New Printed Resources for Texas-Oriented Field Crop Disease Information

Tom Isakeit, Professor and extension plant pathologist, Dept. of Plant Pathology, College Station  979-862-1340


In 2021, I prepared five publications covering diseases of various crops.  They are available as PDF files at Agrilife Learn, the newest incarnation of the online Texas Agrilife Bookstore.  The specific publications and their specific links are as follows:


Alfalfa diseases in Texas and their management. PLPM-PU-091


Diseases of soybean in Texas. PLPM-PU-090


Diseases of sunflower in Texas. PLPM-PU-089


Hemp diseases in Texas. PLPM-PU-085


Cotton Root Rot (Phymatotrichopsis Root Rot) and its Management. PLPM-PU-087


Additionally, a publication co-authored with Ken Obasa and Clark Neely is finally available:


Bacterial streak and black chaff in small grains. PLPM-PU-092


Please note that when you get to these pages, you need to click on “Quick Download” near the top of the page (rather than using the shopping cart).  You then enter your email address and your county and then you are emailed a link to the actual PDF.  This is how the agency keeps track of publication interest.




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