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, June 11-15, 2000, CD-ROM. AWWA, Denver, CO, CD-ROM [6p].

Sheng, Z. and D.C. Helm. 1998. Multiple steps of earth fissuring caused by groundwater withdrawal, in Case Studies of Land Subsidence and Current Research, Proceedings of the Joseph F. Poland Symp., Sacramento, CA, October, 1995; ed. by Borchers, J.W. (ISBN: 0-89863-197-1), Star Publishing, Belmont, CA: 149-154. [Peer-Reviewed paper, Presentation]

Sheng, Z., D.C. Helm, and J. Li. 1998. Controlling factors for earth fissures caused by groundwater withdrawal, in Proc. of 8th Inter. Congress of the International Assoc. of Engineering Geology, Vancouver, Canada, Sept. 21-25, 1998, Balkema, Rotterdam: 2373-80.

Yao, B., Z. Sheng, Z. Liu, and J. Yang. 1996. Investigation on stability of the mine area of Sanshan Island and Gold Mine, in S. Wang and B. Xu (eds.) Advances in Engineering Geology, China Three Gorges Publishing House, Beijing: 43-50. [Peer-Reviewed paper]

Sheng, Z. and B. Yao. 1996. Environmental and geological engineering problems in mining areas in China, Proc. of Fifth Conference of Engineering Geology (in Chinese), Beijing, Feb. 1996, Geological Press, Beijing: 37-42.

Sheng, Z. and D.C. Helm. 1995. Conceptual models for earth fissuring in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, in Land Subsidence – Proc. of the Fifth Int. Symp. on Land Subsidence, ed. by Barends, F.B.J., Brouwer, F.J.J. and F.H., Schroder, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 16-20, 1995, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Publ. No. 234: 381-387 [Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and Z. Liu. 1995. Analysis of the landslide at a limestone open pit mine in China, in Proc. of 8th Int. Sci. of Rock Mechanics, ed. by Fujii, T., Vol. 1, Tokyo, Japan, October 1995: .437-439.

Sheng, Z. 1994. The role of a sudden increase of local porewater pressure in fissuring associated with ground water withdrawal, Proc. of the Chinese Young Scholar Symp. on Geomechanics and Engineering Application, Wuhan, China, Dec. 23-25, 1994, Scientific Publisher, Beijing: 764-769 [Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and D.C Helm. 1994. Displacement discontinuity modeling of fissures caused by ground water withdrawal, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, ed. by Siriwardane, H.J., Vol. 2, Morgantown, WV, USA, May 22-28, 1994, Balkema, Rotterdam: 1263-68 [Presentation].

Sheng, Z., G. Sun, and N. Zhang. 1993. Revival of old landslides and prevention of bank slopes, in Advances in Treatment and Reinforcement of Surface Rock Masses (in Chinese), Proc. of Symposium on Treatment and Reinforcement of Surface Rock Masses, Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Beijing, October 30-Nov. 2, 1990, Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: 143-149. [Peer-Reviewed paper]

Sheng, Z., N. Zhang, and G. Sun. 1993. Analysis of mountain geological hazards in the Yangtze Gorges’ reservoir area, in Advances in Treatment and Reinforcement of Surface Rock Masses (in Chinese), Proc. of Symposium on Treatment and Reinforcement of Surface Rock Masses, Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Beijing, October 30-Nov. 2, 1990, Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: 170-176. [Peer-Reviewed paper]

Yao, B. and Z. Sheng. 1993. Recent advances in surface engineering of rock masses, in Advances in Treatment and Reinforcement of Surface Rock Masses (in Chinese), Proc. of Symposium on Treatment and Reinforcement of Surface Rock Masses, Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Beijing, October 30-Nov. 2, 1990, Chinese Scientific and Technological Press, Beijing: 1-13. [Peer-Reviewed paper]

Zhou, R., Z. Sheng, and J. Yu. 1992. Rock mechanical mechanism for control of coal and gas outburst by fluid injection and gas extraction, in Proc. of Fourth Conference of Engineering Geology (in Chinese), Vol. 2, Chengdu, China, August 1992, Ocean Publisher, Beijing: 777-782.

Sheng, Z. and N. Zhang.  1992. Stability analysis of old landslides, in Landslides, Proc. of the Sixth Int. Symp. of Landslides, ed. by Bell, D.H., New Zealand, Feb. 10-14, 1992, Balkema, Rotterdam: 1205-09.

Zhang, N. and Z. Sheng. 1992. Probability analysis of rain-related occurrence and revival of landslides in Yunyang-Fengjie area, east Sichuan, in Landslides, Proc. of the Sixth Int. Symp. of Landslides, ed. by Bell, D.H., New Zealand, Feb. 10-14, 1992, Balkema, Rotterdam: 1077-83.

Zhang, J. and Z. Sheng. 1991. Analysis of forming conditions of landslides and their failure patterns on consequent bankslope around Anping town, Proc. of Landslide and Geotechnics (II), Wuhan, China, May 21-23, 1991, Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology Press, Wuhan: 80-85.

Sheng, Z. 1989.  Effects of loading control in rock mechanical tests and their engineering application, in Application of Rock Mechanics in Engineering (in Chinese), Proc. of the 2nd Conference of Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Guangzhou, China, December 1989, Knowledge Press, Beijing: 357-364. [Peer-Reviewed paper]

Yao, B., G. Sun, Z. Sheng, and S. Zhang. 1989. Stability assessment of an office building foundation over the underground mining area, in Application of Rock Mechanics in Engineering (in Chinese), Proc. of the 2nd Conference of Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Guangzhou, China, December 1989, Knowledge Press, Beijing: 62-70. [Peer-Reviewed paper]

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Invited Presentations at Meetings and Seminars

1. International and National level scientific meeting or symposium

Sheng, Z. (2017). Use of greywater and brackish water for agricultural production, The 4th Forum on Global Ecology, Agriculture and Rural-Uplift Program (GEAR-UP), Taiwan, November 11-14, 2017 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Tracy, J. and Sanchez, R. (2017). Understanding Hueco Bolson aquifer, Special Session on Share waters of North America, XVI World Water Congress, Cancun, Mexico, May 29-June 2, 2017 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and G. Ganjegunte. 2014. Use of greywater and brackish groundwater for cotton production, USDA/WRRC Track, Annual Conference of Universities Council on Water Resources, July 18-20, Tufts University, MA. [Abstract, Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2011. Framework for a water resources decision support system for the Paso del Norte region,  2011 Yangling International Agri-Science Forum, November 6, Yangling, China: 212 [Abstract, Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2010. Precision irrigation: Estimating ET over pecan orchards through moisture monitoring, eddy covariance system and remote sensing. 2010 Sino-US International Workshop on Intelligent Equipment for Precision Agriculture and Airborne Remote Sensing and Measurement for Agriculture. December 3-5. College Station, Texas, USA. [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2010. Use of graywater and brackish water for cotton and vegetable production, Regional Science Workshop, Using Treated Graywater as an Environmental Solution, EPA Region 4, Atlanta, GA, May 18-20, [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and J.P. King. 2006. Efficient measures for controlling irrigation canal losses in the Rio Grande Project area, at the U.S. Department of Agriculture CSREES National Water Conference. San Antonio, TX. February 5 – 9 [Abstract, Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2005. Systematic analysis of hydraulic and non-hydraulic driving forces for development of earth fissures associated with groundwater pumping, The 48th Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. September 17-25 [Abstract, Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2005. Challenges faced by aquifer storage and recovery system for the reclaimed wastewater in El Paso, Texas, at the Aquifer Storage and Recovery Workshop of American Water Work Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, June 12-15 [Abstract, Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2004. Upper Rio Grande Operations Model, A reference point for problem solving, Invited Panel Presentation, at the University Council of Water Resources Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, July 22 [Abstract, Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2004. Earth fissures and hydraulic driving forces, Shlemon Conference on Earth Fissures sponsored by Association of Engineering Geologists, El Paso, Texas, April 3. [Abstract, Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 1994. Ground failures in USA caused by ground water withdrawal, The Chinese Young Scholar Symp. on Geomechanics and Engineering Application, Wuhan, China, December 23-25, [Invited Presentation].

