Housing: Events & Training

Disaster PRIMR 2021 Conference, January 31 – February 4

This virtual conference through Texas A&M University will share best practices, lessons learned (or yet to be learned), and insights gained in all dimensions of disaster readiness.

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Establish Policy Tools and Incentives, Develop Partnerships and Measure Impacts. December 8, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST

This webinar is part of the Bolstering Growth in OZs Webinar Series, which the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council and HUD are hosting for local economic development leaders and stakeholders in communities with designated OZs.



Develop Your OZ Action Plan to Build or Strengthen Your Local OZ Ecosystem. December 15, 1:00 – 3:00 PM EST

Building upon the first two webinars in the series, this webinar will provide innovative examples of Opportunity Zone (OZ) ecosystems created for small- and medium-sized cities, with special focus on Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) formation and market, diversity of QOF real estate and business investments, and best practices for community engagement to bolster investments in OZs.



Building Housing Security During COVID-19 and Beyond, January 12

This webinar will discuss the macro-economic trends and policy environment which have resulted in widespread housing unaffordability in communities across America and the elements of successful multi-sector housing reform initiatives.



FEMA’s Coffee Break Webinar, January 13

This webinar from FEMA Region 3 will explore federal guidance and resources available to help communities prepare or update a Hazard Mitigation Plan.



Completing your Hazard Mitigation Plan – The Mitigation Minute

Hazard Mitigation is best accomplished when based on a comprehensive, long-term plan. Hazard mitigation plans allow communities to understand threats from natural hazards and develop strategies to reduce the impacts of disasters.


Virtual Summit on Homelessness, Serious Mental Illness, and Substance Use Disorders

This 2-day national online conversation took place August 7-8, 2019. Subject matter experts from around the country discussed the most effective approaches to ending homelessness for individuals who have serious mental illness and/or substance use disorders. The summit sessions promoted collaboration across systems, drew on scientific evidence, and included practical tools and cutting-edge strategies for communities and agencies.



URA the HUD Way

This 8-part web-based modular training course provides basic information and resources to HUD grantees and funding recipients on URA requirements for HUD funded projects. Module 1 provides an overview of the URA. Module 2 provides an overview of another Federal law known as Section 104(d), which applies to CDBG and HOME funded projects. Modules 3 through 8 provide greater technical training on various URA topics.



Distressed Cities Technical Assistance

The Distressed Cities TA program is designed to build the administrative capacity of smaller distressed communities recently impacted by a natural disaster. The focus of this TA includes financial management, economic development, and disaster recovery planning.




USG Updates:

CPD Memo: Suspension and Waiver of the HOME Program Consortium Qualification Deadline in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: HUD has issued a memorandum which suspends the HOME Program’s statutory deadline and waives the HOME regulatory deadline for qualification or requalification of urban counties and consortia to provide HOME Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) additional time to complete these processes due to the unanticipated circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic. HUD has extended the deadline from September 30, 2020 to November 30, 2020. View the memo: Suspension and Waiver of the HOME Program Consortium Qualification Deadline in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

EPA Indoor Air Quality Training and Expertise Whenever You Want! The three-part webinar series, Healthy Indoor Environments in Schools: Plans, Practices and Principles for Maintaining Healthy Learning Environments, is now available to view on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website. Each webinar features industry experts and school district personnel who discuss the plans, practices and principles they have put in place for indoor air quality (IAQ) management. Having an effective school IAQ management program not only will help to create healthy indoor environments in schools but also will help to reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria.

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