Niu Additional Publications

Genhua Niu , Ph.D.
Landscape Water Conservation

Additional Publications and Activities

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

Note about first author identification:

*   Graduate students advised as chair/co-chair or committee member, Research associate under Dr. Niu’s supervision

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, G. Ganjegunte, and Y. Wu. 2018. Salt tolerance of six switchgrass cultivars. Agriculture 8, 66; doi:10.3390/agriculture8050066 (11 pages).

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, C. Perez, H.B. Pemberton, and J. Altland. 2018. Responses of marigold cultivars to saline water irrigation. HortTechology 28(2): 166-171.

Zhang, X., D. He, G. Niu, Z. Yan, and J. Song. 2018. Effects of lighting environment on the growth, photosynthesis, and quality of hydroponic lettuce in a plant factory. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 11(2): 33-40.

Guo*, Y., M. Gu, G. Niu, and T. Starman. 2018. Growth and development of Easter lily in response to container substrate with biochar. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2018.1444514.

Dou*, H., G. Niu, M. Gu, and J. Masabni. 2018. Responses of sweet basil to different DLIs in photosynthesis, morphology, yield, and nutritional quality. HortScience 53(4):496–503. 2018.

Niu, G., Y. Sun, and J. Masabni. 2018. Impact of water quality on plant performance of four leafy vegetables in a recirculating NFT system. Horticulturae 4, 6; doi:10.3390/horticulturae4010006.

Ganjegunte, G., A. Ulery, G. Niu, and Y. Wu. 2018. Treated urban wastewater irrigation effects on bioenergy sorghum biomass, quality and soil salinity in an arid environment. Land Degradation & Development, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2883.

Guo*, Y., G. Niu, T. Starman, A. Volder, and M. Gu. 2018. Poinsettia Growth and Development Response to Container Root Substrate with Biochar. Horticulturae 4(1), 1; doi:10.3390/horticulturae4010001.

Liu*, Q., Y. Sun, G. Niu, J. Altland, L. Chen, and L. Jiang. 2017. Morphological and physiological responses of ten ornamental species to saline water irrigation. HortScience 52(12):1816–1822.

Chen*, L., Y., G. Niu, Q. Liu, and J. Altland. 2017. Relative salt tolerance of eight Japanese barberry cultivars. HortScience 52(12):1810–1815.

Rawat*, S., Pullagurala, V.L.R., Hernandez-Molina, M., Sun, Y., Niu, G., Hernandez-Viezcas, J.A., Peralta-Videa, J.R. and Gardea-Torresdey, J.L. 2017. Impacts of copper nanoparticles in bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) plants: A full life cycle study. Environmental Science: Nano, DOI: 10.1039/c7en00697g.

Yuan, J., L. Huang, N. Zhou, H. Wang, and G. Niu. 2017. Fractionation of inorganic phosphorus and aluminum in red acidic soil and the growth of Camellia oleifera. HortScience 52(9):1293–1297.

Huang, L., X. Tan, G. Niu, J. Yuan, and H. Wang. 2017. Aluminum stress affects growth and physiological characteristics in oil tea. HortScience 52: 1601-1607.

Ganjegunte, G., A. Ulery, G. Niu, and Y. Wu. 2017. Organic carbon, nutrient and salt dynamics in saline soil as well as in switchgrass irrigated with treated municipal wastewater. Land Degradation & Development DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2841.

Grimaldo-Pantoja*, G.L.  G. Niu, Y. Sun, A. Castro-Rocha, E. Alvarez-Parrilla, J.P. Flores-Margez, B. Corral-Diaz, P. Osuna-Avila. 2017. Negative effect of saline irrigation on yield components and phytochemicals of pepper (Capsicum annuum) inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Rev. Fitotec. Mex. Vol. 40(2): 141-149.

Dou*, H., G. Niu, M. Gu, and J. Masabni. 2017. Effects of light quality on growth and phytonutrient accumulation of herbs under controlled environments. Horticulturae 3(2), 36; doi:10.3390/horticulturae3020036. 11 pages.

Wang*, X., G. Niu, M. Gu, P. Baumann, J. Masabni. 2017. Response of vegetable seedling emergence to mustard (Sinapis alba ‘IdaGold’ and Brassica juncea ‘Pacific Gold’) seed meal. HortScience 52(3):371-376.

Ganjegunte, G., A. Ulery, G. Niu, and Yangi Wu. 2017. Effects of treated municipal wastewater irrigation on soil properties, switchgrass biomass production and quality under arid climate. Industrial Crops and Products 99: 60-69.

Zou, F., J. Duan, H. Xiong, D. Yuan, L. Zhang, and G. Niu. 2017. Flower bud differentiation and development of ‘Jinsi No.4’ Jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) in Hunan Province of Southern China. The Open Biotechnology Journal 11:9-15.

Majumdar, S., J.R. Peralta-Videa, J. Trujillo-Reyes, Y. Sun, A.C. Barrios, G. Niu, J.P. Flores- Margez, J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2016. Soil organic matter influences cerium translocation and physiological processes in kidney bean plants exposed to cerium oxide nanoparticles. Science of the Total Environment 569–570: 201–211.

Liu*, Q., Y. Sun*, J. Chen, Z. Zhao, C. Li, G. Niu, L. Jiang. 2016. Determination of fruit oil content and fatty acid composition in Symplocos paniculata using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 10:1-7.

