Archived Resources: Q1 – 2020

Thank you for visiting our archive for all Resources from Q1 of 2020. Here you will find notices of previously released white papers, press releases, and other resources offered by state, federal, and nongovernmental agencies. Please note that because the archived notice is for an expired resource, links to the parent site may no longer work. We apologize for this inconvenience.

January  |  February  |  March


Emergency Management and Response Information Sharing and Analysis Center, January 2020 Edition

Volume 20 – Issue 1 contains the following articles:

  1. Antibiotic-resistant infections are up but deaths are down
  2. Hospital Surge Evaluation Tool
  3. Ways to help people with autism during emergency situations
  4. Webinar: Catch Them Before They Fall – Preventing Suicide
  5. Cyber Threats

January 2020 Edition


FEMA Extends Grace Period for Flood Insurance Renewal Premiums

To help serve its National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) customers who may be experiencing financial hardships, FEMA is extending the grace period to renew flood insurance policies from 30 to 120 days. This extension applies to NFIP flood insurance policies with an expiration date between Feb. 13 and June 15, 2020. There is typically a 30-day grace period to renew policies to avoid a lapse in coverage. However, due to the widespread economic disruption arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, FEMA recognizes that flood insurance policyholders may not meet the standard policy renewal deadline. Read the full release in English and Spanish. Facebook. Twitter: English and Spanish

ASFPM Scholarship for 2020 Conference

The Texas Floodplain Management Association (TFMA) is hosting the 2020 ASFPM National Conference at the Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, TX from June 7 – 11, 2020.  As the Host State, Floodplain Managers (Village/City/County Government Officials) throughout Texas are eligible to apply for a SCHOLARSHIP to attend the 2020 ASFPM National Conference.  This scholarship will provide the registration fee for early conference registration.  37 (total) scholarships are available for award.  These scholarships have been funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Workshops/field tours, overnight accommodations, travel, and other expenses will not be covered by the scholarship and will be the responsibility of the recipient or their agency. Scholarships will be limited to one applicant per jurisdiction and will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.  Applications in excess of the available scholarships will be added to a waitlist and notified if a scholarship becomes available. Applications should be submitted no later than March 27th, 2020.  Notification of scholarship award will be provided by April 2nd, 2020.


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