2. Regional or State level scientific meetings

Sheng, Z. 2014. Brackish Groundwater Desalination, ASABE Texas Section Annual Meeting, Victoria, TX, October 16. [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2014. Aquifer Storage and Recovery System, Texas Water Foundation, Austin, Texas, June 17. [Invited Distinguished Speaker Series Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Evolution of the conceptual model of the Rio Grande flow for flood control and water operations planning, New Mexico Section of the ASCE Fall Meeting, City of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, September 22-23, 2011 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Impacts of groundwater pumping and climate variability on groundwater availability in the Rio Grande Basin, Proc. NSF Workshop on Sustainability on the border: Water, climate, social change in a fragile landscape, The University of Texas at El Paso, May 16-18, 2011, [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2010. Characterization of river flow and salt-loading and establishing a coordinated water resources database within the Rio Grande project area, Workshop on Climate Change and Potential Adaptation Responses to Protecting the Natural Resources in the Big Bend Region, sponsored by National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Sector Application Research Program (NOAA SARP), Alpine, TX,  June 15, [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2009.  Development of coordinated water resources database & flow model along the MX-US border in Paso del Norte watershed, Land Water People Annual Conference, River Systems Institute, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, November 16-18, [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z., C. Keyes, Jr., and H. Brinegar. 2009. Paso del Norte Watershed Council –
water restoration action strategies, Land Water People Annual Conference, River Systems Institute, Texas State University, Texas, November 16-18 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z., C. Keyes, Jr., and H. Brinegar. 2009. Coordinated water resources database & GIS for Paso del Norte watershed management, New Mexico Section of the ASCE Fall Meeting, Ruidoso, New Mexico, September 24-25, [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2000. Aquifer storage and recovery system for the El Paso – Las Cruces Regional Sustainable Water Project, Environmental Issues in New Mexico, New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, April 6 [abstract], [Invited Presentation].

3. Producer or Research-user group meetings

I3-12: Hargrove W., Z. Sheng, Ari Michelsen, Girisha Gunjegunte, 2015. Update on USDA project, PdNWC, July 23 [Invited Presentation].

Michelsen, A.M., T. McGuckin, Z. Sheng, R.D. Lacewell and B. Creel. 2014. Economic Impacts of Rio Grande Salinity and Benefits of Salinity Reduction. Rio Grande Economic Association. Federal Reserve Bank. El Paso, TX, December 9 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2014. Who owns water vs. who uses water in USA? Seminar at Xinjiang Bureau of Water Resources and Xinjiang Association of Water Conservancy, Urumqi, China, August 6 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2013. Managed Underground Storage of Recoverable Water System: Tool for Sustainable Development, Seminar at Xinjiang Bureau of Water Resources and Xinjiang Association of Water Conservancy, Urumqi, China, June 25 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Water sustainability in arid regions, Seminar at Xinjiang Bureau of Water Resources and Xinjiang Association of Water Conservancy, Urumqi, China, July 4 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2009. Pecan growth and water conservation, 2009 Pecan Group Conference, El Paso, Texas, February 10 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2008. Coordinated water resources database and RiverWare model development, The URGWOM Steering Committee Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, September 11 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2008. Upper Rio Grande Water Operations Model (URGWOM): Current status of RiverWare model for simulation of the Rio Grande flow for the Rio Grande Project: The IBWC Citizen Forum, El Paso, Texas, September 8 [Invited Presentation].

Tillery, S.*, J.P. King, and Z. Sheng. 2008. Rincon Valley RiverWare™ model with groundwater storage objects, The Paso del Norte Watershed Council meeting (fourth workshop), Las Cruces, NM, March 1[Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2007. Water conservation in arid regions; Seminar at Qinghai Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower and Qinghai Chapter of Association of Water Resources and Hydropower, Xining, Qinghai. December 11 [Invited Presentation].

Korbulic, Q., Z. Sheng, and B. Creel. 2007. Coordinated water resources database and GIS project, The Paso del Norte Watershed Council meeting (third workshop). Las Cruces, NM, June 1 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2006. Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions – The Rio Grande Basin Case Study; Seminar at Qinghai Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower and Qinghai Chapter of Association of Water Resources and Hydropower, Xining, Qinghai. June 20 [Invited Presentation].

4. University & Institute Seminars

Sheng, Z. 2018. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and Its Evolution: Powerful Water Management Tool, Seminar at Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, April 26 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2018. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and Its Evolution: Powerful Water Management Tool, Seminar at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, April 24 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2018. Precision Irrigation with Monitored ET over Pecan Orchard, Seminar at Guizhou Normal University, April 23 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2018. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and Its Evolution: Powerful Water Management Tool, Seminar at Tongji University, April 16 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2017. Groundwater Availability Model for Regional Water Planning: Case Study for the Hueco Bolson Aquifer, Guest Lecture, UTEP, Texas, October 24 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2016. Hueco bolson aquifer: current and future activities, Seminar at University of Coahuila, Saltillo, Mexico, November 3 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2016. Publish research findings effectively, Seminar at University of Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China September 28 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2016. Managed Aquifer Recharge: Powerful Management Tool for Meeting Water Resources Challenge, Seminar at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, September 26 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2016. Publish Research Findings Effectively, Seminar at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, September 26 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2016. Managed Aquifer Recharge: Powerful Management Tool for Meeting Water Resources Challenge, Seminar at Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, September 18 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2016.  Publish Research Findings Effectively, Seminar at Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China September 9 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2016.  Determining ET over Pecan Orchards, Seminar at Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China September 9 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2016. How Can a Gaining River Become a Losing Stream in an Arid Region? Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Urumqi, China, June 10 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2016.  Environmental Flow in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, Seminar at Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China March 2 [Invited Presentation]

Sheng, Z. 2015. Groundwater Availability Models for Texas Regional Water Plan, Seminar at Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, June 26 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2015. Regional Water Planning in Texas, USA, Seminar at Xinjiang Bureau of Water Resources, Xinjiang Association of Water Conservancy & Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Urumqi, China, June 10 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2015. How to publish in a “top” journal? Seminar at Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, June 8 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2014. Integrated Water Resources Management: Principles and Applications, Seminar at Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, China, August 8 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2014. Integration of Education, Research and Extension in Texas A&M university, Seminar at Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Urumqi, China, August 7 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and C. Wang. 2014. How to publish in a “top” journal? Seminar at Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, July 30 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2014. Management of water resources in arid regions, Seminar at Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China, July 28 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2013. Water sustainability in arid regions: approaches & tools, Seminar at Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, June 30 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Water sustainability in arid regions: approaches and tools. Seminar at Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, China, July 5 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Water resources management in arid and semi-arid regions, Seminar at Qinghai University, Xining, China, June 29 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Applications of geophysical methods in groundwater engineering (II), Graduate Seminar at Peking University, Beijing, China, June 11 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Managed underground storage of recoverable water system: a tool for sustainable development, Seminar at Jinan University, Jinan, China, June 7 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Applications of geophysical methods in groundwater engineering (I), Graduate Seminar at Peking University, Beijing, June 4 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2012. Water sustainability in arid regions, 26th Annual Department of Geological Sciences Colloquium, University of Texas at El Paso, March 1 [Invited Keynote Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011.  Evolution of the conceptual model of the Rio Grande flow for flood control and water operations planning, Seminar at China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, Beijing, November 14 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011.  Water rights issues in southwestern United States. Seminar at Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing, November 12 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Water resources management in arid and semi-arid regions of the United States, Seminar at China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing, November 11 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Water resources management in the arid and semi-arid regions of the United States, Seminar at Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Urumqi, China, July 12 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Geological hazards related to groundwater development, Seminar at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, July 7 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2010. Water conservation in arid regions; Seminar at Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, Urumqi, China, August 18 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2008. Who owns water vs. who uses water in the United States? Seminar at Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, January 3 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2006. Integrated management of water resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions – The Rio Grande Basin case study; Seminar at Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, June 23 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Water resources management in arid and semi-arid regions, Seminar at Peking University, Beijing, November 16 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2011. Water resources management in arid and semi-arid regions, Seminar at China Agricultural University, Beijing, November 9 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2010. Semi-arid hydrology in the Rio Grande basin, Agri. Eng., Civil Eng. & WMHS Program Seminar, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, September 29 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2010. Water Conservation: Strategies for water resources management in arid and semi-arid regions. Seminar at Stephen F. Austin State University. Nacogdoches, TX, February 19 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2008. Integrated management of water resources in an arid region – Case study in far West Texas, Seminar at Texas Tech University, December 8 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2008. Groundwater models – a tool for water resources management, Seminar at Department of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, December 2 and 4 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2005. Water conservation potential by lining canals in the Rio Grande
Project area, Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar, University of Texas at El Paso, April 20 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2004. Development of groundwater models and their applications in Paso del Norte Region. Seminar at Department of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, November 15 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2003. Assessment of environmental impacts and its documentation – case study: El Paso-Las Cruces Regional Sustainable Water Project, Seminar at El Paso Community College, El Paso, Texas, November 21, [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2003. Aquifer mechanics: concepts and application. Seminar at Institute of Geophysics and Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 25 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2003.  Transboundary water resources management strategies in Paso Del Norte region, US-Mexico. Seminar at Institute of Geophysics and Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, September 25, 2003; Seminar at China Institute of Geo-Environmental Monitoring, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing, China, September 23 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2002. Groundwater models and their applications in water resources management in Paso del Norte region. Seminar at Department of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, November 21 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2002.  Transboundary water resources management strategies in Paso Del Norte region, US-Mexico; and aquifer mechanics: concepts and application. Seminar at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, June 13 [Invited Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2002.  Transboundary water resources management strategies in Paso Del Norte region, US-Mexico.  Seminar at National Center on Efficient Irrigation Engineering and Technology Research, Beijing, China, May 30 [Invited Presentation].