Liu*, Q., Y. Sun*, J. Chen, P. Li, C. Li, G. Niu, and L. Jiang. 2016. Transcriptome analysis revealed the dynamic oil accumulation in Symplocos paniculata fruit. BMC Genomics. 17: 929-945. DOI 10.1186/s12864-016-3275-0.

Masabni, J., Y. Sun, and G. Niu. 2016. Shade effect on growth and productivity of tomato and chili pepper. HortTechnology 26(3): 344-350.

Wu*, S., Y. Sun*, G. Niu, G.L. Grimaldo and A. Castro. 2016. Responses of six Lamiaceae landscape species to saline water irrigation. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 34(1): 30-35.

Wu*, S., Y. Sun*, and G. Niu. 2016. Morphological and physiological responses of nine ornamental species to saline water irrigation. HortScience 51(3): 285-290.

Wu*, S., Y. Sun*, G. Niu, J. Altland, and R. Cabrera. 2016. Response of 10 aster species to saline water irrigation. HortScience 51(2): 197-201.

Mukherjee, A., Y. Sun, E. Morelius, C. Tamez, S. Bandyopadhyay, G. Niu, J.C. White, J.R. Peralta-Videa, and J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2016. Differential toxicity of bare and hybrid ZnO nanoparticles in green pea (Pisum sativum L.): A life cycle study. Front. Plant. Sci. Jan 12,

Wang*, X., M. Gu, G. Niu, P.A. Baumann. 2015. Herbicidal activity of mustard seed meal (Sinapis alba ‘IdaGold’ and Brassica juncea ‘Pacific Gold’) on weed emergence. Industrial Crops and Products 77: 1004-1013.

Greyvenstein*, O., T. Starman, B. Pemberton, G. Niu, D. Byrne. 2015. Development of a Rapid Screening Method for Selection against High Temperature Susceptibility in Garden Roses. HortScience 50(12):1757–1764.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, R. Wallace, J. Masabni, and M. Gu. 2015. Relative salt tolerance of seven strawberry cultivars. Horticulturae 1:27-43; doi:10.3390/horticulturae1010027.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, J. Zhang, and P. Del Valle. 2015. Growth responses of an interspecific cotton breeding line and its parents to controlled drought using an automated irrigation system. The Journal of Cotton Science 19:290-297.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, and C. Perez. 2015. Relative salt tolerance of seven Texas Superstar® perennials. HortScience 50:1562-1566.

Zhao, L., Y. Sun, J.A. Hernandez-Viezcas, J. Hong, S. Majumdar, G. Niu, M. Duarte-Gardea, J.R. Peralta-Videa, and J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2015. Monitoring the environmental effects of CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles through the life cycle of corn (Zea mays) plants and m-XRF-mapping of nutrients in kernels. Environmental Science and Technology 49:2921-2928.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, and J. Zhang. 2015. Growth responses of an interspecific cotton breeding line and its parents to controlled drought using an automated irrigation system. Journal of Cotton Science 19:290-297.

Sun*, Y., J. Masabni, and G. Niu. 2015. Simulated seawater flooding reduces the growth of ten vegetables. HortScience 50(5):694-698.

Sun*, Y., G. Bi, and G. Niu. 2015. Foliar application of dikegulac sodium increases branching of Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Merritt’s Supreme’. HortTechnology 25(3):306-312.

Brumfield, R.G., A.J. DeVincentis, X. Wang, R. T. Fernandez, S. Nambuthiri, R.L.Geneve, A.K. Koeser, G. Bi, T. Li, Y. Sun, G. Niu, D. Cochran, and A. Fulcher. 2015. Economics of utilizing alternative containers in ornamental crop production system. HortTechnology 25:17-25.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, A. Koeser, G. Bi, V. Anderson, K. Jacobsen, R. Conneway, S. Verlinden, R. Stewart, and S.T. Lovell. 2015. Impact of biocontainers on plant performance and container decomposition in the landscape. HortTechnology 25:63-70.

Li, T., G. Bi, G. Niu, S. Nambuthiri, R.L. Geneve, X. Wang, T. Fernandez, Y. Sun, and X. Zhao. 2015. Feasibility of using biocontainers in a pot-in-pot system for nursery production of Betula nigra. HortTechnology 25:57-62.

Wang, X., R.T. Fernandez, B.M. Cregg, R. Auras, A. Fulcher, G. Niu, Y. Sun, G. Bi, S. Nambuthiri, and R.L. Geneve. 2015. Multi-state evaluation of plant performance in plastic containers and alternative containers. HortTechnology 25:42-49.

Nambuthiri, S., R.L. Geneve, Y. Sun, X. Wang, R.T. Fernandez, G. Niu, G. Bi, and A. Fulcher. 2015. Substrate temperature in plastic and alternative nursery containers. HortTechnology 25:50-56.

Nambuthiri, S., A. Fulcher, A. Koeser, R. Geneve, and G. Niu. 2015. Moving towards sustainability with alternative containers for greenhouse and nursery crop production: A review and research update. HortTechnology 25:8-16.

Adams, R.P., M.A. Arnold, A.R. King, J.J. Griffin, J.K. Iles, G.W. Knox, G.V. McDonald, and G. Niu. 2014. Environmentally induced variation in the leaf volatile terpenes of Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. (Cupressaceae). Phytologia 96:167-177.

