Archived Events & Training: Q1 – 2019

Thank you for visiting our archive for all Events & Training from Q1 of 2019. Here you will find notices of previously released white papers, press releases, and other resources offered by state, federal, and nongovernmental agencies. Please note that because the archived notice is for an expired resource, links to the parent site may no longer work. We apologize for this inconvenience.

January  | February  |  March

FEMA Mapping Changes – Jan. 2

This webinar provides insurance agents a practical look at how FEMA flood map changes can affect property owners in their roles as flood insurance policyholders as well as borrowers.



Best of the Betters: The Better Plants 2019 Better Project and Better Practice Presentations – Jan. 7

Better Plants created the Better Practice and Better Project Awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments in implementing and promoting industrial energy efficiency projects and programs. Join this webinar to learn more from exceptional 2019 applicants and award winners.



BIA Tribal Resilience Program Funding – Jan. 9

Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals is honored to host the BIA for this webinar which will provide information about available funding for Tribal activities that support Tribal adaptation and resilience planning, ocean and coastal management planning, and relocation, managed retreat, or protect-in-place planning and design activities for coastal and riverine communities.



No Code. No Confidence: A Campaign to Strengthen National Building Code Awareness – Jan. 14

Building codes are a powerful tool in limiting the impacts of disasters, but many residents don’t know what standards their cities and towns require for new construction, retrofitting, or update. Homeowners and renters might just assume that the buildings they live in are adhering to the most recent and safest standards.


2020 Building HOME Webinar Series – January 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 2019

The virtual deliveries of Building HOME provide an overview of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), including the latest requirements codified in the HOME Final Rule. Through these trainings, participants become familiar with all program activities, including homeowner and homebuyer, rental housing, Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), and Community Housing Development Organization activities. TBRA is presented during the first half of the final Office Hour for each series to allow the final session to focus on Rental Housing.



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