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Volunteer Presentations at Meetings

1. International and National level scientific meeting or symposium

Sheng, Z., Kelly, V.A., Zang, M., Liu, Q. (2018). Subsidence Caused by Groundwater Withdrawal and Rebound/uplift with Mitigation Measures, XIII IAEG Congress, San Francisco, USA. 2018.9. [Abstract, Presentation]

Liu, Q., Bai, Y., Lu, Y., Sheng, Z. (2018). Experimental Study on Coupled Mechanical-Dissolving of Carbonate Rocks in Rocky Desertification Area of Karst Plateau, Guizhou, China. XIII IAEG Congress, San Francisco, USA. 2018.9. [Abstract].

Zang, M., Peng, J., Qi, S., Sheng, Z. (2018). Mapping Hazards of Earth Fissures in Taiyuan Watershed, Northwest of China, XIII IAEG Congress, San Francisco, USA. 2018.9. [Abstract, Poster].

Abudu, S., Ahn S., Sheng, Z. (2018). Assessing Basin-scale Water Savings under Improved Irrigation Practices: A Case Study in Rincon Valley, New Mexico, USA, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, July 29-Aug.1, [Abstract, Presentation].

Huang, M., Zhang, Z., Sheng, Z., Abudu, S. (2018). Effect of alternate irrigation with brackish and fresh water on soil salt accumulation, infiltration and maize growth, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, July 29-Aug.1, [Abstract, Presentation].

Kong, X., Wang, S., Sheng, Z., Ahn, S. (2018). Water movement in soil under the effect of agricultural cultivation, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, July 29-Aug.1, [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., Tracy, J., Abudu, S., Ahn, S. Sanchez, R. (2018). Impacts of Human Activities on Groundwater Availability in the Paso del Norte Region Along the Mexico-US border, AWRA 2018 Summer Specialty Conference on the Science, Management and Governance of Transboundary Groundwater, Fort Worth, TX, July 9-11 [Abstract, Presentation].

Reinert, S., Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., Miller, G. (2018). Performance of Infiltration Basins in El Paso, Texas AWRA Summer Specialty Conference on the Science, Management and Governance of Transboundary Groundwater, Fort Worth, TX, July 9-11 [Abstract].

Ahn, S., Abudu, S., Sheng, Z. (2018). Assessing Water Availability under Climate Change using the SWAT model for the Rincon Valley, New Mexico, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 3-7, [Abstract, Presentation].

Mohammed, K., Hernandez, J.R., Sheng, Z. (2018). Simulations of Conjunctive Use with MODFLOW’s Farm Process in Agricultural Region of Colorado River Delta, Mexico, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 3-7, [Abstract, Presentation].

Abudu, S., Ahn, S. and Sheng, Z. (2017). Modeling Dissolved Solids in the Rincon Valley, New Mexico using RiverWare, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, [Abstract, Presentation].

Ahn, S., Abudu, S. and Sheng. Z. (2017). Hydrological Responses of Weather Conditions and Crop Change of Agricultural Area in the Rincon Valley, New Mexico, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, [Abstract, Presentation].

Miller, G., Majumdar, S., Smith, B. and Sheng, Z. (2017). Understanding Interactions between Hydrogeologic Factors, Design Variables, and System Operations for Multi-Well Aquifer Storage and Recovery Systems, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, [Abstract, Presentation].

Samanta, S., Sheng, Z., Munster, C., Van Houtte, E. (2017). Influence of Temperature on Infiltration rates in a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) with Surface Pond Recharge, 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15, [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., Zhang, D., Tracy, J., Abudu, S., Bushira, K., Sanchez, R., Ahn, S., and Yang, P. (2017). Water sharing and depletion in a transboundary aquifer: case study of the Hueco Bolson, AWRA Annual Conference, Portland, OR, Nov. 6-9, [Abstract, Presentation].

Ahn, S., Abudu, S., and Sheng. Z. (2017). Hydrological cycle analysis of crop areas based on SWAT model for the Rincon Valley in New Mexico, 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Conference: Water in a Changing Environment, Fort Collins, CO, June 13-15 [Abstract, Presentation].

Bushira K.M.*, Hernandez, J.R., and Sheng, Z. (2017). Surface and Ground water flow Modeling for Calibrating Steady State using MODFLOW in Colorado River delta, Baja California, Mexico, 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Conference: Water in a Changing Environment, Fort Collins, CO, June 13-15 [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., Zhang D., Abudu, S., Tracy, J., Michelsen, A. Liu, Q. and Yang, P. (2017). Gaining a better understanding of the shared transboundary groundwater resources by upgrading the Hueco Bolson Model, 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Conference: Water in a Changing Environment, Fort Collins, CO, June 13-15 [Abstract, Presentation].

Rodriguez, O.*, Sheng, Z., Abudu S. and Reynoso E. (2017). Assessment of managed aquifer recharge efficiency through the use of HYDRUS-1D, 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Conference: Water in a Changing Environment, Fort Collins, CO, June 13-15 [Abstract, Poster].

Yang, P. and Sheng, Z. (2017). The impacts of change in irrigation methods on regional water resource utilization and management Yanqi Basin, Xinjiang, China, 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Conference: Water in a Changing Environment, Fort Collins, CO, June 13-15 [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., Miller, G., Reinert, S. and Rodriguez. O. (2017). Variation in Recharge Rates of Infiltration Basins in El Paso, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25 [Abstract, Presentation].

Liu Q., Lu, Y. and Sheng, Z. (2017). Comprehensive Utilization of Water Resources and Disaster Prevention and Reduction in Shanghai, China, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25 [Abstract, Poster].

Ahn S.R., Sheng. Z, and Kim. S.J. (2017). Assessment of Watershed Health, Resilience and Priority Considering Climate Change for the Han River Basin in South Korea, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21-25 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., Michelsen, A., King, J.P. and Gunjegunte, G. (2017). Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Salt Loading Variations in the Rio Grande Project Area, USA, International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, Wuhan, China, January 4-6 [Abstract, Presentation].

Chavez, J., Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., Ahn, S., Liu, Q., Rodriguez, O., Reynoso, O., Prieto, D., Olivas, A.G., Mayer, A., Thiemann, K., Teasley, R., and Mancewicz, L. (2017). Delineation of USDA Project Study Area, Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources for Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert River Basin Facing Climate Change and Competing Demands: From Characterization to Solutions, USDA-NIFA and UTEP, El Paso, Texas,  January 4 [Poster].

Rodriguez, O., Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., Ahn, S., Reynoso, E., Chavez, J., and Prieto. D. (2017). Approaches for infilling the incomplete measured Eddy-Covariance pecan tree evapotranspiration data, Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources for Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert River Basin Facing Climate Change and Competing Demands: From Characterization to Solutions, USDA-NIFA and UTEP, El Paso, Texas, January 4 [Poster].

Sheng Z., Abudu S., Michelsen A., J.P. King. 2016. Variable exchange between a stream and an aquifer in the Rio Grande Project Area, 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, CA, {Abstract, Poster.

Sheng Z., Abudu S., Miller, G., Reinert, S., Smith, B., O. Rodriguez, 2016. Infiltration basin: an alternative recharge method for El Paso’s managed aquifer recharge program, AWRA Annual Conference, Nov. 14-17, Orlando FL, [Abstract, Presentation].

Abudu S., Sheng Z., Michelsen A., Cui C. 2016. Link snowmelt runoff model with a RiverWare model to simulate conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater in Urumqi River Basin, China, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, July 17-20, Orlando, FL. [Abstract, Presentation].

Bartletta D., McCurry G., Barkmann P., Sheng Z., Stanine, P., D. McGrane. 2016. Updated ASCE\EWRI Guidelines on Managed Aquifer Recharge, The 9th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, June 22-24, Mexico City, Mexico, [Abstract].

Sheng Z., Michelsen A., Abudu S., King, P. 2016. How can a gaining river become a losing stream in an arid region? Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference, June 21-23, Pensacola Beach, FL, [Abstract, Presentation].

Abudu S., Sheng Z., Michelsen A., Cui C. 2016. Simulating conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater using RiverWare model: a case study in Urumqi River Basin, China, Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference, June 21-23, Pensacola Beach, FL, [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., Rodriguez, O. 2016 Strategic water operations planning to tackle the drought in the El Paso-Juarez Valley along the Rio Grande, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 21-26, West Palm Beach, FL, [Abstract, Presentation].

Michelsen, A. G. Sun, Z. Sheng. 2015. Water for megacities: challenges and solutions under global climate change, International Conference on Water, Megacities and Global Change. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Dec. 1-4. Paris, France.  4 pg.

Sheng, Z., S. Abudu, J.P. King. 2015. Simulating interaction of groundwater and surface water in Mesilla Basin, New Mexico and Texas using the RiverWare model,AWRA Annual Conference, Nov. 16-19, Denver, CO, [Abstract, Presentation].

Helm, D.C., J. Li and Z. Sheng. 2015. Fracking leaks methane gas directly upward through geologic material, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 17-21, Austin, TX, [Abstract].