Cai*, X., Y. Sun, T. Starman, C. Hall, and G. Niu. 2014. Response of 18 Earth-Kind® rose cultivars to salt stress. HortScience 49:544–549.

Zhao, L.; R. Peralta-Videa, R. Cyren; J. Hernandez-Viezcas, Y. Sun, G. Niu, A. Servin, J. Nunez, M. Duarte-Gardea, J. Gardea-Torresdey. 2014. CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles change the nutritional qualities of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62:2752−2759.

Corral Diaz, B., J.R. Peralta-Videa, E. Alvarez-Parrilla, J. Rodrigo-García, P. Osuna-Avila, G. Niu, J.A. Hernandez-Viezcas, J. L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2014. Cerium oxide nanoparticles alter the antioxidant capacity but do not impact tuber ionome in Raphanus sativus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 84:277-285.

Greyvenstein*, O., T. Starman, B. Pemberton, G. Niu, and D. Byrne. 2014. Effect of two week high temperature treatment on flower quality and abscission of Rosa L. ‘Belinda’s Dream’ and ‘RADrazz’ under controlled growing environments. HortScience 49:701–705.

Zhang*, Z., D. He, D., G. Niu, and R. Gao. 2014. Concomitant CAM and C3 photosynthetic pathway in Dendrobium officinale plants. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Sciences 139:290–298.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, P. Osuna, L. Zhao, G. Ganjegunte, G. Peterson, J.R. Peralta-Videa, and J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2014. Variability in salt tolerance of Sorghum bicolor L.  Agricultural Science 2:9-21.

Cai*, X., T. Starman, G. Niu, and C. Hall. 2014. The effect of substrate moisture content on growth and physiological responses of two landscape roses (Rosa x hybrid L.). HortScience 49:741–745.

Zhao, L.J., Y.P. Sun, J.A. Hernandez-Viezcas, A. Servin, J. Hong, G. Niu, J.R. Peralta-Videa, M. Duarte-Gardea, and J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2013. Influence of CeO2 and ZnO nanoparticles on cucumber physiological markers and bioaccumulation of Ce and Zn: a life cycle study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61:11945-11951.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, J. Dever, and J. Zhang. 2013. Growth and physiological responses of give cotton genotypes to sodium chloride and sodium sulfate saline water irrigation. Journal of Cotton Science 17:233-244.

Sun*, Y. G. Niu, P. Osuna, G. Ganjegunte, D. Auld, L. Zhao, J.R. Peralta-Videa, and J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2013. Seedling emergence, growth, and leaf mineral nutrition of Ricinus communis L. cultivars irrigated with saline solution.  Industry Crops and Products 49:75-80.

Niu, G., T. Starman, and D. Byrne. 2013. Responses of growth and mineral nutrition of garden roses to saline water irrigation. HortScience 48:756–761.

Gu, M., Q. Li, P.H. Steele, G. Niu, and F. Yu. 2013. Growth of ‘Fireworks’ gomphrena grown in substrates amended with biochar. International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 11:819-821.

Zhao, L., B. Peng, J.A. Hernandez-Viezcas, C. Rico, Y.Sun, J.R. Peralta-Videa, X. Tang, G. Niu, L. Jin, A. Varela-Ramirez, J. Zhang, and J.L. Gardea-Torresdey. 2012. Stress response and tolerance of Zea mays to CeO2 nanoparticles: cross talk among H2O2, heat shock protein, and lipid peroxidation. ACS Nano 6: 9615–9622.

Niu, G., P. Osuna, Y. Sun, and D. Rodriguez. 2012. Seedling emergence, growth, and mineral nutrition of ornamental chile peppers irrigated with saline water. HortScience 47:1653–1657.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, and S. McKenney. 2012. Response of selected wildflower species to saline water irrigation. HortScience 47: 1351-1355.

Niu, G., M. Wang, D. Rodriguez, and D. Zhang. 2012. Responses of zinnia to saline water irrigation. HortScience 47:793–797.

Cai*, X., T. Starman, G. Niu, C. Hall, and L. Lombardini. 2012. Response of selected garden roses to drought stress. HortScience 47:1050–1055.

Gao, J., M. Gu, G. Niu, and Y. Chen. 2012. Effects of salinity on three pennisetum cultivars. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10:1005-1007.

Niu, G., W. Xu, D. Rodriguez, and Y. Sun. 2012. Growth and physiological responses of maize and sorghum genotypes to salt stress. ISRN Agronomy 2012: 12 pages. Article ID 145072, doi:10.5402/2012/145072.

Arnold, M.A., D.L. Bryan, R. Cabrera, G.C. Denny, J.J. Griffin, J.K. Iles, A.R. King, G.W. Knox, L. Lombardini, G.V. McDonald, C.B. McKenney, D.T. Montague, G. Niu, H.B. Pemberton, A.L. Purnell, L.J. Shoemake, D.K. Struve., and W.T. Watson. 2012. Provenance experiments with baldcypress, live oak, and sycamore illustrate the potential for selecting more sustainable urban trees.  Arboriculture and Urban Forestry 38:205-213.

