Home School STEM Labs

  Not enrolled in 4H? Enroll in 4-H through www.4HOnline.com You will select a club, one or more project areas, and pay an annual enrollment fee. Each year on August 15th all membership in Texas 4-H goes to inactive and all youth and adult volunteers must re-enroll. Youth members are required to pay a $25.00 participation fee if enrolled by October 31st, and a $30.00 fee from November 1st to the completion of the 4-H year. https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/4honline_family_guide_welcome.pdf Sign up for the program by emailing Dr. Willa Williams.  

Home School STEMS Labs

Not enrolled in 4H? Enroll in 4-H through www.4HOnline.com You will select a club, one or more project areas, and pay an annual enrollment fee. Each year on August 15th all membership in Texas 4-H goes to inactive and all youth and adult volunteers must re-enroll. Youth members are required to pay a $25.00 participation fee if enrolled by October 31st, and a $30.00 fee from November 1st to the completion of the 4-H year. https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/4honline_family_guide_welcome.pdf Sign up for the program by emailing Dr. Willa Williams.