Li, Y., X. Shao, and Z. Sheng. 2015. A purification and recycling system for agricultural drainage water reuse, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 17-21, Austin, TX, [Abstract].

McDonald A. and Z. Sheng, 2015. Panel: Challenges and Strategies for Managing Groundwater in Texas, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 17-21, Austin, TX, [Abstract].

Wang, S., Z. Sheng and O. Rodriguez. 2015. Modeling snowmelt-runoff under climate change scenarios in the Kaidu River catchment, of Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 17-21, Austin, TX, [Abstract].

Wu, B. and Z. Sheng. 2015. Pilot project on control policy for total supply in developing and utilizing groundwater in Xinjiang, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 17-21, Austin, TX, [Abstract].

McCurry, G., P. Barkman, D. Bartlett, Z. Sheng, P. Stanin and D. McGrane. 2015. Updated ASCE\EWRI Guidelines on Managed Aquifer Recharge, Proc. 2015 National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Groundwater Summit, March 16-18, San Antonio, Texas: [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z. A. Michelsen and Y. Liu. 2014. Shared groundwater resources by Mexico and USA in Paso del Norte Region, Proc. of AWRA 50th Anniversary Water Resources Conference, Nov. 3-6, Tysons Corner, VA. [Abstract, Presentation].

Michelsen, A., Z. Sheng, and G. Sun. 2014. Worldwide Mega City Growth, Water Resources Issues and Alternative, Proc. of AWRA 50th Anniversary Water Resources Conference, Nov. 3-6, Tysons Corner, VA. [Abstract].

Michelsen, A. T. Dowell, B. Hurd, Z. Sheng, and R. D. Lacewell. 2014. Supreme Court Water Case: Process, Issues and Interpretation, Proc. of AWRA 50th Anniversary Water Resources Conference, Nov. 3-6, Tysons Corner, VA. [Abstract].

McCurry, G., P. Barkman, D. Bartlett, Z. Sheng, P. Stanin, and D. McGrane. 2014. Status on Updated ASCEEWRI Guidelines on Managed Aquifer Recharge, Proc. of AWRA 50th Anniversary Water Resources Conference, Nov. 3-6, Tysons Corner, VA. [Abstract].

Li, R., L. Lian, and Z. Sheng. 2014. Coupling Effect of Water and Fertilizer on Yield of Wheat in an Arid Region, China. Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, July 13-16, Montreal, Canada. [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., A. McDonald, Y. Liu, and A. El Hassan. 2014. Spatial and temporal distribution of water salinity in the Pecos River. Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, July 13-16, Montreal, Canada. [Abstract, Presentation].

Dowell, T., A. M. Michelsen, B. Hurd, Z. Sheng, and R.D. Lacewell. 2014. Texas v. New Mexico: Analyzing the Potential Impacts. Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources and Consortium for Hydrologic Advances in Science, June 18-20, Tufts University, MA. [Abstract].

Michelsen, A.M., and Z. Sheng. 2014. Mega City Growth, Impacts on Water Resources and Alternative Solutions, Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources and Consortium for Hydrologic Advances in Science, June 18-20, Tufts University, MA. [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., A. El Hassan, A. McDonald, and Y. Liu. 2014. Water Planning Scenarios for Droughts in Paso del Norte Region. Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources and Consortium for Hydrologic Advances in Science, June 18-20, Tufts University, MA. [Abstract, Presentation].

Zhang, W., A. M. Michelsen, Z. Sheng, and S. Jia. 2014. Water Allocation in China: Scientific and Institutional Evolution and Reform, Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources and Consortium for Hydrologic Advances in Science, June 18-20, Tufts University, MA. [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, C. Wang, and Y. Wang. 2014. Assess groundwater availability of Texas High Plains using linked Hydro-econometric model. Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, June 1-5, Portland, OR. [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., A. McDonald, Y. Liu, and A. El Hassan. 2013. Assessment of water operations planning scenarios in irrigation districts in Paso del Norte region along the Rio Grande. Proc. AWRA 2013 Annual Water Resources Conference, November 4-7, Portland, OR. [Abstract, Presentation].

McCurry, G., P., Barkmann, Z. Sheng, D. Bartlett, and D. McGrane. 2013. Balloting Process of Guidelines by Managed Aquifer Recharge Standards Committee of ASCE/EWRI. The 8th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, October 15-19, Beijing, China. [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., D. Galloway, K. Prince, C.G. Jr. Keyes, J. Li, and B. Willardson. 2013. ASCE/EWRI standard guidelines for land subsidence caused by fluid withdrawal. The 8th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, October 15-19, Beijing, China. [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, and A. Michelsen. 2013. Comparing long term water resources plans for mega cities: Houston and Shanghai. Proc. of International Specialty Conference: Water for Mega Cities: Challenges and Solutions organized by AWRA and BHES, September 16-18, Beijing, China. [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, C. Wang, and Y. Wang. 2013. Groundwater availability for future agricultural production in Texas High Plains.  Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, July 21-24, Kansas, MO. [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Q. Guo, and X. Cai. 2013. Advances in water resources development and hydrology in China, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 19-23, Cincinnati, OH. [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., A. Michelsen, Y. Liu, B. Mohanty, and A. Granados-Olivas. 2013. Simulate surface water and groundwater interaction in the El Paso-Juarez Valley using the RiverWare groundwater objects, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, May 19-23, Cincinnati, OH. [Abstract, Presentation].

Wang, C., Z. Sheng, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Bordovsky, J. Johnson, and E. Segarra. 2013. Achieving the Desired Future Conditions for Groundwater Availability: An Integrated Hydro-Economic Modeling Framework, 68th International annual conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, July 21-24, Reno, NV. [Abstract].

Wang Y., C. Wang, Z. Sheng, Y. Liu, J. Bordovsky, J. Johnson, and E. Segarra. 2013. Groundwater Hydrology and Producer Water Use: An Integrated Hydro-Economic Model, 68th International annual conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, July 21-24, Reno, NV. [Abstract].

Urbanczyk, K.M., J. Bennett, G. Bryant, D.J. Dean, Z. Sheng, and R. Smith. 2012. Instream flow recommendations for the Rio Grande, Pecos and Devils rivers, Texas USA, Proc. 2012 GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, 4-7 November, Charlotte, NC, [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., R. Marmolejo, A. Michelsen, Y. Liu, Z. Ye, and Z. Chen. 2012. RiverWare model configuration for water operations planning in the El Paso Valley, Proc. UCOWR/NWRI Annual Conference: Managing Water, Energy, & Food in an Uncertain World, Santa Fe, NM, July 17-19, 2012 [Abstract, Presentation].

Michelsen, A.M., T. McGuckin, R. Lacewell, B. Creel, and Z. Sheng. 2012. Three-State Partnership to Improve Water Quality: The Rio Grande Coalition and Estimating Economic Benefits of Salinity Reduction Proc. of Land Grant and Sea Grant, National Water Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 20-24, 2012 [Abstract].

Michelsen, A., Z. Sheng, and J.P. King. 2012. Shared MX-US Transboundary Groundwater Resources, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Albuquerque, NM, May 20-24, 2012 [Abstract, Presentation].

Abudu, S., J.P. King, and Z. Sheng. 2012. Daily pan evaporation modeling using partial least squares regression, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Albuquerque, NM, May 20-24, 2012 [Abstract, Presentation].

Roark, M., A. Louise, Z. Sheng, C. Boroughs, N. Shafike, S. Kissock, and J.P. King. 2011. Upper Rio Grande water operations model, Panel, AWRA 2011 Annual Water Resources Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 7-10 [Abstract].

Michelsen, A., B. Alley, Z. Sheng, J.P. King, M. Darr, S. Megdal, and F. Cafaggi Felix. 2011. Transboundary aquifer assessment program, Panel, AWRA 2011 Annual Water Resources Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 7-10 [Abstract].

Michelsen, A., T. McGuckin, R. Lacewell, Z. Sheng, and B. Creel. 2011.  Estimation of salinity impacts and potential economic benefits of salinity reduction, 2011 Annual Conference, Society for Benefit Cost Analysis, Washington, DC, October 21-22 [Abstract]

Marmolejo, R.*, Z. Sheng, and J. Walton. 2011. Low impact development structures for groundwater management and watershed protection in arid region: case study in El Paso Texas, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, Louisville, Louisville, KY, August 7-10 [Abstract, Presentation].

Zhao, S.*, C. Wang, J. Bordovsky, Z. Sheng, and J. Gastelum.  2011. A Random-Coefficients Discrete-Choice Approach for Estimating Spatial Water Demand Distributions. Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources, Boulder, CO, July 12-14. [Abstract].

Gastelum, J.R.#, Z. Sheng, and A. Michelsen. 2011. A water resources decision support system for the Paso del Norte region, Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources, Boulder, CO, July 12-14. [Abstract].

