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Update on Industrial Hemp for Texas—July 2020

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension/TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, TX; (806) 723-8432, July 8, 2020   Texas Department of Agriculture Hemp Licensing   The TDA hemp page,, has further new items of interest.  In a June 19, 2020 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension webinar TDA assistant commissioner Dan Hunter noted to date TDA had issued: 861 producer licenses 351 crop permits 84 handler/sampler licenses (but only 73 listed as of July 7 at 158 handler licenses 19 processor licenses (as of… Read More →

Does an Early Fungicide Application Pay in Wheat?

by Dr. Clark Neely, Statewide Small Grains Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Dr. Tom Isakeit, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Despite the wet, dreary weather some parts of the state have experienced over the past few weeks, rust levels appear to be low at this time for most of the wheat acres in the state. However, I still receive questions on whether a topdress or pre-flag leaf application of fungicide is a good idea. In most cases, the answer is “no”, an early fungicide… Read More →

Cotton Growth Stages – Cutout

by Seth Byrd, Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Lubbock, TX; 806.746.6101, and Wayne Keeling,  Professor, Agronomy Systems Weed Science, Lubbock, TX., 806-742-4026, What it is and why it’s important. Cutout and blooming out the top are often confused as the same growth stage. At cutout there are still many potential fruiting sites to be developed, and the timing of cutout is often used as a gauge of the fruiting window and yield potential. Blooming out the top signals the end of… Read More →