Big Time in D9


We are excited to announce that registration for the 2021 CEP 4-H Virtual Youth Lab is live. The link to registration is on the attached flyer, as well as below. The Youth Lab summer program reaches underserved teens in 9th, 10th and 11th grades from throughout the  State of Texas. The 4-H and Youth Development Unit of the College of Agriculture and Human Sciences at Prairie View A&M University hosts the virtual camp to introduce young people to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers in agriculture. There... Read More →

Tom Green County Whiz Bang Shoot

Horse Validation LATE ($20) DEADLINE

4-H horse validation is now open on 4-H Connect.  Horse validation will be open from March 1st through May 1st and the cost will again be $10 per horse through April 15th and $20 per horse from April 16th through May 1st.  The updated 4-H connect will only be accepting credit cards for payment. A few reminders: Each validation must include front view, right side view, and left side view images.  The entire horse should be included in the photo and marking should be clearly visible. If the... Read More →