Sheng Z., J.P. King, and J.R. Gastelum. 2011. Effects of Groundwater Pumping on the Stream Flow and Aquifer Storage in Mesilla Basin. Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Palm Springs, CA, May 21-26, 2011[Abstract, Presentation].

Michelsen, A., Z. Sheng, T. McGuckin, B. Creel, and R. Lacewell. 2011. Analysis of salinity impacts on agricultural and urban water users, Korea Water Resources Association 2011 Annual Conference, Daegu, South Korea, May 19-20, 2011 [Abstract].

Sheng, Z. and Y. Liu. 2011. Advent of a global warming drought to the El Paso/Cd. Juarez transboundary area, Proc. of AWRA 2011 Spring Specialty Conference on Climate Changes, Baltimore, MD, April 18-20, 2011 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., J.R. Gastelum, C. Wang, and S. Zhao. 2011. Historic pumping and future desired conditions of the stressed aquifers within a groundwater management area in Texas, 2011 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference, Washington, D.C., January 31 – February 1, 2011 [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., J.P. King, and Y. Liu. 2011. Recharge potential for the stressed regional aquifers by local floods in the Paso Del Norte region, Managed Aquifer Recharge Symposium, Irvine, California, January 25-26, 2011 [Abstract, Presentation].

Liu, Y.# and Z. Sheng. 2010. Trends in headwater change in the U.S. southwest with global warming, AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 1-4, [Abstract, Presentation].

Mchelsen, A., Z. Sheng, B. Creel, and B. Harris. 2010. Transboundary aquifer assessment program: challenges and opportunities, Universities Council on Water Resources/National Institutes for Water Resources, Seattle, Washington July 13-15, [Abstract].

Sheng Z., Z. Ye, G. Di Giovanni, and Y. Liu. 2010. Graywater and brackish groundwater irrigation and their impacts on vegetable production, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20-23, [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng Z. and Y. Liu. 2010. Managed underground storage of recoverable water system: A tool for sustainable development of regional water resources, Proceedings, 2010 Ground Water Summit and 2010 Ground Water Protection Council Spring Meeting, Denver, Co, April 11-15, [Abstract, Presentation].

Brown, W. and Z. Sheng. 2009. Utilizing continuous resistivity profiling for assessment and characterization of canal seepage in El Paso’s lower valley irrigation network system,  Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52) Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS31B-1170 [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., T. McGuckin, A. Michelsen, B. Creel, and R. Lacewell.  2009. Assessment of the economic impacts of Rio Grande salinity, Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, November 9-12 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, N. Kyger, and F. Reyes. 2009. A soil moisture point for mature pecan to maintain healthy growth, Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, November 9-12 [Abstract, Poster].

Ganjegunte, G.K., R. Braun, Z. Sheng, and Y. Liu. 2009. Evaluating effects of anionic, cationic and non-ionic polymers on salinity of fine texture cotton soils in the Far West Texas. Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA-GSA International Annual Meetings.  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  November 1-5. CD-ROM. [Abstract].

Michelsen, A., T. McGukin, R. Lacewell, B. Creel, and Z. Sheng. 2009. Economic impacts of Rio Grande salinity, Annual Conference of Universities Council on Water Resources, Chicago, Il. July 7-9 [Abstract].

McDonald, A.K*, Z. Sheng, and N. Kyger.  2009. The relevance of small scale variability in stream-aquifer interaction to successful riparian restoration, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Kansas City, MO, May 17-21 [Abstract, Presentation].

Tillery, S.*, Z. Sheng, J.P. King, and E. Herrera. 2009. Simulation of surface water and groundwater interaction using RiverWare groundwater objects, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Kansas City, MO, May 17-21 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, and E. Herrera. 2008. Effects of groundwater pumping on the regulated stream flow in an arid region, Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-20, [Abstract, Presentation].

Michelsen, A., R. Lacewell, J. Gilley, Z. Sheng, and M. Chavez.  2008. Water conservation in agriculture: how much more water can be saved? Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-20, [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., S. Jia, A. Michelsen, and R. Li. 2008. Agricultural water conservation: great potential for industrial development in Northwest China, Proceedings, Annual Conference of Universities Council on Water Resources, July 22-24, 2008 Durham, North Carolina [Abstract].

Michelsen, A., R. Lacewell, J. Gilley, Z. Sheng, and M. Chavez. 2008. Applicability and effectiveness of water conservation practices to mitigate drought impact, Proceedings, Annual Conference of Universities Council on Water Resources, July 22-24, 2008 Durham, North Carolina [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu*, and E. Herrera. 2008. Potential impacts of local flood on the groundwater availability of regional aquifers in the arid regions, Proceedings, World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-16, [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., N. Assadian, G. Di Giovanni, and E. Herrera. 2007. Alternative water sources: graywater and brackish ground water for vegetable irrigation, Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 12-15, 2007 [Abstract].

Michelsen, A. and Z. Sheng. 2007. Paso del Norte 2006 floods: water resource agency assessments and recommendations for improved management and preparation, Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 12-15, 2007 [Abstract].

Abdul-Fattah, A.* and Z. Sheng. 2007. Hydrus-1D simulation of brackish well water flow and salt transport in a loamy sand column, 2007 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007). Proceedings, [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., E. Herrera, and A. Michelsen. 2007. Conceptual model for flood control planning in the lower El Paso valley, Proceedings, Natural Hazards in Water Resources, Annual Conference of Universities Council on Water Resources, Boise, Idaho, July 24-26, 2007 [Abstract].

Michelsen, A. and Z. Sheng. 2007. El Paso flood, federal agency responses and recommendations, Proceedings, Natural Hazards in Water Resources, Annual Conference of Universities Council on Water Resources, Boise, Idaho, July 24-26, 2007 [Abstract].

Sheng, Z. and J. Villalobos. 2006. Underground storage of recoverable water systems: a management tool for conjunctive uses of surface water and groundwater in an arid region, Proceedings, Increasing fresh Water, Universities Council on Water Resources, Santa Fe, NM, July 19-21 [Abstract, Presentation].

Di Giovanni, G., S. Miyamoto, Z. Sheng, and G. Niu. 2006. Salinity Effects and Salt Movement from Surface Applied Gray Water and Brackish Water. Panel presentation, Proceedings, Increasing fresh Water, Universities Council on Water Resources, Santa Fe, NM, July 19-21 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., N. Assadian, J. Villalobos, and E.A. Gonzales. 2006. Spatial variation of groundwater quality in the El Paso lower valley, Texas, USA, Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, July 12-15 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., J. Villalobos, M. Gomez, and M. Barcenas. 2006. Characterization of interaction of surface water and groundwater in the El Paso lower valley of Texas, Proc. Of World Environmental and Water Resources Conference, ASCE, Omaha, NE, May 21-25 [Abstract, Presentation].

McDonald, A. K.*, Z. Sheng, B.P. Wilcox, and C. R. Hart. 2005. Pecos River Ecosystem Project: what are the hydrologic effects of large-scale saltcedar control? Proceedings, American Geophysics Union Annual Conference, Abstract B53B-04, San Francisco, California, December 5-9 [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., J. Hincapie, J. Villalobos, and others. 2005. Supplementing surface water shortage with groundwater in El Paso, Texas, Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 7-10 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z. and J. Villalobos. 2005. Evaluation of potential flood areas utilizing GIS, Proceedings, the 2005 ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, California, July 25-29 [Abstract, Presentation].

Lacewell, R.D., A. Sturdivant, A.M.  Michelsen, E. Rister, Z. Sheng, and J. Jacobs. 2005. Estimated benefits from restoration of IBWC flood-control projects. Proceedings, River and Lake Resortoration, Universities Council on Water Resources, Portland, Maine. July 12-14. [Abstract].

Michelsen, A., R. Lacewell, J. Stefanov, A. Sturdivant, Z. Sheng, T. McGuckin, and W. Morrison.  2004. Innovative methods for rapid economic assessment of flood control failure, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 1-4 [Abstract].

Martinez, I.A. and Z. Sheng. 2004. The effect of agricultural pumping on groundwater quality and level, Proceedings, The Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Conference, Austin, Texas, October 21-24 [Abstract].

Stockton, G., Z. Sheng, T.J. Ward, V. Tidwell, and M. Yuska. 2004. Upper Rio Grande Operations Model, A reference point for problem solving, In Proceedings, Allocating Water: Economics and the Environment, UCOWR Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, July 20-22, [Abstract, Presentation] CD-ROM.

Sheng, Z. 2004.  Fracture mechanical analysis of development of earth fissures associated with groundwater withdrawal (poster), Proceedings, Shlemon Conference on Earth Fissures, El Paso, Texas, April 1-3, [Abstract] CD-ROM.

Sheng, Z. 2003. On recovery efficiency of aquifer storage and recovery systems, in Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, November 3-5, CD-ROM [abstract, Presentation].

Li, J. and Z. Sheng. 2003. Parameter sensitivity and back analysis using a nonlinear elastic model for land subsidence caused by ASR applications, in Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, November 3-5, [Abstract] CD-ROM.

