Tag Archives: wellness

Benefits of Power Walking

By: Bridgette Wilson How do you jumpstart an out-of-shape body that has no extra energy or tenacity to endure what I thought of exercise as cruel and unusual punishment? Little did I know taking some brisk walking strides would be the key to changing my life and moving beyond my fears. The basic definition of ‘power walking’ is often referred to as ‘fitness walking’ or ‘fast pace walking’. According to WebMD, research suggests: “Every hour you spend walking may add 2 hours to your life.” Brisk walking can… Read More →

Recap: Lunch & Learn- Healthy Breakfast and Snacks

On April 24, 2017 We got to do our third Lunch and Learn at the Travis County Office. This lunch and learn was all about the importance of healthy breakfast and snacks. First, Sonia went over some material from our Step Up Scale Down class about the importance of healthy snacks and breakfasts. She further explained how to pair items together for an optimal breakfast or snack option. We also spoke about timing of these meals and appropriate calorie ranges for them. Then, Sonia reviewed what she taught… Read More →

24 Tips for Healthy Aging

We all want to age well. Who hasn’t read about people in their 90s who are still vibrant and healthy? You may think they we’re just blessed with great genes, and yes, genes are important—as is luck. But so are many lifestyle factors. How you eat, exercise, and safeguard your physical and emotional health are keys to longevity. Clink the link below to discover 24 tips to help increase your chances of living a long, healthy life.   View Full Article: http://www.berkeleywellness.com/self-care/preventive-care/lists/24-tips-for-healthy-aging/slideid_3336