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Freeze Damage and the Texas Wheat Crop

  Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101, Dr. Fernando Guillen-Portal, State Extension Small Grains Specialist, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, College Station, (979) 845-4826, February 26, 2021       The cold temperatures in Texas in February’s cold snap range from as low as -12° F in the Panhandle to mid-single digits as far south as the Austin region.  A few locations in Texas set all-time low records (Tyler, TX for one).  Lubbock recorded -6°… Read More →

2020 Hemp Variety Testing Wrap-Up & 2021 Trials

Hemp variety trial results at San Angelo (cannabinoids) and Lubbock (cannabinoids and fiber) will be completed shortly after the first of the year.  I will detail results in my January hemp newsletter.  Results will also be posted at  AgriLife will update program information for the 2021 round of variety trials in January.  In addition to test sites offered in 2020 (Lubbock, San Angelo, College Station, Commerce), at least one additional fee-based test site will be offered in South Texas mostly likely Weslaco in the Lower Rio Grande… Read More →

Harvest Weed Seed Control Tactics Can Aid Herbicide Programs in Managing Italian Ryegrass in Texas wheat

  Aniruddha Maity1, Blake Young1, David Drake2, and Muthukumar Bagavathiannan1 1Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 2Integrated Pest Management Extension Agent, Commerce, TX   Italian ryegrass has been a persistent problem in wheat production in the Texas Blacklands. Great adaptability, profuse tillering, and high seed production make this a troublesome weed. Rapid development and spread of resistance to some of the important herbicides warrants the development of additional interventions for its control. As this species reproduces by seed, a seedbank in… Read More →

Later Winter Oats to Bridge Forage Shortfall

In much of the Texas High Plains wheat pasture conditions are poor.  There is likely a substantial shortfall in the grazing and hay from wheat.  In previous years, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension has suggested farmers consider planting medium to long maturity oats, particularly for hay, to recapture needed forage for livestock.   At some point in the Texas High Plains, there is substantial potential that any late-planted winter wheat will not receive the needed hours/days of cold weather, the chilling requirement, to ensure the transition from vegetative to… Read More →

Guar & Crop Insurance:  USDA-RMA Feasibility Study

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101, September 9, 2020 Guar is arguably the most heat-tolerant, drought-tolerant summer annual row crop grown in Texas.  Current production regions are the South Plains and the northern Rolling Plains.  For information on guar production resources for these drier regions of Texas view   In Fall 2018 USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) initiated a review of ~100 minor fruit, vegetable, and other crops for possible study for federal program crop insurance.  AgriLife… Read More →

Crop Progress Report

USDA Crop progress report for peanuts in the US showed an improvement of 3 points from last week between Excellent and Good.  Excellent and good conditions improved from 72% to 75% (Graph 1).  This condition is also 6 points better that last year at this time of the season.  On the other hand, Texas crop report is 6 points below the US average (69%), mostly due to the dry and hot weather during this summer.  Crop condition in Texas at this time of the year is below 2019… Read More →


Emi Kimura, Assistant Professor and Extension Agronomist Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Vernon, TX   2019-2020 Cropping Season in Review Texas Rolling Plains wheat season started with hot and dry conditions in the fall 2019.  Soil temperature was not optimum for planting wheat until the first week of October.  Dry months continued to the end of December, which reduced winter forage productivity throughout the Texas Rolling Plains.  Dryland wheat gradually improved with the spring precipitation during January to March.  Late-freezes in mid-April resulted in the freeze injury… Read More →

Grain Variety Picks for Texas High Plains, 2020-2021 & Texas High Plains Wheat Production Summary, 2019-2020

Jourdan M. Bell, Assistant Professor and Agronomist, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Research, Amarillo, (806) 677-5600, 2019-2020 Cropping Season in Review Variable rainfall in August and September resulted in varying planting conditions across the Texas High Plains. Some fields were planted with replenished soil moisture while other fields were dry sowed. October 2019 rains delivered valuable moisture for the region’s wheat crop. There was minimal winter precipitation through the central and northern Panhandle resulting in another dry winter. A prolonged winter drought resulted in many producers pulling… Read More →

Remaining Crop Stubble after Harvest—Your Options and a Myth

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101, August 13, 2020 Producers across Texas know that field crop stubble on fields offers potential benefits.  There is erosion control, the reduction of raindrop impact (protection of the soil surface), potential protection to a subsequent crop that is fragile in the seedling stage (e.g., cotton), etc.  USDA-NRCS often uses a rating scale for fields with stubble to estimate the erodibility.  Other programs through FSA may require at least 30% of the soil… Read More →

When it comes to cover crops in Texas:  Timing is key.

Jake Mowrer, PhD Cover cropping has many benefits in dryland farming in eastern and central Texas.  Weed suppression, crop diversity, soil organic matter buildup, and more.  Many Texas farmers have an interest in getting into or improving their cover crop inclusive systems.  But cover cropping is not a simple thing.  It takes some time and patience to get it right here.  AgriLife Extension recommends that farmers start experimenting on a small portion of the farm, and expand to more acreage as specific practices show success. This article covers… Read More →