Reddy, K.* and Z. Sheng. 2003. Impacts of future pumping on groundwater flow in the Mesilla bolson aquifer in Far West Texas and southern New Mexico, in Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, November 3-5, [Abstract] CD-ROM.

Villalobos, J., Z. Sheng, and G.R. Keller. 2003. Applications of gravity data in the delineation and investigation of aquifer basins in the Paso Del Norte region, west Texas and south-central New Mexico, in Proceedings, Annual Conference American Water Resources Association, San Diego, CA, November 3-5, [Abstract] CD-ROM.

Wanyan, Y. * and Z. Sheng. 2003. Effects of irrigation pumping on surface water flow in El Paso lower valley area during drought, in Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, November 3-5, [Abstract, Presentation] CD-ROM.

Sheng, Z. and A. Michelsen. 2001. Wastewater reuse strategies in the Paso Del Norte region, in Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 12-15: 160 [Abstract, Presentation]

Li, J. and Z. Sheng. 2001. A nonlinear viscous model for land subsidence caused by ASR, in Proceedings, American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 12-15: 76 [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., M.P. Fahy, S. Reinert, and J. Hernandez. 2001. Case study: aquifer storage and recovery system for the reclaimed water in El Paso, in Proceedings, Geology: Central to Society’s Needs, Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) and American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) Joint Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, September 30-October 6, AEG News, 44(4), July 2001: 75 [Abstract, Presentation].

Li, J. and Z. Sheng. 2001. Comparing the elastic analytical solution to the inelastic solution in prediction of land subsidence caused by aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) applications, in Proceedings, Geology: Central to Society’s Needs, Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG) and American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) Joint Meeting, St. Luis, Missouri, September 30-October 6, AEG News, 44(4), July 2001: 67 [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., S. Reinert, R. Sperka, and C. Heywood. 2000. The comprehensive groundwater model (MODFLOW/MT3D) for the Hueco Bolson and its applications, in Proceedings, Ground Water: A Transboundary, Strategic, and Geopolitical Resource, The Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers (AGWSE) Annual Meeting and Conference of National Ground Water Association (NGWA), Las Vegas, Nevada, December 13-14: 25 [Abstract].

Sheng, Z., J. Li, and D. C. Helm. 2000. Aquifer mechanics: concepts and theories, in Geological Society of America (GSA) Abstracts with Programs, 32(7), GSA 2000 Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, November 13-16: A282 [Abstract, Presentation].

Fahy, M.P., Z.  Sheng, J. Devere, and R. Sperka. 1999. Conceptual design of proposed aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well system in the Hueco Bolson, El Paso, Texas, in Extending Our Horizons, Program and Abstract of the 42nd AEG Annual Meeting, Salt Lake, Utah, September 26-29: 64 [Abstract, Presentation].

Li, J., D.C. Helm, and Z. Sheng. 1998. Estimate of subsidence risk due to pump-injection with analytic approach, in Engineering Geology – Knowledge for Better Decisions, Program and Abstract of the 41st AEG Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, September 30 to October 3: 106 [Abstract, Presentation].

Li, J., D.C. Helm, and Z. Sheng. 1998. Further development of earth fissuring caused by fluctuation of groundwater level, in Engineering Geology – Knowledge for Better Decisions, Program and Abstract of the 41st AEG Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, September 30 to October 3: 106 [Abstract].

2. Regional or State level scientific meetings

Huang, M., Ahn, S., Abudu, S., Sheng, Z., Mirchi, A., Hargrove W. and Samimi, M. (2018). University of Texas at El Paso; & Minki Hong, Texas A&M University. SWAT Watershed Modeling Considering Auto-irrigation of the Agricultural Area in the Rincon Valley, New Mexico, Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources for Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert River Basin Facing Climate Change and Competing Demands: From Characterization to Solutions, USDA-NIFA and UTEP, El Paso, Texas, January 8. [Abstract, poster]

Kong, X., Huang, M., Abudu, S., Ahn, S., Sheng, Z., Rodriguez, O. and Ruiz D. (2018). Linked SWAT and RiverWare Model for Monthly Flow and Salinity in Rincon Valley, New Mexico.  Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources for Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert River Basin Facing Climate Change and Competing Demands: From Characterization to Solutions, USDA-NIFA and UTEP, El Paso, Texas, January 8. [Abstract, poster]

Rodriguez, O., Huang, M., Sheng, Z., Abudu, S., and Zang, M. (2018). Assessing Evapotranspiration of Pecan Tree using Eddy-Covariance Measurements. Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources for Irrigated Agriculture in a Desert River Basin Facing Climate Change and Competing Demands: From Characterization to Solutions, USDA-NIFA and UTEP, El Paso, Texas, January 8 [Abstract, poster].

Rodriguez, O., Sheng, Z., S. Abudu. (2017). Comparison of Statistical Approaches for Infilling Gaps of Evapotranspiration Measurements in Pecan Orchard, NM Section ASABE Annual Meeting, Las Cruces, NM, March 31 [Abstract Presentation].

Mohammed, K., Hernandez, J.R., Sheng Z. (2017). Surface and Ground water flow Modeling for Calibrating Steady State using MODFLOW in Colorado River delta, Baja California, Mexico, NM Section ASABE Annual Meeting, Las Cruces, NM, March 31 [Abstract Presentation].

Hurd, B., Michelsen, A., Dowell, T., and Z. Sheng. 2015. Summary and perspectives on Texas v. New Mexico: Groundwater showdown on the Rio Grande, New Mexico Crop Production Association Annual Meeting, Las Cruces, NM, January 26.

El Hassan, A.M., Z. Sheng, A. McDonald, Y. Liu, and O. Rodriguez. 2014. Modeling water planning scenarios for drought contingency in the El Paso Valley, ASABE NM Section Spring Meeting, Las Cruces, NM., April 11, [Poster].

Sheng, Z., F. Chowdhury, A. McDonald, and Y. Liu. 2013. RiverWare Model Enhancement for Water Operations Planning in Irrigation Districts, Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX April 15. [Abstract, Presentation].

Gastelum, J.R.#,  Z. Sheng, and Y. Liu. 2011. Comparison of water resources management plans in the Paso del Norte Region under climate change and sustainable approach, Proc. NSF Workshop on Sustainability on the border: Water, climate, social change in a fragile landscape, The University of Texas at El Paso, May 16-18, 2011, [Abstract, Presentation].

Liu, Y.# and Z. Sheng. 2010. Trends in Headwater Flows in response to Global Warming in the U.S. Southwest, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 3: C-13 [Abstract, Presentation]

Gastélum,J.#, G.G. Small, and Z. Sheng. 2010. Case study for hydraulic relationships associated with the design and operation of artificial recharge wells, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 3: E-13 [Abstract, Poster].

Liu, Y.#, Z Sheng, K. Florey, Z. Ye, and R. Marmolejo. 2010. Is a crisis in water supply coming to the El Paso/Juarez transboundary area in response to global warming? in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 3: E-29 [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., R. Marmolejo, Y. Liu, and K. Florey. 2010. Task 8 Accomplishments – Basin wide hydrology & salinity, Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference, Alpine, TX, May 17-20 [Presentation].

Liu, Y.#, Z. Sheng, N. Kyger, Z. Ye, K. Florey, A. Cegon, R.S. Marmolejo, and J.R. Gastelum. 2010. Water Conservation through Soil Moisture Monitoring in an Arid Region, Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference, Alpine, TX, May 17-20 [Poster] [Win Poster Presentation Award. 2nd place].

Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, A.M. Michelsen, Z. Sheng, E.K. Seawright, A.J. Leidner, and S.R. Yow. 2009. Economists: Task 1 Accomplishments, Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference.  McAllen, TX.  August 10-13.

Long, D. and Z. Sheng. 2009Prospects on the Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and a Glimpse of Recent UN Climate Change Conference, IMPACT-Newsletter, 9(2) 12-13. Association of Oversea Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers.

Sheng, Z., P. Ackerman, N. Kyger, and C. Koepke. 2009. Simulation of impacts of 2006 flood at Americas 10 basin in El Paso Texas, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 11: E-34 [Abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, N. Kyger, and F. Reyes 2009. Tracking soil moisture and ground water levels to improve irrigation practices in western Texas, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 11: E-21 [Abstract, Poster].

Liu, Y.#, Z. Sheng, N. Kyger, and F. Reyes. 2009. Irrigation scheduling based on soil moisture statuses in an irrigated pecan orchard, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 11: C-24 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., Y. Liu, N. Kyger, and F. Reyes. 2009. Moisture status at different stages of the pecan growth and water conservation, ASABE NM Section Meeting, Las Cruces, NM, April 24, 2009 [Presentation].

Brown, W. A. and Z. Sheng. 2009. Utilizing geophysical methods for assessment and characterization of seepage from the irrigation canals in El Paso lower valley, Texas, in Program and Abstract, The Texas Academy of Science 112th Annual Meeting, March 5-7, 2009, TTU Llano River Field Station, Junction, Texas, p91. [Abstract, Poster].