Li, M., T. Kozai, G. Niu, and M. Takagaki. 2012. Air exchange rate in a closed system with artificial lighting estimated using water vapor as tracer gas. Biosystems Engineering 113:94-101.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, M. Mendoza, J. Jifon, and G. Ganjegunte. 2012. Responses of Jatropha curcas to salt and drought stresses. International Journal of Agronomy 2012: 7 pages. Article ID 632026, 7 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/632026.

Niu, G., R. Cabrera, T. Starman, and C. Hall. 2011. Water conservation in ornamental plant production through the use of alternative water sources. HortTechnology 21:694-695.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, and M. Gu. 2011. Response of Sophora secundiflora to nitrogen form and rate. HortScience 46:1303–1307.

Lin*, M., T. Starman, Y.T. Wang, G. Niu, and J.T. Cothren. 2011. Deferring flowering of nobile dendrobium hybrids by holding plants under low temperature after vernalization. Scientia Horticulturae 130: 869–873.

Lin*, M., T. Starman, Y.T. Wang, and G. Niu. 2011. Light and cooling requirement for vernalization of three hybrid Nobile Dendrobium cultivars. HortScience 46:406-410.

Xiao, Y., G. Niu, and T. Kozai. 2011. Development and application of photoautotrophic micropropagation system. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 105:149–158.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, E. Call, P. Bosland, A. Ulery, and E. Acosta. 2010. Responses of eight chile peppers to saline water irrigation.  Scientia Horticulturae 126:215–222.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, K. Crosby, D. Leskovar, and J. Jifon. 2010. Rapid screening for relative salt tolerance among chile pepper genotypes. HortScience 45:1192–1195.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, R. Cabrera, J. Jifon, D. Leskovar, and K. Crosby. 2010. Salinity and soil type effects on emergence and growth of pepper seedlings. HortScience 45:1265–1269.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and M. Gu. 2010. Salinity tolerance of Sophora secundiflora and Cercis canadensis var. Mexicana. HortScience 45:424-427.

Miyamoto, S., G. Niu, I. Martinez. 2010. Salinity and specific ion effects on onion establishment in relation to disposal of desalting concentrates. Desalination and Water Treatment 16:381-392.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and T. Starman. 2010. Response of bedding plants to saline water irrigation. HortScience 45:628-636.

Niu, G. and R.I. Cabrera. 2010. Growth and physiological responses of landscape plants to saline water irrigation – a review.  HortScience 45:1605-1609.

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Growth and physiological responses of four rose rootstocks to drought stress. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 134:202-209.

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2008. Responses of growth and ion uptake of four rose rootstocks to chloride or sulfate dominated salinity. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 133:633-669.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and L. Aguiniga. 2008. Effect of saline water irrigation on growth and physiological responses of three rose rootstocks. HortScience 43:1479-1484.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and W. Mackay. 2008. Growth and physiological responses to drought stress in four oleander clones. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 133:188-196.

Yen*, C. Y.T., T. Starman, Y.T. Wang, A. Holzenburg, and G. Niu. 2008. Timing of nutrient termination and reapplication for growth, flower initiation, and flowering of the nobile dendrobium orchid. Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 133:501-507.

Yen*, C. Y.T., T. Starman, Y.T. Wang, and G. Niu. 2008. Effects of cooling temperature and during on flowering of the nobile dendrobium orchid. HortScience. 43:1765-1769.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, W. Mackay, and L. Aguiniga. 2007. Salinity tolerance of Lupinus havardii and L. texensis. HortScience 42:526-528.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and L. Awuinga. 2007. Growth and landscape performance of ten herbaceous species in response to saline water irrigation. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 25:204–210.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and Y.T. Wang. 2007. Salinity and growing medium regulate growth, morphology and ion uptake of Gaillardia aristata. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 25:89-94.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and W. Mackay. 2007. Effect of water stress on growth and flower yield of big bend bluebonnet. HortTechnology 17:557-560.

Niu, G. and D. Rodriguez. 2006. Relative salt tolerance of selected herbaceous perennials and groundcovers. Scientia Horticulturae 110:352-358.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, and Y.T. Wang. 2006. Impact of drought and temperature on growth and leaf gas exchange of six bedding plant species under greenhouse conditions. HortScience 41:1408-1411.

Niu, G. and D. Rodriguez. 2006. Relative salt tolerance of five herbaceous perennials. HortScience 41:1493-1497.

Niu, G., D. Rodriguez, R. Cabrera, C. McKenney, and W. Mackay. 2006. Determining water use and crop coefficients of five woody landscape plants. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 24:160-165.

Wang, Y. and G. Niu. 2006. Long-term growth of live oak propagated from rhizomic shoot cuttings or seeds. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 24:74-76.

Niu, G., L. McConnell, and V.R. Reddy. 2005. Propylene glycol vapor contamination in controlled environment growth chambers – Toxicity to corn and soybean plants. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 40:443-448.

Faust, J., J. Adelberg, K. Lewis, and G. Niu. 2005. Evaluating the storage of elephant ears acclimatized from tissue culture. HortTechnology 15:295-298.

Niu, G., R.D. Heins, A. Cameron, and W. Carlson. 2004. Vernalization and devernalization of Campanula ‘Birch Hybrid’ and Leucanthemum ´superbum ‘Snow Cap’. HortScience 39:1647-1649.

