Category Archives: Uncategorized

Texas A&M AgriLife Hemp Projects for 2022

    Funding is very limited for any hemp work this year.  I have received neither inquiries nor funding for any cannabinoid work so at this time I will not be planting any CBD variety trials.  Here are the current projects and locations.  If you wish to learn more about any of these trial sites, please e-mail me.   Fiber & Grain Variety Yield Trial—Texas A&M AgriLife, Lubbock, 33.5° N   Fifteen hemp fiber and grain varieties have been chosen by Trostle for planting three-rep randomized trials to… Read More →

Hessian Fly Article

  Tyler Mays, Extension Agent-IPM, Hill and McLennan Counties David R. Drake, Extension Agent-IPM, District 4 – Commerce, TX Email: Matt Matocha, Extension Program Specialist- IPM,  Southern Blacklands, Thrall, TX,   Hessian fly are being found in wheat fields across the Texas Blacklands and are a potential production issue this year. The Hessian fly is a small fly that during the larval stage can be a significant pest of wheat and some other small grain crops like barley, triticale, and rye. There are several wild host… Read More →

Canola Forage in the Texas High Plains

Jourdan M. Bell, Carla Naylor, and Juan Piñeiro Canola is largely produced as an oilseed crop, but it is also a high-quality forage (grazing and ensilage), although as with other forages, nutritive value is closely tied to the agronomic management, crop maturity and growing conditions. In the Texas High Plains, corn has traditionally been the silage of choice, but as irrigation capacities decline, livestock producers are evaluating alternative forage options including canola. While there is limited canola planted for oilseed production, in recent years canola silage (canolage) has… Read More →

Texas A&M AgriLife “Texas Row Crops Newsletter”—Industrial Hemp

  Dr. Calvin Trostle, Professor & Extension Agronomist/AgriLife State Hemp Specialist, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101,         Our next statewide AgriLife Zoom update is January 4, 2022, 5:15-6:30 PM CST.  Please register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.   What will be the market and interest for CBD in 2022?   Much of the CBD industry, especially for extractable CBD, has been battered by all-time… Read More →

Texas A&M AgriLife “Sorghum Tips”

    Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy/TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101,     Finally—Commercially Available Herbicide-Tolerant Grain Sorghums   We have heard about this for years.  In 2022 there will finally be some options for Texas grain sorghum farmers to consider.  Seed for at least some limited acreage of three different herbicide-tolerant grain sorghum hybrids will be available.   These will be best for sorghum farmers that struggle with grass control in grain sorghum.  Grain sorghum itself is a grass, so otherwise… Read More →

Dry Weather & Nitrogen Prices

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101,;   Wheat Conditions in Texas As you too well know conditions across most of Texas have gradually turned dry and worse into extreme drought (Fig. 1). For the northwest half of Texas winter is not the time we regularly get much moisture. Historically if wheat is established it can be pretty tough and can usually hang on until spring moisture comes, hopefully in time to take advantage of the burst of forage… Read More →

Prussic Acid and Nitrate in Forages, Especially Sorghums

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101,   A short version of this item originally appeared in the “Sorghum Insider,” an online newsletter of the Texas Grain Sorghum Association.   I have received several calls from growers in the past three weeks about prussic acid and nitrate accumulation in forages.  These inquiries are routine in the fall starting in mid-October in the Texas High Plains as the first heavy frosts and freezes occur.  Then questions progress downstate as low… Read More →

October/November AgriLife Hemp Update for Texas

Dr. Calvin Trostle, Professor & Extension Agronomist/AgriLife State Hemp Specialist, TAMU Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 746-6101,   We continue the statewide Zoom updates we began in March.  The September update will be Tuesday, November 2, 5:15-6:30 PM Central Time.  We will not meet in December but resume in 2022 on January 4.   October topics will largely follow this newsletter.  And there will be plenty of time for discussion.   To join use: This month’s meeting does not require registration.   Observations… Read More →

Cover Crops for Weed Management and Conservation Agriculture in Texas

Jodie Reisner, Spencer Samuelson and Muthukumar Bagavathiannan   Integrated weed management (IWM) is a diverse approach to managing weeds, which combines complementary approaches for desired weed management results (Figure 1). Studying the cultural, mechanical, physical, and biological forms in combination with chemical forms at the farm level can offer producers insights as to what can work effectively on their farms. IWM entails cultural tactics such as crop rotations, adjusting seeding rates, planting cover crops between cropping seasons to suppress weed emergence, minimizing weed seed rain through harvest weed… Read More →

Wheat Variety Grain Picks for Texas – 2021-2022

Dr. Fernando Guillen-Portal, Small Grains Extension Specialist, Soil & Crop Sciences Dept. College Station, (406) 579-5638, Dr. Calvin Trostle, Extension Agronomy, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, Lubbock, (806) 723-8432, Russ Garetson, MS, Small Grains Extension Program Specialist, TAMU Soil & Crop Sciences, College Station, (214) 460-5510,   Continuing an established tradition, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension has identified the annual winter wheat variety “Pick’s list” for the 2021-2022 growing season for each of the wheat variety testing regions in Texas, the High Plains, Rolling… Read More →