Housing: Resources

Natural Hazards Center: Research Counts Series

A platform for hazards and disaster scholars to provide insights about research findings and the enduring lessons of disaster, as well as to raise new questions that are worthy of exploration.

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FEMA Community Rating System (CRS) Elevation Certificate Training Videos

The CRS Program has just released 8 videos that cover training on the FEMA Elevation Certificate (EC). The videos describe each Section of the EC and explain which fields on the form are required for CRS purposes and why.

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FEMA Grants Portal Website for PA Grants:

Recipient and Applicant Webinars are designed to train State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial stakeholders on the Public Assistance grant process and the FEMA Grants Portal website that is used for PA grants.

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FEMA Podcast, Episode 83

The FEMA Podcast is an audio series available to anyone interested in learning more about the agency, hearing about innovation in the field of emergency management, and listening to stories about communities and individuals recovering after disasters.

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Deep Dive: Mental Health Impacts in Medicaid Programs, November 6

As a result of COVID-19, states are experiencing severe declines in tax revenue, with projections indicating 5-15% reductions in revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2020 and reductions of 10-25% for FY 2021. A number of states have also been forced to severely cut funding for behavioral health services. Colorado has cut $26 million in funds allocated for behavioral health for FY 2021, while Florida, Georgia and Utah have cut funding for substance use disorder programs. According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, the need for behavioral health care was already high before the pandemic, with deaths from overdose and suicide at near-historic and three-decade highs, respectively. Need has likely only risen since then, given the recent stress and trauma from the public health and economic crises. This session will explore how state Medicaid programs are addressing need while facing financial realities brought on the pandemic. It will also be an opportunity for state leaders to learn about the CSG Medicaid Policy Academies planned for 2021.



National Health Care for the Homeless Council

NHCHC maintains a webpage on COVID-19 resources, including a link to its archived webinar on Coronavirus and the HCH Community: Status Updates, Available Guidance, Local Preparations, and Outstanding Issues.


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


TRO News Release: Harvey households covered by FEMA group flood insurance should prepare now to buy standard flood insurance by Oct. 24

Many families affected by Hurricane Harvey in August 2017 did not have flood insurance. As part of its disaster assistance, FEMA provided Group Flood Insurance Policies (GFIP) to 6,704 households across counties impacted by Harvey. These three-year policies end Oct. 24, so policyholders must plan now to switch to a standard flood insurance policy to ensure continuous coverage. Those who received a GFIP policy as part of their FEMA disaster assistance after Harvey but don’t buy a standard flood insurance policy will likely not receive federal disaster assistance for home repairs if they experience another flood event.



Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy releases Low-Income Energy Affordability Data Tool

The Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool is designed to help states, communities and other stakeholders create better energy strategies and programs by improving their understanding of low-income housing and energy characteristics.



NYCHA Creates Model for Green Workforce Development

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) offers a model for public housing authorities nationwide to develop green workforce programs, addressing an ever-growing need in the marketplace. NYCHA is using its suite of energy performance contracts as a platform to connect residents to high-quality economic opportunity services, particularly in the field of energy efficiency.



Rethinking Leasing: Spotlight on the 2019 Green Lease Leaders Webinar Follow Material

  • VISIT the Green Lease Leaders website
  • SEE if you qualify for recognition using our free lease audit tool
  • DOWNLOAD the free Green Lease Leaders Reference Guides
  • REGISTER and apply for the Landlord, Tenant, or Team Transaction categories by March 27th, 2019
  • READ the 2019 Green Lease Leaders press release


Help turn Houses back into HOMES in time for the holidays

Despite the hard work of countless volunteers, thousands of families are still displaced or living in unrepaired homes, and the added destruction of Tropical Storm Imelda has many more families struggling to recover during the holidays. Houston Responds Coalitions and their local congregations are coordinating to assist as many families as possible in hopes of turning their damaged houses back into homes again during the holidays.



HUD Continues Support for Fifteen States and Four U.S. Territories Recovering From Major Disaster

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today allocated over $2.3 billion to support the long-term disaster recovery process in hard-hit areas in fifteen states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. This allocation is supported through HUD’s Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program and will address seriously damaged housing, businesses and infrastructure from disasters that occurred since 2017. The CDBG-DR Program requires grantees to develop thoughtful recovery plans informed by local residents. Learn more about CDBG-DR and the State’s role in long-term disaster recovery (en español). The State of Texas will receive an additional $26,513,000 for DR-4377 and $212,741,000 for DR-4454 and DR-4466.



American Planning Association Offers New Tools for Housing Advocates

Increasingly, federal and state elected officials are debating how to use planning to tackle complex problems of housing and persistent poverty. Planners must be prepared to advocate for approaches and policies that lift disinvested communities and create equal access to affordable housing, transportation options, and jobs. A new suite of American Planning Association (APA) tools can help you understand and influence housing and inclusive-growth decisions at all levels of government:

  • Use APA’s new Housing Policy Guide to inform your advocacy for policies that promote housing choice, affordability, and availability. The guide lays out specific, actionable policy directions on housing finance, resiliency, zoning, and more, and builds on the principles that underlie APA’s Planning Home initiative.
  • This month’s Planning asks whether Opportunity Zones are living up to their promise. Find out what planners can do to advocate for impactful investment opportunities that promote economic growth and revitalize low-income communities.


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