
Fort Bend County 4-H Awards Program Objective

The 4-H Awards Program is designed to recognize youth for their project work, leadership, and personal growth and development. The Awards Year runs the same as the 4-H year (September 1 through August 31).



Please complete the form below to receive an award at our annual 4-H Awards Banquet. 

This form has now closed. Please contact the Extension Office at (281) 342-3034 with questions.


National 4-H Project Pins were created to acknowledge youth who have completed a 4-H project during the 4-H year.

A  4-H Project has four components:

  1. Learning Experiences of 6 or more sequential learning experiences of 20-60 minutes in length totaling 2 hours or more.
  2. Community Service
  3. Leadership
  4. Exhibition of Project Work

Combining all these components allows members to reach the projects full potential and get the most out of it to have the greatest experiences possible. Click here to learn more about the four components of the 4-H project

To receive your award, you must complete the form below. Enter as many times as you would like depending on how many projects you’ve accomplished in the 2023-2024 4-H year. You will need to submit a new entry for every project completed.

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023-2024 4-H year.

*Applications will close on June 3rd*

[expand title=”Click here to complete application.”]

Project Pin Submissions for the 2021-2022 4-H have closed.


STAR AWARDS star_shooting - Copy

The Star Awards are a series of awards showing progression of 4-H involvement, including growth and diversification of both the 4-H member and their projects/events.  The series begins with the Rising Star (Step 1), Bronze Star (Step 2), Silver Star (Step 3), “I Dare You” Award (Step 4), and ultimately ending with the Gold Star (Step 5).  Each award may only be received once.

These awards were designed to be received in the sequence stated, but being a prior recipient of an award is not a requirement.  Once you have received a step award you may not apply for a lower step award (no regression). A 4-H Recordbook will need to be submitted with each of the star award.

[expand title=”List of Star awards available & Application”]

Rising Star–(JUNIORS) must be at least 8 and in the 3rd grade but not over 10 as of Aug. 31 of current 4-H year and must have completed at least one year in 4-H including current year
Bronze Star–(INTERMEDIATE) must be 11 years old but not over 13 as of Aug. 31, of current 4-H year and must have completed at least 2 years in 4-H including current year
Silver Star–applicants must be at least 14 years of age but not over 19 as of August 31 of the current 4-H year and have completed at least 3 years in 4-H including the current year.
“I Dare You”–applicant must be at least 15 years of age but not over 19 as of Aug. 31 of the current 4-H year and have completed at least 3 years in 4-H including the current year.
Gold Star–must be 15 years of age but not over 19 as of Aug. 31 of the current 4-H year and have completed at least 3 years in 4-H including the current year.

The deadline for submission is same due date as Record Book Turn In by 5:00 pm to the Extension Office.

Click here to download the application.



Outstanding Leaders are intermediate and senior age division youth as well as adult leaders who are nominated by clubs based on their leadership participation in 4-H and other activities.

The Hall of Fame Award is given to an individual, business, company, or other group who has contributed to the success of a local 4-H club and/or the county 4-H program. These individuals are nominated by clubs throughout the county.

[expand title=”Outstanding Leaders and Hall of Fame Criteria and Application”]

Intermediate Leaders are 4-H members that should be in at least the 6th grade August 31 of the current 4-H year and have three (3) years of 4-H experience. The intermediate leader works as an assistant to and under the supervision of an adult or senior leader.

Senior Leaders are 4-H members that should be in at least 9th grade as of August 31 of the current 4-H year. They should be able to accept full responsibility for a 4-H club, project group, short-term group, or special activity. They must have served as an active intermediate leader one (1) year immediately prior and have three (3) years of 4-H experience. It is recommended that intermediate and senior leaders work with younger 4-Hers in the range of third grade to fifth grade.

Adult Leaders must have been a 4-H leader and/or manager for five (5) years.

The Hall of Fame Award may be presented to an individual, business, company, or organization (not a present 4-H leader or 4-H parent) that has contributed to the success of the county 4-H program.

The deadline for submission is same due date as Record Book Turn In by 5:00 pm to the Extension Office.

Click here to view/download the application!


Senior Cords and Stoles of Gratitude

Graduation from high school is a milestone in any youths life. Fort Bend County 4-H would like to mark the event by giving all active 4-H seniors a token to display all their hard work and dedication to the 4-H program. Fort Bend County 4-H is ask seniors to select either Cords or Stoles of Gratitude to wear during your graduation ceremony to show your 4-H accomplishments on your special day.

4-H Stole of Gratitude 4-H Graduation Cords
4-H Stole of Gratitude 4-H Graduation Cords

[expand title=”Cords or Stoles Submission Form”]

This form has closed. Please contact the office at (281) 342-3034 should you have any questions.


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