Niu, G., R.D. Heins, A. Cameron, and W. Carlson. 2002. Prevernalization daily light integral and vernalization temperature and duration influence flower induction of several herbaceous perennials. HortScience 37:1028-1031.

Niu, G., R.D. Heins, and W. Carlson. 2002. Using paclobutrazol to control height of Euphorbia pulcherrima ‘Freedom’.  HortTechnology 12:232-236.

Niu, G., R.D. Heins, A.C. Cameron, and W.H. Carlson. 2001. Day and night temperatures, daily light integral, and CO2 enrichment affect growth and flower development of Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Clips’. Scientia Horticulturae 87:93-105.

Niu, G., R.D. Heins, A.C. Cameron, and W.H. Carlson. 2001. Temperature and daily light integral influence plant quality and flower development of Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Clips’ and ‘Deep Blue Clips’ and Campanula ‘Birch Hybrid’. HortScience 36:664-668.

Niu, G., R.D. Heins, A.C. Cameron, and W.H. Carlson. 2000. Day and night temperatures, daily light integral, and CO2 enrichment affect growth and flower development of pansy (Viola ´wittrockina). Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science 125:438-441.

Nguyen, Q., T. Kozai, G. Niu, and U. Nguyen. 1999. Photosynthetic characteristics of coffee (Coffea arabusta) plantlets in vitro in response to different CO2 concentrations and light intensities.  Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 55:133-139.

Niu, G., T. Kozai, and C. Kubota. 1998. A system for measuring the in situ CO2 exchange rates of in vitro plantlets. HortScience 33:1076-1078.

Kitaya, Y., G. Niu, T. Kozai and M. Ohashi. 1998. Effects of photosynthetic photon flux, photoperiod, and CO2 enrichment on the growth and morphogenesis of lettuce plug transplants. HortScience 33:988-991.

Niu, G. and T. Kozai. 1997. A simulation of the growth of potato plantlets in vitro cultured photoautotrophically. Transactions of the ASAE 40:255-260.

Niu, G., T. Kozai, M. Hayashi and M. Tateno. 1997. Simulation of the time courses of CO2 concentration in the culture vessel and net photosynthetic rate of potato plantlets cultured photoautotrophically and photomixotrophically in vitro under different lighting cycles. Transactions of the ASAE 40:1711-1718.

Niu, G., T. Kozai and Y. Kitaya. 1996. Simulation of the time courses of CO2 concentration in the culture vessel and net photosynthetic rate of Cymbidium plantlets.  Transactions of the ASAE 39:1567-1573.

Zhang, D., G. Niu, Y. Mu and R. Wang. 1993. A study on the device of nutrient film technique (NFT). Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University 19:445-449.

Niu, G. and S. Cui. 1989. A study on pad-evaporative-cooling system for a henhouse. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Zhejiangensis 15:290-296.

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Kozai, T., He, D., G. Niu, C. Ma. 2014. Plant factory with artificial light. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China. (Translated the book from Japanese to Chinese, which was written by Kozai, T.)

Kozai, T., G. Niu, and M. Takagaki (eds.). 2015. Plant factory: An Indoor Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production. pp. 405. Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.

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Book Chapters

Liu, Q., Y. Sun, J. Chen, P. Li, G. Niu, C. Li, and L. Jiang. 2016. Symplocos paniculata (Sapphire Berry): A Woody and Energy-Efficient Oil Plant, in Book volume 15 on Technological Interventions in Management of Irrigated Agriculture, edited by M.R. Goyal, S. Nambuthri, and R. Koech, Book Series Innovations in Agriculture &Biological Engineering.

Sun, Y., G. Niu, P. Li, and J. Masabni. 2016. Salt tolerant bioenergy crops for improving productivity of marginal lands, in Book volume 15 on Technological Interventions in Management of Irrigated Agriculture, edited by M.R. Goyal, S. Nambuthri, and R. Koech, Book Series Innovations in Agriculture &Biological Engineering.

Kozai, T. and G. Niu. 2015. Role of plant factory with artificial lighting (PAFL) in urban areas, In: Plant Factory: An Indoor Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, T. Kozai, G. Niu, and M. Takagaki (eds.), pp. 7-34. Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.

Fujiwara, K. and G. Niu. 2015. Light. In: Plant Factory: An Indoor Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, T. Kozai, G. Niu, and M. Takagaki (eds.), pp. 115-128. Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.

Kozai, T. and G. Niu. 2015. Plant factory as a resource-efficient closed plant production system. In: Plant Factory: An Indoor Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, T. Kozai, G. Niu, and M. Takagaki (eds.), pp. 69-90. Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.

Niu, G., T. Kozai, and N. Sabeh. 2015. Physical environmental factors and their properties. In: Plant Factory: An Indoor Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, T. Kozai, G. Niu, and M. Takagaki (eds.), pp. 129-140. Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.

Kozai, T. and G. Niu. 2015. Challenges for the next generation PFAL. In: Plant Factory: An Indoor Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production, T. Kozai, G. Niu, and M. Takagaki (eds.), pp. 387-394. Academic Press, Elsevier Publisher.

Niu, G., Y. Sun, J. Masabni, and P. Osuna. 2013. Growing bioenergy crops in marginal lands: salt tolerance and water use of potential bioenergy crops. Chapter XXI, pp, 396-412. Agricultura Organica, Sexta Parte, Red Internacional de Agricultura Organica.