Liu, Y.# and Z. Sheng. 2008. Identification of mature pecan moisture uptake from observed water content fluctuations, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 12: E-28 [Abstract, Poster].

Al-Qudah, O.*, N. Kyger, and Z. Sheng. 2008. Water quality assessment in the El Paso valley, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 12: E-33 [abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., G. Ganjegunte, E. Herrera, and Y. Liu. 2008. The Use of Reclaimed Effluents and Salty Groundwater as Irrigation Sources for Cotton Culture, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 12: E-34 [abstract, Poster].

Sheng, Z., E. Herrera, M. Barcenas, and A. Abdul-Fattah. 2007.  Impact of brackish groundwater and graywater on tomato growth, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 14, 2007: E-15 [abstract].

Sheng, Z., A. Assadian, and M. Barcenas. 2007. Effects of soil conditioning on soil and leachate quality with laundry water and brackish water irrigation, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 14, 2007: E-17 [abstract].

McDonald, A.K. * and Z. Sheng. 2007. Small-scale variability in groundwater flowpaths along the Pecos River, Texas, in Proceedings, New Mexico River Terrace & Floodplain Hydrology Conference, February, 2007 [abstract].

Abdel-Fattah, A. *, Z. Sheng, and N. Assadian. 2006. One-dimensional inverse modeling of well water and gray water flow and salt transport in a loamy sand soil column, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 15, 2006: E-14 [abstract].

Crawford, C.A.*, E.A. Gonzales, W. Brown, J. Villalobos, and Z. Sheng. 2006. Gray water reuse to conserve fresh water sources, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, NM, August 15, 2006: E-28 [abstract].

Aristizabal, L.S.*, Z. Sheng, J. Villalobos, and G. Xiang. 2005.  Understanding the hydrogeological characteristics of El Paso lower valley, through groundwater modeling, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, August 16, 2005: E-23 [abstract].

Sheng, Z., A. Michelsen, and J. Villalobos. 2005. Coordinated database and GIS for the Paso del Norte watershed management, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, August 16: C-30 [abstract].

Reddy, K.*, Z. Sheng, and J. Villalobos. 2003. Impacts of groundwater pumping on the surface water and ground water interaction in the Mesilla Valley, in Proceedings, New Mexico Symposium on Hydrologic Modeling, Socorro, NM, August 12: E-24 [abstract].

Comeau, D.*, Z. Sheng, Y. Wanyan, and L.S., Aristizabal.  2003. Using GFLOW to model interaction between surface water and ground water:  The Lower Valley of El Paso case study, in Proceedings, New Mexico Symposium on Hydrologic Modeling, Socorro, NM, August 12: E-20 [abstract].

Sheng, Z., J.P. King, L. Brown, and N. Ronquillo. 2002. Estimate of seepage losses from canals in the Paso Del Norte region using ponding tests, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, New Mexico, August 13: D39 [abstract].

Brown, L., Z. Sheng, N. Ronquillo, and L.S. Aristizabal. 2002. Benefits of lining the Franklin Canal in El Paso, Texas, in Proceedings, New Mexico Water Research Symposium, Socorro, New Mexico, August 13: D8 [abstract].

Mace, R.E. and Z. Sheng. 2002. Groundwater models of west Texas. in Proceedings, Symposia Sessions for the South-Central Section of GSA – 36th Annual Meeting, April 11-12, [abstract].

Sheng, Z., D.C. Helm, and J. Li. 2001. Mechanisms of earth fissuring caused by ground water withdrawal, U.S. Geological Survey Land Subsidence and Aquifer Mechanics Interest Group Meeting, Galveston, Texas, November 27-29 [abstract, Presentation].

3. Producer or Research-user group meetings

Sheng, Z. and S. Abudu. 2016. Overview of Hydrological Models in the Rio Grande Project Area, USDA-NIFA Project Agricultural (TX) Stakeholders meeting, El Paso County Water Improvement District, El Paso, TX, May 18 [Presentation]

Sheng, Z. and S. Abudu. 2016. Overview of Hydrological Models in the Rio Grande Project Area, USDA-NIFA Project Environmental Stakeholders meeting, UTEP, El Paso, TX, May 19 [Presentation]

Sheng, Z. and S. Abudu. 2016. Overview of Hydrological Models in the Rio Grande Project Area, USDA-NIFA Project Agricultural (NM-TX) Stakeholders meeting, EBID, Anthony, NM, May 24 [Presentation]

Sheng, Z. and S. Abudu. 2016. Overview of Hydrological Models in the Rio Grande Project Area, USDA-NIFA Project Agricultural (NM-TX) Stakeholders meeting, UTEP, El Paso, TX, May 25 [Presentation]

Sheng, Z. and J.P. King. 2012. Evolution of RiverWare models for water operations planning in the Paso Del Norte Region, 2012 RiverWare User Group Meeting, Boulder, CO, February 1-2, 2012 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z., C. Wang, J.R. Gastelum, and S. Zhao. 2011. A hydro-econometric analysis of producer water use and aquifer hydrology in the Texas High Plains. CIRE meeting, Lubbock TX, April 14, 2011 [Abstract, Presentation].

Sheng, Z. 2008. Water conservation and irrigation efficiency in arid region – Rio Grande Project Area, Consortium for Irrigation Research and Education (CIRE) Annual Meeting, Uvalde May 21 – 22 [Abstract, Presentation].

Tillery, S. *, Z. Sheng, and J.P. King. 2007. Development of RiverWare model for flood control planning for the Lower Rio Grande, in Proceedings, 2007 Annual RiverWare User Group Meeting, Boulder, CO, Feb 6-7, 2007 [Abstract, Presentation].

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Technical (Grant) Reports

Archuleta, E.G., M.P. Fahy, S. Reinert. H. Gonzalez, R.S. Raucher, M. Michley, W. Dugart, M. Cappelle, T. Davis, A. Tarquin, W. Hargrove, A. Michelsen, Z. Sheng, R. Lacewell, A. Fernald (2015). Desalination Concentrate Management Policy Analysis for the Arid West, Water Reuse Research Foundation Project WRRF-11-09 Final Report. 162 p.

Sheng, Z., M. Darr, J. P. King, J. Bumgarner, and A. Michelsen. (2013). Mesilla Basin/Conejos-Médanos Section of the Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program, in Alley, W.M. (ed.) Five-Year Interim Report of the United States – Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program: 2007 – 2012, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1059, Reston, VA: 19-30.

Fahy, M. P., J. E. Balliew, A. J. Tarquin, A. M. Michelsen, S. Miyamoto, G. Di Giovanni, Z.  Sheng, G. Niu, N. Garcia, J. P. King and F. Cortez. (2011). Membrane Treatment of Impaired Irrigation Return and Other Flows: Creating New Sources of High-Quality Water. Water Research Foundation Project 4069 Final Report. 205p.

Tillery, S.*, Z. Sheng, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A. Michelsen, R. Srinivasan, and A. Granados. (2009). Lower Rio Grande Flood Control Model (LRGFCM) RiverWare Model Development.  Part I in The Development of a Coordinated Database for Water Resources and Flow Model in the Paso del Norte Watershed (Phase III), Jointly published by New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (TR-348) and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute.  Technical Report (TR-359): 38p.

Tillery, S.*, Z. Sheng, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A. Michelsen, R. Srinivasan, and A. Granados. (2009). Availability of Flow and Water Quality Data for the Rio Grande Project Area.  Part II in The Development of a Coordinated Database for Water Resources and Flow Model in the Paso del Norte Watershed (Phase III), Jointly published by New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute. Technical Report (TR-359): 14p with CD.

Granados, A., Z. Sheng, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A.M. Michelsen,  and R. Srinivasan. (2009). GIS Coverage for the Valle de Juárez Irrigation District 009 (ID-009) (Distrito de Riego 009) Chihuahua, México, Part III in The Development of a Coordinated Database for Water Resources and Flow Model in the Paso del Norte Watershed (Phase III), Jointly published by New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (TR-348) and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute.  Technical Report (TR-359): 22p.

Sheng, Z., C. Brown, B. Creel, R. Srinivasan, A.M. Michelsen, and M.P. Fahy. (2008). Installation of River and Drain Instrumentation Stations to Monitor Flow and Water Quality and Internet Data Sharing, New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (TR-344) and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report (TR320). August: 37p.

Brown, C., Z. Sheng, and M. Bourdon. (2007). Phase II Final Project Report Paso del Norte Watershed Council Coordinated Water Resources Database and GIS Project, Joint New Mexico State University, Water Resources Research Institute (TR-341) and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report (TR307). October: 85p.

Tillery S., Z. Sheng, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A.M. Michelsen, R. Srinivasan, and A. Granados. (2006).  The Development of Coordinated Database for Water Resources and Flow Model in the Paso del Norte Watershed, Joint New Mexico State University, Water Resources Research Institute (TR-337) and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report (TR297). December: 98p.