Niu, G. 2012. Salt tolerance of Capsicum species. In: Peppers – Botany, Production and Uses. V.M. Russo (ed.), pp. 150-164. CABI publisher, Nosworthy Way, UK.

Miyamoto, S. and G. Niu. 2011. Suitability of concentrate waters for irrigation. In Membrane and Treatment of impaired Irrigation Return and Other Flows for Creating New Sources of High Quality Water. Fahy and Balliew (eds.). American Water Works Association. Denver, CO. 4: 27-30.

Niu, G. and R. Cabrera. 2010. Irrigating ornamental horticultural plants with alternative water sources. In: Horticulture in 21st Century, Sampson, A.N. (ed.), pp. 143-160. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NY.

Niu, G. 2005. Modeling and simulation in photoautotrophic microprogation. pp 225-236. In Photoautotrophic (Sugar-Free Medium) Micropropagation as a New Propagation and Transplant Production System. T. Kozai, F. Afreen and S.M.A. Zobayed (eds.). Springer, Netherlands.

Mikami, H. and G. Niu. 1999. Photosynthetic and transpirational characteristics of single leaf of the sweetpotato plants micropropagated or cultured hydroponically. pp 136-140. In Development and Utilization of Closed Transplants Production System. T. Kozai (ed.) Yokendo Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese)

Kitaya, Y. and G. Niu. 1999. Photosynthetic photon flux, photoperiod, and CO2 concentration affect growth and morphology of lettuce transplants.  pp 160-161. In Development and Utilization of Closed Transplants Production System. T. Kozai (ed.) Yokendo Ltd., Tokyo. (in Japanese)

Kozai, T., G. Niu, and C. Chun. 1998. Micropropagated transplants. pp 284-290. In Protected Cultivation. Japanese Association of Protected Horticulture. (in Japanese)

Kozai, T. and G. Niu. 1997. Environmental control in micropropagation. Outline of Agricultural Technology. 5:345-351. (in Japanese)

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Conference Proceedings (Peer or Editor Reviewed)

Note about first author identification:

*  Graduate students advised as co-chair or committee member, Research associate under Dr. Niu’s supervision

Greyvenstein*, O., B. Pemberton, G. Niu, T. Starman and D. Byrne. 2018. Heat tolerance in garden roses. Acta Horticulturae (Accepted).

Niu, G. and Y. Sun. Salt tolerance of roses. 2018. Acta Horticulturae (Accepted).

Dou*, H., M. Gu, and G. Niu. 2017. Are Cuttings a Viable Alternative to Seeds for Sweet Basil Propagation? 2017 International Plant Propagator’s Society-North American Southern Region Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. International Plant Propagators Society Combined Proceedings, 2017.

Rawat*, S., Pullagurala, V.L.R., Sun, Y., Niu, G., Hernandez-Viezcas, J.A., Peralta-Videa, J.R., Gardea-Torresdey, J.L. 2017. Physiological and biochemical effects of copper nanoparticles on bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. The 6th Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Conference, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 2017.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, and H. Barrera. 2016.  Effect of volumetric water content on the growth of Anisacanthus quadrifidu, Caryopteris x clandonensis, and Cuphea hyssopifolia. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 61: 29-34.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, and C. Perez. 2016. Relative salt tolerance of six Texas Superstar annuals. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 61: 85-90.

Cabrera, R.I., S. Cooper, G. Niu, J. Altland and Y. Sun. 2015. Assessing use and management of alternative irrigation water sources for green industry activities. Southern Nursery Association Research Conference Proceedings 60: 245-249.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, and D. Zhang. 2015. Effect of volumetric water content on the growth of Nandina domestica. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 60:45-51.

Greyvenstein*, O., T. Starman, D. Byrne, B. Pemberton and G. Niu. 2015. Mean daily maximum temperature for 8 – 14 days before harvest as a good predictor of change in garden rose flower dry weight. Acta Horticulturae 1064:67-72.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, C. Perez, and P. Osuna. 2014. Salt tolerance of garden rose cultivars. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 59:99-104.

Sun*, Y., G. Niu, C. Perez, and P. Osuna. 2014. Salt tolerance of Artemesia schmidtiana, Buddleia davidii, and Lantana Sp. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 59:109-112.

Xie, R., M. Gu, Y. Guo, T. Starman, and G. Niu. 2014. Effects of biochar and fertigation regimes on Easter lily production. Proceedings of the SNA Res. Conf. 59:17-18

Ganjegunte, G.K., G. Niu, Y. Wu, A. Ulery, C. Wang. 2013. Meeting energy needs by developing management practices to utilize marginal quality irrigation water on saline lands for sustainable bio-energy crop production. Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Development. Organized by Ontario International Development Agency during December 04-06, 2013 in Chandigarh, Punjab, India, p. 158-159.

Ganjegunte, G.K., G. Niu, Y. Wu, A. Ulery, C. Wang. 2013. Evaluation of bioenergy crop production with marginal quality irrigation water on saline lands under extremely arid conditions. Proceedings of the Desert Technology 11 conference jointly organized by Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, Dryland Systems Research Program of Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University System, November 19-22, 2013 at San Antonio, TX. p. 41. Abstract.

Sun*, Y., Bi, G., and G. Niu. 2013. Impact of dikegulac sodium and pinching on the branching of Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Merritt’s Supreme’. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 58:167-173.

Niu, G., P. Osuna, and Y. Sun. 2013. Growth and physiological responses of plants to salt stress. Journal of Ciencia de la Frontera, Volume XI, special issue, p. 19-26.

Fulcher, A., G. Niu, G. Bi, M. Evans, T. Fernandez, R. Geneve, A. Koeser, S. Nambuthiri, N. Pershey, R. Stewart, S. Verlinden, X. Wang.  2012. Assessing biocontainers and a sustainable irrigation regime for the US nursery industry. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 57:73-77.

Greyvenstein*, O.F.C., T.W. Starman, H.B. Pemberton, G. Niu, and D.H. Byrne. 2012. Towards phenotyping heat tolerance in garden roses. Acta Horticulturae 961:181-186.

Niu, G., P. Osuna, and D. Rodriguez. 2012. Salt Tolerance of Ornamental Chile Pepper. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 57:336-341.

Niu, G., Pemberton, B., P. Osuna, and D. Rodriguez. 2012. Plant growth regulator impact on Calibrachoa and Verbena branching. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 57:151-156.

Nambuthiri, S., R. Geneve, T. Fernandez, A. Fulcher, A. Koeser, G. Bi, M. Evans, G. Niu, N. Pershey, R. Stewart, S. Verlinden, and X. Wang.  2012. Substrate heat buildup and evaporation rate differs between plastic and alternative one gallon nursery containers. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 57:60-62.

Niu, G. and D.S. Rodriguez. 2011. Salt tolerance of bedding plants. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 56:146-151.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and C. McKenney. 2011. Salt tolerance of five wildflowers. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 56:152-156.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, M. Wang, T. Starman, and D. Zhang. 2011. Response of zinnia to saline water irrigation. Acta Horticulturae 922:237-244.

Niu, G. 2010. Growth and physiological responses of ornamental plants to salinity. Taiwan – USA symposium on technology of cultivation and molecular breeding for ornamental crops. August 18-21, Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 85-101.

Niu, G. and D.C. Rodriguez. 2010. Growth response of selected bedding plants to three irrigation levels. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 55:195-199.

Niu, G., M. Gu, and D.C. Rodriguez. 2010. Nitrogen rate and form affected growth of Texas mountain laurel. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 55:349-353.

Wang, M., G. Niu, D.C. Rodriguez, and D. Zhang. 2010. Response of Zinnia cultivars to salinity. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 55:189-194.

Niu, G., M. Gu, and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Effects of substrate and salinity of irrigation water on the growth of Sophora secundiflora. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 54:1-7.

Niu, G., and D.S. Rodriguez. 2009. Salt tolerance of ten bedding plants. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 54:405-410.

Niu, G., and D.S. Rodriguez. 2008. Rose rootstocks responded differently to chloride versus sulfate salinity. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 53:403-406.

Niu, G., and D.S. Rodriguez. 2008. Irrigation levels affected performance of Gaillardia species. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 53:544-548.

Niu, G., and D.S. Rodriguez. 2008. Responses of four rose rootstocks to cyclic drought stress. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 53:407-409.

Niu, G., and D.S. Rodriguez. 2007. Heat and drought tolerance of selected bedding plants. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 52:84-88.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and W. Mackay. 2007. Drought tolerance of four oleanders. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 52:226-231.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and L. Aguiniga. 2007. Salinity tolerance of 10 herbaceous landscape plants. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 52:128-132.

Niu, G., R.I. Cabrera, C. McKenney, and W. Mackay. 2007. Water use and crop coefficients of selected herbaceous perennials. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 52:122-127.

Niu, G., and D.S. Rodriguez. 2007. Salinity tolerance, water use and crop coefficients of selected shrubs and trees. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 52:133-137.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, R.I. Cabrera, C. McKenney, and W. Mackay. 2006. Water use of five woody ornamentals under nursery and landscape conditions. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 51:85-88.

Niu, G., D.S. Rodriguez, and R.I. Cabrera. 2006. Evaluating drought tolerance in herbaceous perennials. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 51:89-92.

Cabrera, R.I., L. Rahman, G. Niu, C. McKenney, and W. Mackay. 2006. Response of containerized herbaceous perennials to salinity stress. Proceedings of Southern Nursery Association 51:81-84.

Niu, G., and T. Kozai. 1998. Simulation of CO2 concentration in the culture vessel and growth of plantlets in micropropagation. Acta Horticulturae 456:37-43.

Kozai, T., C. Kubota, J. Heo, C. Chun, K. Ohyama, G. Niu, and H. Mikami. 1998. Towards efficient micropropagation, cutting propagation and transplant production of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) under artificial light in closed ecosystems. pp 201-214. Proceedings of International Workshop on Sweetpotato Production System toward the 21st Century, Miyazaki, Japan.

Kozai, T., C. Chun, E. Goto, K. Iwabuchi, T. Shibuya, Y. Kitaya, G. Niu, J. Heo, and C. Kubota. 1997. Photosynthetic and transpirational characteristics of plants in closed systems with artificial lighting. pp 43-52.  Proceedings of International Meeting on Influence of Climatic Characteristics upon Behavior of Radioactive Elements, eds. Y. Ohmomo & N. Sakurai. Aomori October 14-16, 1997, Japan.