Brown C., Z. Sheng, and M. Rich. (2004).  Coordinated Water Resources Database and GIS. Joint New Mexico State University, Water Resources Research Institute (TR 327) and Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report (TR-262). January: 75p.

Sun, G., Z. Sheng, and Z. Guo. (1990). The effects of loading rate on the deformation behavior of rockmasses, Annual Report of Engineering Geomechanics Laboratory (in Chinese), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Seismology Press, Beijing: 49-57.

Binkley & Barfield, Inc., TAMU (Miller, G. Sheng, Z. and Kaiser R.) and LBG Guyton. (2017). Drainage Reuse Initiative (DRI) Feasibility Study, Project Report submitted to Harris County Flood Control District, November.

Miller, G. and Sheng, Z. (2017). Project Report on Improving Technologies for Multi-Well Managed Aquifer Recharge Systems, submitted to Texas A&M University System, September.

Gregory, L., Z. Sheng, A. El Hassan, A.K. McDonald, and A. Porter. 2014. Implementing the Pecos River WPP through a Heliborne Electromagnetic (EM) Survey, Final Report, TSSWCB Project 12-11, Funding provided through a Clean Water Act, Section 319(h), Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Grant from the Texas State Soil Water Conservation Board and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, March 2014, 11p.

Upper Rio Grande Basin and Bay Expert Science Team (Kevin Urbanczyk, Zhuping Sheng, Jeff Bennett, David Dean, Gary Bryant and Ryan Smith). 2012. Environmental Flows Recommendations Report, Final Submission to the Environmental Flows Advisory Group, Rio Grande Basin and Bay Area Stakeholders Committee, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, July: 217 p.

Abudu, S., J.P. King, Z. Sheng, and C. Brown.  2012. Rincon Valley-Mesilla Basin RiverWare Model, Part I, in Development of RiverWare model of the Rio Grande for water resources management in the Paso del Norte Watershed, eds. by Sheng et. al, final project report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, March: 1-63.

Sheng, Z., R. Marmalejo, A. Michelsen, and B. Mohanty.  2012. El Paso-Juarez Valley RiverWare Model, Part II, in Development of RiverWare model of the Rio Grande for water resources management in the Paso del Norte Watershed, eds. by Sheng et. al, final project report prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, March, 64-96.

Marmolejo, R.S.#, Z. Sheng, and J. Walton. 2011. Low Impact Development (LID) structures for groundwater management and watershed protection in the AMRC10 watershed, El Paso Texas, prepared for Texas Water Resources Institute and U.S. Geological Survey. February. 69p. .

Michelsen, A., T. McGuckin, Z. Sheng, R. Lacewell, and B. Creel. 2009. Rio Grande salinity management program: Preliminary economic impact assessment.  Prepared for the Rio Grande Salinity Management Coalition and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque Office.  December.  59p.

Michelsen, A.M., T. McGuckin, Z. Sheng, R. Lacewell, and B. Creel. 2009. Addendum to the Technical Report: Rio Grande salinity management program: Preliminary economic impact assessment. Prepared for the Rio Grande Salinity Management Coalition and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque Office.  December.  12p.

Michelsen, A., M. Chavez, R. Lacewell, J. Gilley, and Z. Sheng. 2009. Evaluation of irrigation efficiency strategies for Far West Texas: Feasibility, Water Savings and Cost Considerations.  Prepared for Far West Texas Water Planning Group, Rio Grande Council of Governments and Texas Water Development Board. Funding Provided by Texas AgriLife Research, Rio Grande Basin Initiative and Texas Water Development Board, Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute. Technical Report TR-360.  December.  62p. Full Text:

Sheng, Z., S. Tillery, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A. Michelsen, R. Srinivasan, and A. Granados. 2008. The Development of a Coordinated Database for Water Resources and Flow Model in the Paso Del Norte Watershed: Phase IV, final project report prepared for the Paso del Norte Watershed Council and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, June: 90p.

Sheng, Z. and N. Assadian. 2008. The use of Reclaimed Effluents and Salty Groundwater as Irrigation Sources for Cotton Culture, 2007 Annual Report (07-209) submitted to Cotton Inc., February: 20p.

Sheng, Z., E. Herrera, and G. Di Giovanni. 2008. Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin through Efficient Reclaimed Water Use, Completion Technical Report (04-FG-40-2184) submitted to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, October.

Sheng, Z., C. Brown, B. Creel, A. Michelsen, and R. Srinivasan. 2007. Installation of River and Drain Instrumentation Stations to Monitor Flow and Water Quality and Internet Data Sharing, Final Project Report (05-FC-40-2392), submitted to U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), August.

Sheng, Z., A.K. McDonald*, C. Hart, W. Hatler, and J. Villalobos.  2007. Quantity and Fate of Water Salvage as a Result of Saltcedar Control on the Pecos River in Texas, Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report (TR-304), June: 42p.

Villalobos, J., Z. Sheng, and C. Hart. 2007. Geographical Information System Coverage For Characterization of the Pecos River Basin, Texas A&M University, Texas Water Resources Institute Technical Report (TR-300), January: 56p.

Sheng, Z., N. Assadian, G. Di Giovanni, and A. Abdel-Fattah. 2007. Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin through Efficient Reclaimed Water Use, 2006 Annual Report (04-FG-40-2184) submitted to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, February.

Sheng, Z. and N. Assadian. 2007. The use of Reclaimed Effluents and Salty Groundwater as Irrigation Sources for Cotton Culture, 2006 Annual Report (05-605TX) submitted to Texas State Support Committee, Cotton Inc., January: 20p.

Sheng, Z., S. Tillery*, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A. Michelsen, and R. Srinivasan. 2006. Conceptual Model Development for the Rio Grande Flow: Phase III, final project report prepared for the Paso del Norte Watershed Council and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, September: 116p.

Assadian, N., Z. Sheng, E. Gonzales, L. Cooper, J. Villalobos, and G. Di Giovanni. 2006. Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin through Efficient Reclaimed Water Use, 2005 Annual Report (04-FG-40-2184) submitted to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, January: 16p.

Assadian, N., and Z. Sheng. 2006. The use of Reclaimed Effluents and Salty Groundwater as Irrigation Sources for Cotton Culture, 2005 Annual Report (05-605TX) submitted to Texas State Support Committee, Cotton Inc., February: 23p.

Sheng, Z., S. Tillery*, J.P. King, B. Creel, B, C. Brown, A. Michelsen, and R. Srinivasan. 2005. Conceptual Model Development for the Rio Grande Flow: Phase II, final project report prepared for the Paso del Norte Watershed Council and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, September: 105p.

Brown C., Z. Sheng, and M. Bourdon. 2005.  Coordinated Water Resources Database and GIS: Phase II, final project report prepared for the Paso del Norte Watershed Council and El Paso Water Utilities. March.

Passell, H., V.C. Tidwell, J. Brainard, M. Ennis, J. Aparicio, A. Guitron, R. Lovato, J. Valdes, A. Serrat-Capdevila, A. M. Michelsen, Z. Sheng, W. Morrison, T. Gerik, G. Piccinni, J. Villalobos, G. Newman, K. Pallachula, J. Emery. 2004. Data Collection for Cooperative Water Resources Modeling in the Lower Rio Grande Basin, Fort Quitman to the Gulf of Mexico, SAND2004-5241, Sandia National Laboratories. October 2004, 81p.

Sturdivant, A.W., R. D. Lacewell, A.M. Michelsen, M.E. Rister, N. Assadian, M. Eriksson, R. Freeman, J.H. Jacobs, W.T. Madison, J.T. McGuckin, W. Morrison, J.R.C. Robinson, C. Staats, Z. Sheng, R. Srinivasan, and J.I. Villalobos. 2004. Estimated Benefits of IBWC Rio Grande Flood-Control Projects in the United States, Texas Water Resources Institute (TR-275). September: 61p.

Sheng, Z. and L. Brown. 2002. Franklin canal seepage losses and the Ascarate Lake diversion, final report submitted to El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1 and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, TAMU Agricultural Research and Extension Center, El Paso, December: 32p.

Sheng, Z., Y. Wanyan *, L. Aristizabal, and K. Reddy. 2002. Seepage losses for the Rio Grande Project, TWRI special report 2002-047, June:

Fahy, M. P. and Z. Sheng. 2000.  Management Strategies for the Hueco Bolson, submitted to El Paso Water Utilities/Public Service Board, El Paso, TX: 17p.

Sheng, Z. 1996. Conceptual and Numerical Models for the Mechanics of Fissuring Caused by Ground water Withdrawal, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Nevada, Reno, A Bell and Howell Company, Ann Arbor, MI: 308p.

Zhang, N., Z. Sheng, and G. Sun. 1991. Comprehensive Assessment of Slope Stability in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, submitted to Chinese Ministry of Water Resources and Chinese State Planning Commission, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing: 160p.

Sheng, Z. and Z. Guo. 1988. The Effects of Loading Rate on the Deformation Behavior of Rockmasses, Technical Report of Engineering Geomechanics Laboratory (in Chinese), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing: 90p.

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