Niu, G., T. Kozai and H. Mikami. 1996. Simulation of the effects of photoperiod and light intensity on the growth of potato plantlets cultured photoautotrophically in vitro. Acta Horticulturae 440:622-627.

Kubota, C., G. Niu and T. Kozai. 1995. Low temperature storage for production management of in-vitro plantlets: Effects of air temperature and light intensity on preservation of plantlet dry weight and quality during storage. Acta Horticulturae 393:103-110.

Mu Y., D. Zhang, G. Niu, K. Yamada, and Z. Xu. 1995. Studies on water and nutrient absorption of tomato in automatic control of Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system. pp 467-472. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of Scientific Association for Young Scientists.

Zhang, D., Z. Xu, Y. Mu, S. Zhang, S. He, Q. Cheng, G. Niu, and G. Dong. 1994. The floating capillary hydroponics for vegetable culture. Proceedings of Sino-International Colloquium on Soilless Culture’94.

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Professional Trade Journals and Extension Articles

Masabni, J., Y. Sun, and G. Niu. 2016. EHT-088. Reducing Saltwater Flood Damage to Vegetable Plants. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. College Station, TX

Nambuthiri, S., A. Fulcher, R. Geneve, G. Niu, D. Cochran, S. Verlinden and R. Conneway. 2015.  Saving water and money: Irrigation for increased nursery profitability and efficiency. Tennessee GreenTimes. 16(2): 1-4.

Nambuthiri, S., A. Fulcher, R. Geneve, G. Niu, D. Cochran, S. Verlinden and R. Conneway. 2015. Pick your pot. Find out if container alternatives are right for your growing operation. Tennessee Green Times. 116(2):18-20.

Niu, G. and M. Gu. 2014. Salinity and pH. In: Production Guide for Texas-Grown Strawberries. R.W. Wallace and J. Anciso (Ed.).  Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Publ. No. HT-047, pp. 21-23.  Available online at

Gu, M. and G. Niu. 2014. Soil Amendments. In: Production Guide for Texas-Grown Strawberries. R.W. Wallace and J. Anciso (Ed.).  Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Publ. No. HT-047, p. 23.  Available online at

Cai*, X., G. Niu, T. Starman, and M. Gu. 2014. Salt-of-the-Earth Plants —Easing the pain of drought. Greenhouse Product News, 32-36. (Grad student).

Gu, M. and G. Niu. 2013. Plant select. Earth-Kind Landscape Management. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas AgriLife Communications. M. Gu (Editor), pp. 45-63.

Fulcher, A., G. Niu, G. Bi, M. Evans, T. Fernandez, R. Geneve, A. Koeser, S. Nambuthiri, N. Pershey, J.R. Stewart, S. Verlinden, and X. Wang. 2013. Pulp or plastic? American Nurseryman February. Page: 20-24.

Arnold, M., E. Bush, R. Cabrera, G. Denny, J. Griffin, J. Iles, A. King, G. Knox, G. McDonald, C. McKenney, T. Montague, G. Niu, A. Owings, and D. Struve.  2010.  Testing tolerances of Taxodium.  Landscape Plant News 20(3):10-11.

Niu, G., R. I. Cabrera, C. McKenney and W. A. Mackay. March, 2007. Determining plant water use and crop coefficients of nursery and landscape plants. (Texas Nursery and Landscape Association) TNLA Green, p. 18-20, 22.

Niu, G. and Y.T. Wang. January, 2007. Cloning live oak. American Nurseryman. P. 26-27.

Niu, G. September, 2006. Salinity tolerance. American Nurseryman. P. 26-29.

Cabrera, R.I., L. Rahman, C. McKenney, S. Hill, G. Niu and W.A. Mackay. April, 2006. Evaluating the salinity tolerance of nursery and landscape plants. (Texas Nursery and Landscape Association) TNLA Green, p. 14-18.

Niu, G. 2002. Rapid propagation of elephant ear under controlled environment. Greenhouse Grower 20(11):62-65.

Niu, G., R. Heins, E. Runkle, A. Cameron, and W. Carlson. 2001.  Ground cover- Pachysandra terminalis. Greenhouse grower 19(11):86-90.

Niu, G., T. Griffing, R. Heins, E. Runkle, A. Cameron, and W. Carlson. 2001. Ground cover- Ceratostigma plumbaginoides.  Greenhouse grower 19(10):96-100.

Niu, G., R. Heins, and W. Carlson. 2001. Keeping Freedom under control – Bonzi is a key component in controlling the late stretch of Freedom poinsettia. Greenhouse Grower 19(9):88-96.

Niu, G., E. Runkle, R.D. Heins, A.C. Cameron, and W.H. Carlson. 2001. Herbaceous perennials – Light. Greenhouse Grower 19(1):134-143.

Niu, G., A. Frane, R.D. Heins, A.C. Cameron, and W.H. Carlson. 1999. Greenhouse temperatures affect the timing and quality of herbaceous perennials. Greenhouse Grower 17(9):130-140.

Niu, G. and D. Zhang. 1991. The structure and management of TAM hydroponics system. Practical Engineering Techniques in Agriculture, Beijing. (in Chinese)

Niu, G. Z. Xu and D. Zhang. 1989. Drip irrigation system. Practical Engineering Techniques in Agriculture, Beijing. (in Chinese)

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